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Everything posted by Jessup2

  1. Sharing Personal Experiences

    Experience: Death Notice I was in Germany when about 3 in the morning I woke up startled from a dead sleep, knowing that my friend’s mother had passed. She had bone cancer and had lived 10 years with it, never complaining much. I called the house, and her daughter answered the phone. She confirmed that Mom had just passed away, and was surprised that I was calling without being notified.
  2. Sharing Personal Experiences

    Experience: Don’t hit me.... I was reading, which is a very common hobby of mine and very automatic. I have a way of holding a paperback in my right hand with one finger holding the page while the rest of my hand holds the book closed on it while I do things. I have lost track of the page I am reading many times, drifting into a dazed trance and reading entire books while they pass before my eyes like a movie. I am then quite amazed at how quickly I read the whole book, and how much of it I retain. On this occasion, I was reading in the afternoon, and I suddenly found myself standing in the hallway, my book in hand, finger holding my spot. I was not sure what I was doing there and glanced around me to try and remember why I came to the front door hallway. I heard my roommate’s truck pull up outside, the dent in the flywheel housing made a telltale ‘ding’ every time the driveshaft rotated past it. I waited there, heard him coming up the walk outside, boots to concrete. Then he came through the door and punched me in the face, knocking me to the ground. At this point, the only clue that this might not be real was the fact that it didn’t hurt to be punched in the face or fall down. I was still holding the page in my book. Then the strangest thing happened, I got up and hugged him, telling him it was ok, I totally understand. This was not in any way what I would have normally done, and I was certainly not in control of my actions. I was simply a witness to this like it was a very, very realistic dream. Just as suddenly, I was back on the couch, reading the same sentence over and over again. Probably about the third time into the sentence, I realized what had just taken place and felt like “I was back to reality”. So, I did what most people would do, stuck my finger in the book to hold my place and went to that hallway to see if it looked the same as it did a minute ago in my strange experience. It did. And to my surprise, the track pulled up outside, that familiar ‘ding’ of the flywheel telling me it was indeed my roommate. I stood there in that hallway as everything repeated just like in my vision, the boots coming up the walk, the door opened
 but this time I said, “Don’t hit me
” and backed away. The surprised look on his face was interesting. He said, “oh, wow, tell me what you saw!” So I repeated the experience to him. And he told me the following. He had just broke up with his girlfriend, and felt angry. He felt I would understand the feeling of just wanting to punch something, so while he was driving home, he was imagining that, punching me in the face and me saying that I understood ahd giving him a hug

  3. Sharing Personal Experiences

    Experience: Love yourself I was in bed, getting ready to sleep. I had decided to focus on a spot behind and above me as stated in one of the instructional books about astral projection. Started my breathing techniques for relaxation, moving my focus to one foot, heavy, then the other foot, heavy, then one leg, heavy, the other leg heavy. Breath, hold, exhale, hold
 suddenly a loud booming voice startled me out of my practice
 “You can’t love others until you learn to love yourself!” I opened my eyes, startled, and it was morning. I was in the same position, the covers were not moved an inch from a moment ago when I laid down to rest, and I was still tired as if I had not slept yet. Yet I had lost at least 7 hours of time in one instant.
