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Everything posted by Benbeastmode

  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    You say that but that's not what i'm seeing in the initial exchange OR in this response, which is basically 'don't speak up or you'll be banned'. Or 'it's christmas so be a good boy and just be quiet'. And the retort you talk about is definately warranted. You can't say 'this post is here to discuss FP, not hear your rant'. And I agree, but it should also apply to Terry, who made a post not related at all, quite insulting to quite a few people and reading it several times is not just directed at some 'so called trolls'. I appreciate FP, and what Sifu Terry is created and i've been doing it over a year.. but it doesn't mean because he's a 'master' or whatever that i'll accept that kind of post without calling out what I find insulting and unwarranted. And it's double standards to just tell me to 'stick to FP'. And 'it's his thread to post what he wants'.. but lets see, if I opened my own thread and spoke out about the opposite then obviously the above post says i'd be banned simply for disagreeing. Too bad i've seen way too many times people disagreeing with leftist ideology and simply being called trolls and gotten rid of. If I had come in and posted this out of nowhere you'd have a point. But no, i'm not editing my posts nor censoring myself. And if you talk about this thread, I read the WHOLE thread when I come here, and it's ridiculous to say the few trolls like Silium or something from what I remember to just be like 'oh they're alt right' 'anyone who disagrees with this is stupid, stupid people don't need to meditate' and other insulting things contained in the original post. It all is coming across like those sjws screaming at the sky about how bad Trump is when he got in. And just to see if I was correct, I did some searching and found this And I seriously haven't heard such a snivelling faggot in a long time as Sean just reading half of that post. I should have known when I noticed the gender neutral bs appeared in the forum. So great, just delete my account and my posts and i'll purge this site from my browser history.. cos THAT above thread and all this is exactly most of the things fucking up the world.
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Seriously? That post is ridiculous, and it's simply going off the deep end without any justification or context, is unwarranted and has absolutely nothing to do with Qigong. I haven't read other parts of the forum only this thread, nor do I know what stable genius is past a quick google search I just did. I don't follow politics hugely and i'm not in the us, but some of my beliefs you could call 'right wing'. Which apparently makes me a nazi. Yet funny how i'm into alternative healing, Qigong, Inner Child work and many other things. It's disappointing to see such a post here. The email exchange comes across as typical leftist looniness, as in comparing anyone who has right wing beliefs to 'nazis' which in itself shows a lack of any thinking or reasoning, just yelling nazi at everyone who disagrees with you. Yet I bet the people who support the post above are the same ones who talk about 'tolerance' yet are the most intolorant of anyone disagreeing. If that's the way the forums going then it's already gone downhill. It's not much of a stretch to think i'll most likely be banned for calling this out. Funnily enough banning everyone who disagrees with you, is much more nazi than alot of things you accuse everyone of being 'nazi'. So looks like i'll just continue practicing FP by myself.
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Cool, thanks man.
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Oh, nah i'm doing the breathing sequences and exercises the same. But for example i've been doing standing exercise 3,4,5 and then sitting exercise 3,4,5.. and yesterday I did the sitting ones first then the standing ones.
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi, Just wanted to check that it's fine mixing up the standing and sitting exercises? I wouldn't think it'd be an issue but thought i'd confirm. Usually i'd do the standing ones first, then sitting as that's how it is with the dvds and the guide, but yesterday I just mixed them up to change it up a bit and keep it interesting.
