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Everything posted by Nintendao

  1. Why did you give Jim five hugs but only three to each of us? I just figured the Marblehug needed a little extra fuel in order to travel to Heaven.
  2. daily lurker

    Welcome aboard, @starfire! It's always nice to hear people find value here, and look forward to interacting. As for tips how to quiet the mind, well, nothing comes to mind at the moment but i'll keep you posted if something does.
  3. To this I might add, the ANERISTIC PRINCIPLE, a hidden gem of Discordianism, reveals that no matter what filters we keep devising to drape over chaos, ultimate reality is ultimately unknowable. So, why not just have a ball and squint sideways at the world, making of it whatever one will, in whatever way best suits their goals. Provided they aren't hurting anyone.
  4. Haiku Chain

    A scene from a dream drifts about like a balloon on wistful sea breeze
  5. Yesssss, I love hugs, hugs all around please. 🥰 I do hope Marblehead is somewhere pleased with the somewhat turbulent but also IMO never not-loving emotional arc of this thread. Rest in natural great peace Marblehead, you're a good one. Aw shucks, yous Guys* *AND Gals.. and Ghosts. and Yoshis
  6. StarGazers

    "On the North American evening of December 10, Venus and Saturn have their conjunction."
  7. I am confident though, that LimA always accepts the boot as a prompt to meditate even more in earnest, thus the whirlwind may be exactly what was needed to waft our collective sentiment to even higher heavens. 😇
  8. Moderation by unilateral indignation seems fine by me, given the circumstances. Sometimes people knowingly push the limits of getting away with BS, or even totally innocently get caught up in acting a little too much a fool. AS LONG as hasty bans are not permanent, but a swift and potent kick into the penalty box can be extremely educational. I so tend to read Sean's "attacks" as less viscous than self-aware sardonicism:
  9. Say that three times fast 😅
  10. StarGazers

    Hey now Saturn is right where Jupiter was 16 days ago.
  11. How to be on topic?

    Alan Watts is the jam. I was going to explain how that video explains how attempting to explain how to stay on topic introduces a troublesome grasping of grasping for control over troublesome grasping, but one cannot drink up the ocean with a fork!
  12. How to be on topic?

    So topic=love after all?
  13. How to be on topic?

    Same! Even better, when I read: I pictured actually drinking the sun, as when a dog lapped up water. Though I literally would not doubt that either, considering..
  14. How to be on topic?

    ... Now for the most important part of all, here comes your final test. I so hope for dear God that you pass this one: When you say "follow it". What is "it"? While Nungali no doubt ponders this important final test, may I venture one point of clarification? Are you looking for an answer other than the purely grammatical? *Actual Spoiler* (nungers don't cheat off my answer!)
  15. It's really very moving to listen But then the second-to-last song...
  16. How to be on topic?

    Exuberance of verbosity in positive yet invasive repetition need not be perceived as aggressive unless perpetrated in deliberate opposition to an expressed desire for focused conduct within a given discourse. To topple the walls of Jericho with the sound of trumpets is an admirable feat, to be sure. To blow said trumpets within one's own house, would this not be foolhardy?
  17. How to be on topic?

    Wait really? I hope that is some kind of metaphor. In any case, just remain respectful and dial it back when anyone explicitly asks you to!
  18. How to be on topic?

    This thread is just begging to go horribly/wonderfully off topic. Ever more infinitely and intricately off topic. But the topic of topics themselves seems too limited a topic. Is this a serious request to describe specific behaviors that would be considered on-topic? Or more a rhetorical prompt to introspection and questioning what is a topic anyway, and isn’t there really only one infinite and ever-present topic after all? Some topics are actually specific, and best served by an academic stance. Or at least considered actual content that could be useful or interesting to someone looking for something specific. Really how would you feel in a classroom if you were trying to learn about rectangles, and someone keeps talking about how much they like soda? All different kinds of soda, and their different attributes and applications. Defiantly claiming to be on topic because soda often comes in cans, which are rectangles, at least when viewed from the side. So there I just proved that rectangles are really just cylinders, but from a more limited point of view, so studying rectangles is pointless once you know the truth. Now some people might get a kick out of this, and even be thankful to learn that cola could be used to clean rust off metal, and other expanded knowledge. But what if you had actually paid to learn about rectangles that day!? Eventually you’d have to run that soda chugging bum right out on a rail, if they refused to stop. Sorry, I guess that is more of an example of why to stay on topic, but not how.
  19. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    Woohoo! I shall now go sit in a lotus.
  20. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    What if they’re just sending you a Christmas card?
  21. Haiku Unchained

    Here's one for the whimsical immortal Lan Caihe (藍采和). Peaceful blue orchid, dozing half-blitzed in the snow, where's your other shoe? Who's your favorite Baxian (八仙)?
  22. Haiku Chain

    cadence marching on left, right, left, to the beat of a different drummer
  23. Haiku Unchained

    Alleviate pain By forging a wiggly chain More like a noodle