  4. T`ai Chi Tu and Fish

    Here is my humble opinion, with some speculation. In my DNA, it is the other way around. Roots in ancient origin locations show that the wandering people came from many different forms of root DNA, and mutated along the pathway to other lands, as they bred with each other, and as the energy and food supply in that area changed. At one point, the world was reduced to 300 women. So there must have been a major event. We can trace the mutations of every woman today to each of these women. So, back to the source, and show that there were 300 distinct women, where the number of males is unknown, and men retain much of the DNA from their father, which stays pretty solid for around 1,000 years at a time. I am simply quoting from the experts, who have probably studied much more indepth than I ever care to. I am from Tara, so haplogroup T, and Barbara Cilli, founder of the Order of the Dragon, practitioner of the dark arts, who was locked up in a castle for the remaining years of her life with her familiar, throwing young men out of the tower that dared to venture close enough to fall prey to her. A commonly known relative is Vlad. Not that the change in DNA is either good or bad, or adds or subtracts from the balances or abilities of any particular people. I am sure the large variety of intermingling is going to produce some very interesting energy configurations. However, there can be, I presume, certain things passed down. We see them as maternal mutations currently, and they are as clear as a bell. So perhaps these mutations can, and probably will, define ability or lack of same? I call the women of my own line "witches", sometimes with a "b". The looks and the nature of these people stays, no matter if they move away from family, each other, or are adopted. Something is so strong that they are basically cold and cruel in the basic configuration, and very strong in ways of energy and abilities. There is obviously the influence of location on the planet, as the planet is aware and energy is different at different locations, interacting with the people who live there. There is obviously the influence of diet on the energy of the people eating particular things in abundance. The same is true of the water we drink and what it contains or is lacking in. There is obviously the influence of spiritual teachings and contrived family units and social thinking. Whether belief in spirits is there from birth, or reincarnation, or in the holy trinity. There is obviously the influence of the flow of energy in time and space, the karma, the will of all in charge, the force of destiny, etc. I do think there have been some very advanced civilizations on this planet. I do think practices in esoteric and other forms has been mutated and convoluted over time, and that the fall of certain civilizations is because it was clear and taught to everyone. At some point, they created monsters, much like my many-great grandmother Barbara and cousin Vlad. And these were perhaps the reason for the downfall. Rotten eggs. Thus the secrecy and difficulty today for others trying to learn. Putting enough actual blockades in the way, physically, genetically, mentally, spiritually, has kept the human race from total destruction of themselves and the planet. Perhaps we are the fallen angels... Stay fluid my friends
  5. Harvesting Energy

    Recapitulation? Any forms of this in Dao? Recapitulation is a core Toltec technique used to heal emotional charges. On a deeper level, it is used to reclaim energy and return it to self. One purpose of recapitulation is to eliminate emotional charges. Emotional charges cause one to misperceive the world around them and make it impossible to perceive the Nagual with clarity. For example, if a young girl is relentlessly teased about her curly hair by her father, she may become emotionally charged. Later, when she is a adult, whenever someone compliments her, particularly her hair, she becomes angry. She may not know why compliments cause her to get angry as she doesn’t remember how her father used to tease her as a young child. What is worse is that she misperceives another person’s good intent, i.e. giving her a compliment, as teasing her about her looks. This misperception causes upset both in her life and other people in it. The average person is full of emotional charges, many that they are not aware of as they were suppressed as painful memories during childhood. This causes the average person to misperceive the world and the people in it. Systematic recapitulation decharges emotions and frees one up to perceive the world clearly. Recapitulation releases negative emotions that are trapped in one’s subconscious freeing up their life. Many people have a habitually negative emotional state, or are moody for reasons they do not know why. More times than not, the reason lies in the suppressed emotional charges that lie in their subconscious. On a deeper level, recapitulation is used to reclaim one’s energy. Everywhere one has lived they leave an energetic piece of themselves. In every person you interact with you live energetic cords or filaments that, unless reclaimed back to self drain you of your vital energy. This is particularly true of sexual encounters. Through the consistent use of recapitulation you restore the vital energy necessary to progress on a spiritual path. Most do not realize how much energy is required to break free... The theory of recapitulation is simple. Every interaction you have had with other people in your life has tied up personal energy. Each memory you have requires energy to keep it alive and maintain the emotions you have about the encounter.You will be surprised after doing even a partial recapitulation at how much energy it was taking on a daily basis to keep those things from the past alive in the present. Shamans know, or have seen, that we as human beings do not have an infinite amount of personal energy. The physical process is simple and is as follows: You can make a list - of people, experiences, life events - and follow it, not a bad idea actually, or pick a time period of your life that you are going to recap. The technique is very simple. Begin by arranging some time that you won't likely be disturbed. You will need a space that compresses your energy. A closet would do, or even putting a heavy blanket over you will work as well. Quiet your mind and relax, setting the intent to retrieve your energy trapped in your past. Bring up a specific memory or event. Get it pictured right in front of your face in as much detail as possible. (Colors, sounds, smells, people involved, etc.) Turn your head to the left and exhale, then slowly turn your head from left to right drawing in the energy of the scene in front of you with your breath (inhale). When your head is completely to the right again, turn slowly back to the left exhaling the foreign energy (that which is not yours) that exists from the scene. Keep sweeping the scene until you feel 'done' with it. Go on to the next event on your list, or that comes to mind, and keep doing this until you have worked through each one. Be aware of what you are doing and stay focused. If you're just starting the recap, I would suggest fifteen to twenty minutes a day just to start out, give it two weeks, then take stock of where you are. When you are finished the first time you may feel a little lightheaded, that's normal. It means something is changing. If the memories you are working with are especially painful or traumatic, it may take a number of recapitulations to completely suck the energy back out of them. You will know it is working when you recall one of the memories and find that the emotions it was evoking in you have lessened, or even completely disappeared. Sometimes you may look at them and feel like they aren't even your memories - they seem as though they happened to someone else. This is a start; you may want eventually to do a complete recapitulation.
