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About Sramana

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    Saol fada agus breac-shlĂĄinte chugat.

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  1. The Downvote Feature!

    I see that it is still a popularity contest here at the old folks community with incredibly biased moderators!
  2. Only, if you actually have a real life.
  3. I know! I only come here a couple of times a week. Unlike you, I apparently have a real life.
  4. Finding a master or school

    So you say online schools are far superior to traditional schools with a long lineage. You are a laugh a minute.
  5. How would you know? You are obviously the opposite of a healer.
  6. Super sleep

    We all? LOL
  7. Dao Bums Trolls akin to a Virus

    Easy enough! Go to members pages, all members are there. Count them. Anyone here can do it. There are exactly 2003. Like everything else you do you just make stuff up. Even after telling you the exact membership, you still make up phony numbers to try and show that you know something. Anyone here can look up what I just said. Your fraudulence has been proven.
  8. Super sleep

    Evil but vapid, empty vessel. I know you in the real world. That is what makes this so fun!
  9. Super sleep

    Your evil stinks up this forum!
  10. Dao Bums Trolls akin to a Virus

    There are 2003 members here and approximately only 10% are active more than once a month. How someone that is so endowed, could be so off on something like that, is just one more indication of what a fraud you are.
  11. Weather Magick

    The strange boom in shamanic healing By Anna Hart5 August 2019 An emerging breed of Instagram-friendly mystic is now targeting men just like, well, you... Eddy Elsey tried many routes to enlightenment before settling on shamanism. “It turns out there’s not enough yoga in the world to make me feel OK,” says the 28-year-old ex-actor, smiling at the 15 men (plus me) who have gathered for a “masculinity workshop” at Aho Studio, a “shamanic healing space” in Hackney Wick, East London. Elsey is the founder of and a podcast of the same name, aimed at bringing shamanism and spiritual practice to a new male audience through men’s groups and workshops. “It’s needed, because many men today feel shame and confusion around their masculinity and feel like there’s ‘something missing’ in their lives.” This Saturday afternoon workshop is emblematic of a wider movement: interest in mysticism has been booming recently, especially among millennials. Last year, Americans alone spent more than £1.7 billion on “mystical services”, which span from psychic readings and aura photography to spells and energy healing. They are dropping money on “money-attracting” citrine geodes [1] and sharing the social posts of rock star shamans such as @shamandurek, who are gathering the same cult followings as the TV evangelists of yore. Startups are proving quick to capitalise on this shift. In March, Ross Clark, formerly of MGM’s Epix TV business, launched Sanctuary, an astrology app that offers on-demand consultations. Initially, he says, investors were wary, arguing the product was too “niche”. Thus far, it has raised £1.2 million of decidedly earthly venture capital. “A third of Americans read their daily horoscope at least once a month and over 40 per cent share it with friends,” says Clark. “This is not a ‘niche’ market in the slightest.”
  12. Weather Magick

  13. Weather Magick

    You guys are a hoot!
  14. The perfect weapon

    Just when I think that you are a worthless troll good for nothing but spamming up threads, you actually come up with something good that contributes something to the thread. Now, you can go back to your true form and shoo me off with some juvenile animation.
  15. How/why does qigong work?

    Please! As you wish. I am sure that I have wasted enough of your precious time. So, please do not be offended if I no longer respond to you in this thread.