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Everything posted by dawn90

  1. You really have been affected by the Catholic Church haven't you. I removed the video but I have to say that what he said at least in the video I subscribe to. To enfasis that point.
  2. I'll remove it. But I had no idea it was so triggering. But Ralis. The reason I put this video was to support my argument that the heart can be deceitful. That was the link. I'll write another post. PS: I thought the tone he used was actually pretty soothing to me bit obviously you know things about him that I don't.
  3. You've got experience with Billy Graham?
  4. I think he means being overcharged, in the head area. Higher chakras more activated than the lower ones.
  5. Is everything that I can feel. As a human being. Should be felt? Or do I have to pick and choose, and in order to pick and choose I need a system that tells me what I should pick and choose? Sometimes I feel we can go one way or the other: either. You suppress. Or you completely let go, without restriction. I agree with Old3bob. There has to be some sort of healthy balance or else you just fall into chaos. I think. Especially, if you've been a victim of an oppressive system the temptation is to go completely the other way and say. I'm not restraining myself in anything. I'm living my life, now. And no person will ever tell me. What to do. I think that's a grave mistake.
  6. Well. Here. You're not talking about genuine nurturing, what I was talking about is that an abuser can use the nurturing type of caring in order to manipulate you, an example would be, somebody driving you up. I mean energetically. Like being comforting. Soothing. Saying you can trust them. Raising your energies through him. The trouble with that is that you start relying on him for moving up your energies. Lets say I was an abuser. And you were down. I wouldnt go at you shouting at you - especially if I wasn't your father. Now that wouldn't work. What would work. Is offering you things that make you feel good - a substitute parent. I would try to raise your energies knowing full well that by doing so I become your master. Now how does that happen? By installing triggers: If I move your energies, I do all the work. I'm indicating to you not just that I love you but that your energies can't be moved without me exercising power on them. My will is what moved you. Therefore my will is what can bring you down. Next step when I've got my little Schroedingerscat all enamored with me. I start becoming unavailable. Like we were going out. I start moving away, and you'll soon find that you can't live without me. You've been effectively turned into my slave; and I; into your master. Why? Because I've raised energies that can't be sustained up without forcing them up. If I'm an abuser. I'm naturally stronger than you. I contain; in my body. A greater ability to hold energy. Now. On the other hand you're not as energetically developed as me. You can't hold it - unless I'm there to help you. I force those energies up knowing they'll come down when I leave. When they do leave you when they drop down I'll reapper maybe lift them up - and put you under a cycle again. I do that a few times; up and down, up and down - until you're more down. And you'll be on your knees: begging. Begging for me to stay, and you'll do anything to please me just as long as I stay with you forever and ever. You're in bondage. Another good example fo this is simply taking drugs. Drugs promise you mind expansion; spiritual breakthroughs, that you can't sustain, and your body keeps asking for more. You drop down and soon find yourself addicted to the substance that gives you what you cannot effectively give yourself, that must be the reason that gurus aren't supposed to work for you but help you get there by yourself. A good father would be aware of this, I believe this is called triggers. You know when your parents show up and you become a child again. That sort of thing. They own you. So that I would say would fall under the responsability of the father, if he is a father that loves you. But to see the wisdom is difficult. I hope that helps. Warning - might be triggering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PEJ3AgOnb4
  7. Wait til you start hearing about it.
  8. How do we know?