  6. Cutting the root of desire

    I agree with much of Gunther's responses. In my own humble opinion, it has come to my attention that the condition is simply part of the position, frequency, state of where you are in the energy body flow. The more "dense", the more greed, lust, self, ego is present. As you move away from this, with meditation and practices that actually create a new "dent" or a new "position" for conscious awareness to rest, these issues no longer exist. But you may create new issues, or new levels of crazy, or some other unnecessary dent as you go. Each person will have a particular configuration of energy, and has probably "plucked" the strings of energy related to desires often enough that it has become quite a dent, and very difficult to smooth it out again or take away from. As we have seen in literature, some of these energy strings become very permanent, personality items that are dragged across the universe, however strange or quirky. So, in this case, the new dent becomes the place without, the place where these things do not exist "naturally" and here the awareness exists without any forcing it, or energy expenditure. It is natural, a natural shift. I have discovered that many items are like this. Extreme joy is suddenly present, without effort, for example. Simply because that string of energy has been energized by your own awareness of it. Plucked, if you will, like a guitar string. We are none of this, we are simply witness to it all and are allowed to experience it. Touching on it, bathing in it, but not really any of it. The dent in the sphere of energy is simply that, a dent. A spot where your awareness comes to rest and assembles the world around us, and how you interact with that world. By becoming this awareness, and not what the awareness is energizing, we stay forever fluid. I do not think it is the only possible version of "me", or the only way of being, but it is part of my energy field. I can choose to activate some strings of energy, or not, by bundling the selected "better" strings of energy. The current bundle of energy strings, if it contains lust, greed, and other things you may find undesireable, is probably just a comfort zone created by your life and circumstance up to this point. As you create new avenues for expression and creation, new levels of meditation, and relax that death grip on that bundle, you will create new bundles of energy where your awareness sits. The more you sit there, the more normal and comfortable it becomes. Yet, in my humble opinion, you can and will slide around and sometimes visit that old dent. Just remember it is fleeting, not you, just a place to rest your awareness that you learned to use. Also remember, lust, greed, desire are not necessary for survival. The more you become the awareness itself, the floating witness, the less you "belong" to being tied down by dents in the energy sphere, the less you feel that these strings of energy define you or have any power over you. That was my humble opinion... Stay fluid my friends
  7. Daoist Winter practices Journal Reference: Maria Kozhevnikov, James Elliott, Jennifer Shephard, Klaus Gramann. Neurocognitive and Somatic Components of Temperature Increases during g-Tummo Meditation: Legend and Reality. PLoS ONE, 2013; 8 (3): e58244 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0058244 the diet and activities in winter should be adapted to enriching yin and subduing yang FOODS TO NOURISH YOUR KIDNEY JING: Fermented spirulina - try Super Spirulina Plus Miso Cultured vegetables Sea vegetables Millet Dark green leafy vegetables
  8. Hello all, Some of you may have seen some of the energy descriptions in many different forms, in other cultures, and as described by people who are under the influence. I am a fan of the energy sphere, with the fibers of energy inside matching up with fibers outside, the ball or spot, glow of awareness factor. Probably most akin to the Carlos Castaneda descriptions. I could go into very minute detail on that if anyone is not familiar with it. I see in Irish folklore and most of Christianity, there is the halo glow that becomes visible to even those who don't "see" energy plainly. I see Kirlian photography has captured an essence around things that extends beyond the physical form and actually remains intact even if you sever a portion of the physical, for quite some time, fading if you will. I see that in the energy sphere version, there are tentacles of energy emanating from the belly, like an apron, from the hands, and from the eyes. There are roots emanating from the feet. In this energy sphere version, it is like an onion, with layers, and that fibers of energy match from the inside of this sphere to the outside and connect. This connecting giving awareness of that energy, and supplying the perception and interaction with this world. Beyond these basic connections, and by increasing power, people become capable of connecting to more fibers, and thus connecting with more items that previously did not exist, and were not available in this time and space. Complete bundles of these fibers create complete and different worlds, with different laws (physics and string theory if you will). Energy centers, chakras, from my understanding, are simply movement of the point of awareness to "grab" and "bundle" another possible "group" of related energy fibers that exist externally, and internally, thus equalizing the pressure between the two and giving a mode for perception of. Please add your own energy body versions, how they compare, match or don't match... Thank you
  9. Energy Body Descriptions

    As I get used to where things belong I promise to get better :-) Certainly feel free to move wherever it is best.
