Hi guys,
Im new to this forum so dont know what to expect. A little backstory on me: have been searching for truths in life for a long time, have a nagging urge to delve into spiritual and philisophical circles like this. Have read about Christianity, Hinduism, several yoga practices, Taoism, and various practices within it. I feel that chi kung could give me the most immediate help in opening the doors to further searching. But I cannot sense my chi. I have only begun practicing, and I understand that it may take time and definitly will take practice. I am regularly practicing, but I have heard stories of people who have not felt their chi for several years. Some may say that it will come to each at their own time, but I believe that this is an excuse for unawarness of effective methods. So my request is for anyone to give me insight on how to fasttrack my awareness of chi, may it be through books, opinions, or experience. Thanks so much!