    Battle for the heart.
  9. I had to re-read a bit what I just said because I couldn't understand where you were coming from, but, what I meant was that, motherly love was more immediate nurturing, and being uplifted no matter what. All of this taking caricatures just to make it understandable. But that in opposition to that: male nurturing was more about nurturing your character - which had a slow burn to it. I said that aftewards I believe. Of course. At times: a male abuser can use that as an excuse just to hurt somebody. Different disguises, by different abusers. Women can use the nurturing facade to keep hold of a child, and not let him go. You can nurture somebody - make them feel fantastic - but what you're actually doing is breaking their character to control them - different ways to control - different ways to break somebody - whether it be up. Or down. But ultimately you drive them down. PS: the second video in my previous post explains how I see it.
  10. Well, if you're speaking from experience, I'm sorry. But what I was getting at. Was that you can find just as many cases where women impose their law - and it's not reported. Precisely because their modus operandi doesn't involve physical violence. So there's an unknown - that's what I was getting at - not dismissing the cases of abusive men. But to idealize women. That's wrong. Human beings are just as capable, whichever side of the aisle they come from. That's all. I sense. Strongly. A deep wound in this thread when it comes to abusive men. There seems to be some kind of resentment and perhaps underlying hatred and misundertandign towards men. In my opinion, this comes from a lack of understanding of how an archetypical male loves. And I see this. It's tied a lot to morality because that's a typical male way of caring for somebody. You want that person to be well - but not in the sense of just being lifted. Which is hard to convey when you oppose it to the female way of showing love which is more about nurturing. Being lifted. Christianity cares about you in the type of person you become. It doesn't lift you whenever you want to be lifted; it lifts you where you need to be lifted, where you must. See the difference? So if you have too much of that you get resentment. Mothers have to act as a counterbalance and if you get too much of one or the other you end up imbalanced - perhaps even as a fanatical dualist or non-dualist. I believe that is the expression of that. My view is that non-duality is inside duality, as good and bad is the ultimate duality in my opinion. The father giving you the correct shape. And the mother earth filling it - with her love. But both of these are loving, just in completely different ways. I see; the love of the father as one that is appreciated after a long life and you get it. Whereas the mother's love, is more instantaneous. Like Penny singing soft kitty to your ear and you feel soothed. Lets get it straight: all of us need a father and a mother to be present even if at least in our hearts to know the full extent of what love is. We just can't do without. That's my take on it. Room of spirit, and time
  11. Try this meditation for the heart. I've been working this week with my subtle body and I found that it was instrinsically linked with my arms and legs. I've been working the fingers. And the toes. Which are like the fingers but at the bottom. And it's like letting the subtle body progressively in. Highly recomend it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4D-RjlJ6vWw
  12. You're coming from the belief that physical violence is always worse than a well- placed word. That's exactly what people used to say about incest and pedophilia. And how did that turn out. Turns out it's a huge problem. By the way I'm not attacking women, I love women. But it would be foolish to think that they're any less capable than men of inflicting damage. Let's not be naive, or idealise them. They're human. And therefore more than capable. Besides, statistics only make sense if people are willing to denounce them. It's still an unknown, in my opinion. Men have been getting a bad rap because you can't call the police for someone throwing a dirty word at you; no matter how much it hurt you. So; the whole thing is skewed. But; you might see it differently.
  13. Masculinity and rape, have nothing to do with one another. The reason people might think so is for the simple reason, that, female perpetrators are never denounced. It's for the same reason we tend to associate domestic violence with violent men and never think of more passive forms of violence. Women do it just as much as men. Whether they get caught, is another question.
  14. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CdJzqYlJYcT/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=
  15. How do we know?

    Give it time a bit; it's ajusting to your heart.
  16. I think the light body develops as you develop your hands and feet. And then your elbows; joints. And the diferent chakras around the arms and legs that you can find. Like putting on a coat. That's what I'm sensing.
  17. It's still nothing compared to michael jackson's.
  18. You can see; a car; as something containing petrol; or as something running on petrol. Depends what you value. A car is a car no matter what. You could probably dismantle it as long as you have what looks like a car, most people would say it's a car. If you put petrol on the floor there's no way people would call it a car. A car uses petrol, petrol doesn't use a car. The essence of the car if you go by the soul of the car you could argue. Is the petrol. It lives by it. But still. Nobody would call a car just by looking at it's petrol. Without shape you might as well call every car petrol. You distinguish things; you care about things because you prefere one shape from another - I'm responding to the idea that seeing everything the same leads to greater compassion and empathy; in my opinion it doesn't, because everything is the same. Your likes; and dislikes must be as strong as each other - even for enlightenment: you must "hate" not being enlightened. You clearly don't like it, why else would you be doing what you are doing? You want, this and that and the other thing. And you're not doing anything that isn't that. You couldn't move if you were not dual.
  19. How do we know?

    Could this be a test?
  20. How do we know?

    Could this be a test?
  21. How do we know?

    Not a small thing. Considering your situation.
  22. How do we know?

    And just at this moment? Still feeling low?
  23. You know what I got it. A dualist is a guy with a map. and the non-dualist doesn't have a map, but is a really good driver. And together they form the perfect combination where one is supposed to indicate. And the other gets the job done. A bit like in rallys. The dualist would be the one with the map. Of course. On the other hand the non.dualist doesn't have a map but has all the technical skills. The dualist. He knows where is A. Where is Z. And we have to go through here to get it. The non-dualist can't see that far. But what he does see. Is all the complexities involved in order to do it. He's an energy manipulator. He has understanding of the subtleties of the universe he just doesn't know how to discriminate. The dualist he knows what he knows. He knows the road. Lets go. There's no need to waste our time on other things. After all. The road to heaven is through a narrow road. It's there. From the perineum to the top of head. "Don't waste your time looking over there - it's over here." They go together. And the non-dualist is able to remove all obstacles that the dualist although skilled isn't nearly as subtle and could get stuck, if the non-dualist wasn't there to help a bit. The road is from A to Z, that we know. We know how many letters approximitely there is between them. What we don't know is in between. The unknown; which we can't see. From A to B, from B to C and so on. We'll have to rely on a non-dualist for that, meanwhile I'll keep your shoulders straight and I'll keep you on course, until we get to Z and into heaven again as a dualist but this time with the spirit of Christ. We've made it buddy - and we set off into the sunset. We started as a dualist. Traveled as a non-dualist. And finished as a dualist again.
  24. How do we know?

    In God's hands.