  10. Where do I go from here?

    By the way, most of the time, Austism, Asperges and Dyspraxia means you may have a high natural content of bufotenin. The studies show it in poo content mainly, and they have no source yet. So it is assumed that it is somehow being manufactured in your large intestine and being reabsorbed. Probably dietary combined with particular bacteria, or even Archae, which most of us are missing these days. I have a spreadsheet someplace showing the differences between healthy controls and many different conditions, and many diseases. It is always visible in the bacteria household. If you are interested, let me know. I could save you from taking the wrong type of probiotics and feeding it in the wrong direction. If you Google that, see the links below also, you will see that it makes you very special, but it is much more difficult to release the mind or change levels. I was looking for an antidote for some time, but failed to find a good one. However, you can try to use activated charcoal sparingly, or some other substance to help absorb it so it can't leak through into the body. I presume that like most austistic folks, you have special abilities whether or not you have discovered them yet. And that your genetics allows for this bufotenin production. In addition, there is often a tyrosine and tryptophan processing issue, causing an abundance of some neurotoxic substances. It is best then to avoid high levels of it, such as seafood and most meats. Your body will use any tryptophan or tyrosine to produce both the drug and the toxins. These are what then cause the altered state of mind and the sometimes awkward social responses, or lack of control, and super focus, etc. Basically, you might just be too high. The charcoal will take some of that and bring you down. I hope that helps...
  11. Where do I go from here?

    I agree with the "dent" or "comfort" position of safety. The bundle of awareness, our senses, are very aware of sudden movement in energy, and too fast or too sudden can certainly create very damaging consequences, like a complete breakdown of, or expansion and death of, your person. As in slingshot effect, bounce, sudden illumination of too many fibers of energy at the same time... There are many "safe" practices in literature and studies. Most of them involve practices and movement in the mind first, or in your dreams, or in meditation. There you can create a dent first, a safe place to bundle your attention, and properly bind up enough fibers of energy to keep things safe and solid. The practices of "not doing" appear to help untangle the attention from all previous bundles and dents. Keeping things from becoming polluted or cross-contaminated, and letting the safety system relax since it is a familiar and safe spot to be. So in Tao, I presume this is the dantian? Being compressed chi, yin/yang, or a bundle of energy fibers that match external fibers, a dent in the sphere of light we are composed of. Moving that dent is limited. So you create another compressed zone in another location, and that dent has then a limited range of motion and depth. I presume some panic and resistance will happen also if you try to move the bundle past limitations, when instead you should be jumping from one dent, to the next dent. From my understanding, creating safe "dents" to practice in, and slowly but surely marching yourself away from one consolidated energy cluster "dent" to the next "dent" in an orderly fashion will help keep you sane, and safe. To do this without losing the self means that the self has to be minimal. Enough self to keep you conscious mind/awareness together, but not so much self that it clings to the usual position and energy flow with everything it can throw at you, which would be your basic survival items, hunger, thirst, sex drive, emotional outbursts, pains... whatever it can do to stop you. This is what it does, this is the job. To protect and keep us safe. To keep the energy from expanding into forever. To keep us in one bundle, one place, one safe position, one time and space connection. When the tiger eats another animal, we don't get angry at the tiger for being a tiger... Stay forever fluid my friends
  12. T`ai Chi Tu and Fish

    Silk trade routes carried much back and forth... They have found the corpses of Vikings along that route. So it goes way, way, way back...
