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Everything posted by Daemon

  1. Is that an attempt to place conceptual boundaries upon the ocean? ☮️
  2. How to Shikantaza and Mahamudra

    Me too. ☮️
  3. Childhood, depression and budhism

    Zeno's Paradox http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2014/03/zeno_s_paradox_how_to_explain_the_solution_to_achilles_and_the_tortoise.html?via=gdpr-consent Compare and contrast with Dependent Origination? (10,000 words would perhaps be appropriate given these surroundings?) Any takers? Alternatively, ☮️
  4. Childhood, depression and budhism

    My pleasure. Secondly, the theory of dependent origination's merely a fiendishly complicated paradox like that of Achilles and the tortoise (albeit more difficult to refute). The only way of which I'm certain that its grip can be broken is via practices (as opposed to further discursive mental gymnastics). ☮️
  5. Childhood, depression and budhism

    Firstly, as a Buddhist, you're probably misunderstanding what Hinduism's actually saying about reincarnation. Perhaps it's clearer if you consider that it's conceptualised that it's an illusion that the atman is a separate individual entity, which could be seen (if you stop and ponder it) as equivalent to anatta. In any case, these are just two different horses in the LifeAfterDeath™ theory race and I've explained elsewhere why I find it's unhelpful to reify concepts. Secondly, just ponder the sutta to which I've previously posted a link. However, if you're entirely happy with your own (or someone else's) interpretation of the bathwater, there's no reason whatsoever to pull out the plug. As I've stated, having a religious belief system is an invaluable anchor for many people. ☮️
  6. PPD Permission Request

    You have been genuinely complimented Luke and I'm fully in agreement with what you say about the importance of the klatch. It can be a far more meaningful experience of sangha than can be found in the forced, virtue-signalling environment fostered in many religious communities. ☮️
  7. Into the void..

    And who (if anyone) went in the first instance? ☮️
  8. Childhood, depression and budhism

    Buddhists have a choice. They can believe in the theory of rebirth (or reincarnation) or they can believe in the theory of dependent origination. They can also believe in both at the same time (if they don't really understand the theory of dependent origination). However, fortunately, they can also choose to believe in neither and instead use one or more of many different practical methods of investigation that can be found within Buddhism in order to transcend both these theories and discover the transcendent truth of the matter for themselves. As an addendum regarding any residual bathwater. It can be allowed to make its way down the plughole at that point, although some Buddhists find it extremely useful for keeping themselves (and others) afloat while investigating the reality of the situation through these various practical means. ☮️
  9. PPD Permission Request

    It seems that the coffee klatsch is indeed the most advanced practice and that you are indeed its master. Buen Camino (again) Luke! ☮️
  10. Hey!

    Your observation seem to have been prophetic. Fortunately, if he came here seeking conflict, he came to the right place and perhaps (if that's the case) he will learn from reaping what he sows? On the other hand, if that's not the case, he may learn how to deal with those who seek to bring conflict to his door? Perhaps both possibilities may simultaneously manifest themselves for the mutual benefit of all of those involved? ☮️
  11. Childhood, depression and budhism

    The theory of dependent origination precludes the theory of reincarnation. http://suttacentral.net/mn38 ☮️
  12. Childhood, depression and budhism

    You seem to be misunderstanding what I'm saying here, which is beware of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. As far as your assertion that belief in reincarnation is intrinsic to Buddhism, I draw your attention to the Mahātahāsakhaya Sutra (MN 38). ☮️
  13. How to Shikantaza and Mahamudra

    If you do this, you'll find that your breathing becomes coherent. However, it's quite difficult to get to this place that way via these instructions. The easiest way to hit the shikantaza sweet spot is via learning coherent breathing. The practice of coherent breathing precludes discursive thinking and this can be verified scientifically by the use of instrumented biofeedback. If you went down that route you'd find that the instrumentation shows that as soon as you drop into discursive thinking, you drop out of coherence. It might also be worth noting that you can carry out complex tasks in this this state as you are fully alert and fully aware. It is not meditation as it's commonly perceived. And you are correct in your observation that this practice spans many religious traditions. It also transcends them all. ☮️
  14. A Path of the Light (Practices)