  13. Please remember that my ranting is simply ranting. I practice without a teacher. I do my own thing. I owe nobody silence. I share no power with anyone who loans it to students, and I would never surrender myself to that form of slavery, no matter what the rewards. That being said, my experiences and my ramblings are mine. I read and compare notes between different belief systems, shamans, tao, christians, Celts, etc. I look to science to see what they miss, what might be hints and cross-connected. So in advance, if I am out of place for you, don't read it. If you have comments, keep them as your opinion or comments, and not some explosive attack, please. There is always much discussion concerning the ability to reach certain states of mind, connecting by stopping the dialogue, silence, internal silence, meditation mind, etc. People concern themselves quite a bit with good and evil, ways of life, diets, health, drinking, smoking, emotional control, and thought control, trying to be "clean" enough to be in contact with and receive energy flows, etc. So just other forms of obsession. Other ways to waste energy. I do think that the waking mind does some of that on purpose, to block things, to maintain control, to protect from the dangers of crossing certain scary energy planes... many reasons. From my own humble point of view, and having connected to the place between, the crack between the worlds, I can say for a fact that some things are stable and solid, waiting in one place. We (consciousness) are what moves towards it, or away from it. As we move towards the crack, we cloak ourselves with different clothing, different perception, a different way of feeling and thinking. While awake, we usually have a different cloak, heavy, worried, obsessed with drives, hunger, sex, pleasures. So there is no reason to worry or concern ourselves with what clothes we are wearing here, or there. It takes a lot of practices to drag your heavy burdens with you to that twilight mind. The more you live in that mind, the less important any of that becomes to you, naturally, and not in a forced manner. We may pray, for example, asking for something to come to us, or ask for favors, yet what happens, when it happens, is that we move to reach that point. That point having been stable and waiting in the same spot as always. We reach out to it, and do not draw it to us, but instead, we move to connect to it. In frequency talk, if we try to force a frequency to become a lower frequency, it just changes to the lower frequency and loses what it was. We have to let the higher frequency be the higher frequency and not try to force it to be lower, leaving the lower behind. Just ideas to give you some perspective... And, at that point, certain things lose importance. We forget about sex, about hunger, about pain. We can no longer judge if this is real or not real, it is simply happening, and we are suddenly a participating witness. I can see why it seems that, the more we live in that twilight mind, the less important many things become to us. It is no longer a struggle. It is not, I need a cigarette, but I will resist the urge. It is not, I am horny, but I will abstain and be celibate by forcing myself. That is simply using energy senselessly, or indulging yourself in controlling an urge, or indulgence in quitting. The true place where it no longer matters is between being awake, and asleep. I see that people can drag things from both directions. Dragging desires, issues, and bad habits from the waking state, but also dragging a sense of aloofness from the depths beyond normal waking consciousness. So being in this world, interacting with it, but not sucked into desires and material worry, because they don't have any place to resonate in this form of energy. Letting go, drifting into that state, shifts time, shifts sound, shifts perception. We are no longer what we are when awake. People commit to practices, repeating them over and over, hoping that these will produce the correct connection to the higher mind and/or balance the energies, or give them some powers, or supply better health, etc. An interesting point about repeating exercises, over and over, is that we begin to practice them in our mind, in our twilight, while "sleeping", or while meditating. This matches the stations of the cross exercises for Catholics, and many other forms of ritual, where the ritual or exercise is not really the point of that exercise. The point is, taking it with you to the place where these actions or exercises become very powerful. And only by repeating them can we coerce our twilight mind into repeating them, acting on them, and giving them enough importance. At that point we are exercising our other self, the only one with real power, the only one that survives death. The body perishes, and has nothing to do with the ability to light paper on fire, move objects, or heal other people. Feel free to add, comment, share....
  14. Does anyone know what "hero lights in one eye" would mean? According to legend, he had "Seven hero lights in one eye..."Ăș_Chulainn With that Cu Chulainn flung the spear at him with its handle foremost, and it passed through his head and killed nine on the other side of him. ...three distinct heads of hair—brown at the base, blood-red in the middle, and a crown of golden yellow. This hair was settled strikingly into three coils on the cleft at the back of his head. Each long loose-flowing strand hung down in shining splendour over his shoulders, deep-gold and beautiful and fine as a thread of gold. A hundred neat red-gold curls shone darkly on his neck, and his head was covered with a hundred crimson threads matted with gems. He had four dimples in each cheek—yellow, green, crimson and blue—and seven bright pupils, eye-jewels, in each kingly eye. Each foot had seven toes and each hand seven fingers, the nails with the grip of a hawk's claw or a gryphon's clench. He attacks the army and kills hundreds, building walls of corpses. (Irish: Aided Con Culainn, also known as Brislech MĂłr Maige Muirthemne). Medb conspires with Lugaid, son of CĂș RoĂ­, Erc, son of Cairbre Nia Fer, and the sons of others CĂș Chulainn had killed, to draw him out to his death. His fate is sealed by his breaking of the geasa (taboos) upon him. CĂș Chulainn's geasa included a ban against eating dog meat, but in early Ireland there was a powerful general taboo against refusing hospitality, so when an old crone offers him a meal of dog meat, he has no choice to break his geis. In this way he is spiritually weakened for the fight ahead of him Lugaid has three magical spears made, and it is prophesied that a king will fall by each of them. With the first he kills CĂș Chulainn's charioteer LĂĄeg, king of chariot drivers. With the second he kills CĂș Chulainn's horse, Liath Macha, king of horses. With the third he hits CĂș Chulainn, mortally wounding him. CĂș Chulainn ties himself to a standing stone to die on his feet, facing his enemies. This stone is traditionally identified as Clochafarmore, located near Dundalk. Due to his ferocity even when so near death, it is only when a raven lands on his shoulder that his enemies believe he is dead. Lugaid approaches and cuts off his head, but as he does so the "hero-light" burns around CĂș Chulainn and his sword falls from his hand and cuts Lugaid's hand off. The light disappears only after his right hand, his sword arm, is cut from his body. Conall Cernach had sworn that if CĂș Chulainn died before him he would avenge him before sunset, and when he hears CĂș Chulainn is dead he pursues Lugaid. As Lugaid has lost a hand, Conall fights him with one hand tucked into his belt, but he only beats him after his horse takes a bite out of Lugaid's side.
  15. Greetings fellow citizen scientists, practioners, interested souls, I am looking for references to entities in any practices or belief systems, that describe a non-communicating blue-white mass of what feels like electricity. This particular entity feeds on any emotions, favorite and easiest appears to be fear. The perception of this entity changes according to the emotion at the time of the encounter. So there is obviously a filter of some kind that assembles what you perceive for most people. And while one perceived bugs crawling all over himself, the visual for me was still blue and white sparks resembling an electrical cloud. Easiest to see by children, many adults are not aware of it, only one other noticed it as a shadow figure. From my own interaction, it seems to point to Orion's belt as "home". Doesn't seem to like people in general, but needs them for energy. It doesn't seem able to wander far from the earth fault zone where it is located. I was very interested in this because of the color and nature of the energy, which very much reminded me of a strong blue-white burst as practiced by masters, but magnified by hundreds of those, dancing around in a cloud. So many questions. What are they? Where do they really come from? Why do they need our "EMOTIONAL" energy. Is there a way to better communicate? Is it a drain or an exchange? Is there any benefit from this interaction? Many thanks in advance for feedback and conversation, Jessup
  16. Blue Electric Entities - Orionids?

    more like so:
  17. Blue Electric Entities - Orionids?

    The lack of heat or damage would destroy most of these theories as the explanation. The ability to "attack" people, absorb energy, and move about with intent is a main factor. Direction is not a projectile, hovering, grabbing, and particularly the blue intense lights like a cloud of blue sparkling fireflies ...