    To return briefly to the previous off-topic question, this article might shed more Light light upon the matter of why thefocus of this topic is upon practices. Three Levels of Reality, Truth and Faith Footnotes [1] My bolding to emphasise that a secular approach does not occlude the revelation of the light Light. ☮️
  15. The Current Atmosphere

    Certainly, if it's a dysfunctional family. ☮️
  16. ... if you know how to use them correctly. ☮️
  17. Childhood, depression and budhism

    You remind me of a friend who spent 15 years as a Theravadan Buddhist monk and who eventually came to feel that the lifestyle was that of a parasite upon the surrounding productive society. What finally finished it for him was that not only did he have no success with meditation himself but that despite this the abbot tasked him to teach meditation to the monastery's lay visitors. It's therefore perhaps important to realise that many people are free from suffering without having to resort to concentration meditation practices (such as anapanasati and the associated exploration of the Jhanas). It's also important to realise that conversely there are many people who find great solace in Buddhism and in other religious belief systems and practices, some of which are highly effective particularly if (as Steve has suggested) they are divorced from any associated religious belief system. A good example of this would be the practice of lucid dreaming, which requires no religious trappings in order to be extremely useful and effective for some people. As far as reincarnation is concerned, that seems to be one of the major misunderstandings about what the Buddha seems to have said about that theory[1]. ☮️ Footnotes [1] en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_unanswered_questions ☮️
  18. Frightening meditation experience, need help

    As @Aetherous has mentioned there's a tradition of meditation upon Inner Light light (and Inner sound), which can be found to a greater or lesser degree within various cults. For those who stumble across it without having being initiated into the practice by someone who has completed the inner journey upon these vehicles, it can be an extremely frightening experience. This is not something with which you should experiment without competent support. If you wish to seek initiation into this practice, you can PM me for details of how to locate someone who might be prepared to offer you that together with the support that you would need to follow through with the practice. ☮️
  19. A practitioner's responsibility

    It's been an unexpected and thought-provoking pleasure for me Rex and I've learned much in the process. I'll look forward to expanding my horizons in your company again should the opportunity arise. ☮️
  20. Leaving aside the efficacy of this practice, about which I'm not competent to comment, as I've not tried it myself, I can but say that I find it laudable that @Qiway and his colleagues have chosen to make detailed instructions freely available together with a link to a website and a geographical address. In much same spirit, Kam Chuen Lam also made his lineage practice of standing ChiKung widely and (reasonably) freely available in his book The Way of Energy. I assume that @Qiway realised that anyone harmed by this practice could turn up on his doorstep seeking redress before he chose to make it publicly available, so I struggle to understand the vague and ominous tone of the condemnation that he's received here except in terms of attempted financial protectionism. ☮️
  21. A practitioner's responsibility

    Perhaps that's enough? ☮️
  22. A practitioner's responsibility

    At this point, I feel that we converge again Rex. ☮️
  23. Hello All. Happy to be here.

    Community's a fundamental requirement (contrary to the assertion of the Rhinoceros Sutra). No doubt, if the time is right and you can align yourself with the wisdom of your heart, you'll guide yourself to find a real one. ☮️
  24. Wet & Windy Outdoors Qigong : What Clothing ?

    Practicing ChiKung outside in wet or windy weather is (to put it mildly) unwise. If however you insist, then Buffalo and Paramo are the world leaders in outdoor clothing technology. ☮️
  25. A practitioner's responsibility

    For me, it comes down simply to the balance of power. Between equals, there's no imbalance. As soon an imbalance is perpetrated, does not the student becomes a slave and the teacher their master? Is not each then bound to the other? In that, where is liberation? ☮️