  18. The start to meditation is in all literature vague at best, long-winded, and so non-productive that many people bail on it before reaching any positive results except for a nap. Part of that is the funky descriptions, expectations, and sometimes thinking it is some kind of special condition to be reached or held onto with a mental deathgrip. Looking at this from another point of view, I looked at the practices of SW Native American tribes. From the old Celtic view. From other avenues of relgion and practices. The common ground is very interesting, from prayer to ritual and back again. And it points to some basics that don't require lotus positions or other difficult practices. We pass through a brain condition daily. It is not a foreign place. It is not something special. Holding it for a period of time longer than the short passage between being awake and being asleep is special, and the point of most practices. The "charge" point that people pass through while falling asleep appears to be enough to keep life going. One short spark is all it takes. So you would think that falling asleep over and over should increase the storage of energy. Dipping in and out of that state, if you will. Meditation is made even more difficult by special breathing techniques and body positions. Without which, the claims are, you will never make it. I disagree totally. I think that certain methods and techniques help move the mind and expectations into certain directions, but those are not for everyone, and are not the alpha and omega of accomplishing anything. They are simply, one way of many. And pursuit of them should be kept relative to the desire to keep traditions alive, but not held as the only way to reach Nirvana. Making special promises to not do this, or not share that, has become a tragic way of screwing people by many charlatans. But now we can measure them, and no chirp wave means they are full of crap and have no power, and should not be teaching anyone. One of the basic ideas is that you have to "store" energy, fill up your center or Dan Tien... This can supposedly take years, and if you don't graduate from this or that, you should give up and stop trying. Looking at masters, however, at their mental and emotional condition, whether they smoke, fight, drink, or have some serious moral and ethical issues, it appears that ethics and morals do not seem to matter one bit. Living clean and healthy doesn't seem to matter. They still get sick, they still die. Most of them at least. So accomplishing the things we see on YouTube or read about has nothing to do with how you think and feel, how good or bad a person you are, and probably many of the other things that typical religions try to force you into doing to become a master. There are forms of standing or sitting that do evoke a more extreme awareness of gravity, lowering your center of gravity is extremely important. More than likely, this is the awareness of the pull of gravity, like feeling sunshine, which is also moving at about the same speed as gravity. And now science can see that gravity also stimulates forms of photons, yet they seem unaware how they got there. Breathing is mentioned, as the "force" is contained in the air we breath. When in fact, breathing from the diaphragm actually stimulates the flow of spinal fluid. Anything that hurts the nervous system or causes nerve damage can block the flow. Insulators block the flow. Metals are good and solid conduits that can retain this energy. They are also dense, heavy, gravity attractive. So there is much more behind the scenes that science might still uncover about these practices. And that would make sense to the Western scientific mind, and make it easier to produce feedback equipment and create a means to better measure progress and better help us non-esoterics along the way. So what do we know about meditation and science? Brainwaves for one. Alphawaves are the basic strong measure when we observe meditation. Rolling your eyes upward and holding it produces almost immediate alpha waves. So add the eye roll to your practices. To stop yourself from falling asleep, there is a simple technique. Simply hold up one hand. If you become so relaxed that you might drift past the point where you should be, your hand will drop, and this motion can usually catch you before you drift into sleep. A sign that I have noticed, is the change in sound. Everything suddenly becomes louder, or sometimes an echo is generated. I have not found any science behind this yet. Of importance is also emotional energy, and interesting wordplay is E-motion. Without it, the energy does not seem to flow or focus. Also of importance are the visual techniques used by different cultures. The mind is capable of focusing attention on different points of the body, like moving your "attention" to different parts of the body, and visualizing light, expansion, contraction... feeling something tangible. Feeling the energy ball between the hands in Tai Chi is one of these, and after practice it does produce measurable "chirp" waves, which are the same waves detected when science measures gravity. So the assumption is that not only are we becoming more aware of gravity, and the flow of it, we are capable of snatching some form of energy from it, or it is the energy, or the photons are the energy. Regardless, we are capable of manipulating gravity, changing how it interacts with us, and thus producing chirp waves, which in turn stimulate CD34 stem cells, which in turn can heal almost instantaneously. What we can measure, is that the magnetic fields change, the stem cells change, temperatures change, visual sparks fly, people jerk like an electric shock when in contact with it, etc. So if ever there was a reason to practice meditation and awareness of gravity waves, there it is. Alone the stimulation of CD34 stem cells should be number one on the list. The other list, the one with iron skin, starting fires, defending yourself, may also be variations of these same sciences. Science is coming in fast. Please add your own science or experiments that have helped to improve practices, of any kind, since I am very sure the energy is the same, no matter what background or cultural ethnic origin.
  19. Detection of extraordinary large bio-magnetic field strength from human hand during external Qi emission It is generally accepted that more than 10(-6) gauss order magnetism was not detected in normal human condition. However, we detected 10(-3) gauss (mGauss) order bio-magnetic field strength from the palm in special persons who emitted External Qi ("Chi" or "Ki"). This detection was possible by special arranged magnetic field detection system, consisted of a pair of 2 identical coils with 80,000 turns and a high sensitivity amplifier. Each of the coils were rolled 80,000 turns accurately, and were connected in series in opposite direction, actuating as a gradiometer. We measure bio-magnetic field strength in 37 subjects with this detection system. The only 3 subjects of them exhibited strong bio-magnetic field of 2 to 4 mGauss in frequency range of 4 to 10 Hz. This magnetic field strength was greater than that of normal human bio-magnetism by 1,000 times at least. A simultaneous measurement of bio-magnetic field strength and its corresponding bio-electric current was examined in one subject. During exhibiting such strong bio-magnetism, its corresponding electric current was not detectable. Therefore, the extra-ordinary large bio-magnetic field strength can not derive from internal body current alone, hence the origin of the large bio-magnetism is still unknown. We suppose that the extraordinary large bio-magnetic field strength might be originated from "Qi" energy in the oriental medicine or in the oriental traditional philosophy.
  20. Frequencies Cell Types Human Peripheral Blood
  21. Emission of extremely strong magnetic fields from the head and whole body during oriental breathing exercises. ANOMALOUS ELECTROSTATIC PHENOMENA IN EXCEPTIONAL SUBJECTS
  22. Greetings fellow citizen scientists, practioners, interested readers, I watched with great interest when the Nobel prize was awarded because they finally recorded gravity waves, for the first time in history... and they were measured with a chirp wave similar to lightspeed. I have long felt that many practices are bending time/space and with it influencing or using gravity, or the other way around. As I started digging on chi and chirp waves, I found that they see them generated during practices, and during healing, during certain breathing exercises, etc. So, the chirp wave function example was, out of 35 who claimed to be "healers", only 3 actually produced chirp waves. This could be a very interesting way to see if things are flowing, or if somebody wishes they were a healer. Through further study, I discovered that similar waves are being used in science to stimulate a short burst of CD34 stem cells during such healing practices. This in turn creating an almost instantaneous healing, depending on where the chirp waves were focused, intensity, etc. While this is happening, there is a 25.75 to 30 degree bend in the magnetic field, but without electrical force. Which simply means that the flow is parallel and not perpendicular to the magnetic field, but bending the field at the same time. A simple array of compasses around anyone practicing should relfect this change in magnetics, and also could be a wonderful device to measure with immediate results, helping to guide proper development and further research. I have a number of links to studies, if anyone is interested. Here are my notes: Magnetic field oscillations were created between 20 - 30 Hz then slowing to 8.9 Hz and creating a chirp that slows further to < 1 Hz, at which point they reverse and increase in frequency. 1 - 8 milliGauss peak-to-peak with a 60 - 120 second duration. Others were measured at 4 - 10 Hz with a peak of 2 - 4 milliGauss (200 - 400 mT). The normal human body is < 10-negative-6 Gauss. Healers are creating 10-negative-3 Gauss, huge difference! The description uses sinusoidal waveforms. Thus fluctuating on either side of a neutral space. The photons increase during this. Gravity is a chip wave. The earth wobbles through this chirp wave at 23.5 degrees to magnetic pole and 49.5 degrees. Gravity is 35 - 250 Hz. During measurement, a magnetic compass needle rotated about 30 degrees at chirp wave, more likely the measurement should be more accurately done, suggest a probable 25.75 degrees as more accurate to perpetuate the theory of torus magnetic line directions. Just the Qigong breathing exercise was enough to change the magnetic field dramatically. However, there is no change in the electrical current that would correspond to magnetic fluctuations, showing an apparent parallel flow. Here a perpendicular flow would induce a magnetic-electric current. There have been experiments using a cone-shape to capture and store the energy flow, which has been successful, as well as “charging” a number of non-magnetic objects with energy that can be recalled again later. The cone shape can be seen through history with fingertip covers, hats and crowns, dunce caps, pyramids and other shapes. The Tai Chi and Qi Gong masters use the exercises to lower gravity, or the center of gravity as the practice more accurately states. So they are learning to “feel” gravity while charging up energy. When this energy flows, they claim it attaches to emotional feelings of well-being or healing directed towards the person to be treated, even the self. Without emotional energy, it does not flow properly.. interesting point! Now we are seeing that using these waves can also increase stem cells in the person focused on, as well as other chemical interactions. Chirp waves have the ability to heal, or harm. And Chirp Waves are now realized as gravity, and connected to photons, which is probably time as we measure it. We know that time flow is different at ocean level and the top of the tallest mountains, as measured using the atomic clock. It is a fraction of a second, but should tell us the actual speed or change in speed of gravity and time as it reaches from that elevation to the ocean level. NASA and the space team are very aware of the time differences and there have been some interesting experiments about time change in orbit.