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    The other thing is, i've extended the steps of learning for a longer amount of time than in the training schedule. I'm upto 3 months of standing 1/2/3, sitting 1/2/3 in one session and I keep meaning to move on. It's about an hour for me. The next step suggests to just start with standing 4 and sitting 4. But after all this time (about 9 months of practice) it feels like it might not be enough just doing 2 exercises, and I think for me it's best to keep up a similar amount of time, because lessening it sometimes I may have the tendency to then think "Oh I don't want to do the hour practice again." So i'll most likely drop off the 1st exercises of each and add the 4th ones to the end. I assume that's ok? And with the long form meditation (I haven't looked at the dvd yet) it says " Practice the standing long form meditation called "Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Meditation" (on Volume Three) as regularly as you can for vitality and strong immunity. This long form meditation is the capstone to the system." Does that mean after all the other steps, when i've practiced every exercise in volumes 1,2,3? Or does that mean I can do it now? I hadn't looked at it until now because I wasn't sure. If I can practice it now, would it be fine to do it on some days instead of the other exercises i'm practicing? I was doing like 2 hours of Qigong a day for a while, but I decided that for me mentally it was best to do lessen that to 1 hour. The suggestion that the long form meditation will strengthen immunity is something I could use with the health issues i'm dealing with.
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thanks Sifu Terry. I hadn't thought of something like that, but I do the sitting exercises with a blanket on the floor so the floor isn't cold and what i've been doing is rolling it up a bit and putting it at the back which helps a bit. I will see if I can find a cushion. I may consider sessions at some stage, but at the moment i'm getting sessions in a few healing methods that is taking up a bit of time and money. How much are online sessions?
  8. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    So I still have some problems with half lotus after all this time. My legs get a little sore, especially the inside of my left leg, which is something I used to get with TRE (trauma release exercises) and when I have them crossed like that my legs are just tense and I can't relax them. I have to switch it around a few times to try to get a comfortable position and just settle for the best one. Sometimes I get pins and needles in my leg and feet too, it's doable, but still not comfortable after even like 8 months of doing it. Anyone else had this problem?
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Terry, I had sent an email but hadn't heard anything. I'm wondering if you have any FP recommendations for lyme and similar infections? Other than just doing the practice as normal I guess. I'm still at it, though at a slower pace of adding exercises as in the description. I'm upto Standing 1/2/3, Sitting 1/2/3 in one session. I do feel it's helped, though I don't really feel much 'energy' in the practice, mainly just relaxed. It's been a part of my routine for 6+ months now. I was doing daily, now it's every second day as i'm doing some other things and I realized I was taking on too much in a desperation to heal and that I needed to give myself some space.
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I don't know why it has to turn into a bit of a flame war. That's not really needed for any of us. From doing it for 4 months, it's actually one of the simpler forms of Qigong i've done. I've done a few by Yadi Alamin (Male Sexual Qigong) another sexual one, spring forest once, and life force qigong and actually FP is pretty simple. The breathing sequence is just before the movements then you breathe normally. I have heard of it but haven't looked into it. I'll look it up. A while ago I stopped reading the newsfeed on facebook, just use it for events and groups. Though being around when others are watching the news and certain shows, I hate it and realized how negative it is, even tv ads.. it's all fear based. I was taking that actually and cycling other things. I have kefir, sauerkraut and probiotic tablets too. I think a combination of both the result of health plus also enjoying the method. I mostly enjoy FP, though some days it's like "ah I have to do it again" but then I feel good during and after. If it was something I just really hated for the result, it wouldn't be as beneficial I agree. I have a few options after having a consult with Eric Isen that i'm going to explore.
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thanks, I had considered adding something at a different time of the day. I've nearly done 4 months of FP so far, daily, except for 1 day when I had to travel to see a doctor and just needed to sleep by the time I got back. I'm not too bad learning it on my own, i've kept it up consistently for this time. I guess with what's going on I get stressed at times, so always want to find if what i'm doing is helping or if there's a more effective way. But as for the learning, i've picked it up pretty well from the FP dvd's. After thinking about it for quite a while i'm having a consult with Eric Isen tomorrow, I made a list of Qigong methods and other healing methods i've been researching to see how effective they are for me. Hopefully my list wasn't too long for a session and I can get some clarity.
  12. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I figured that, hadn't heard back about the other stuff so I assume he's pretty busy. I can see this is one of the challenges learning from dvd's and not having an in person teacher, it's sometimes more difficult when concerns come up. There is someone who does Tai Chi and Qigong in my town, but I don't know how it is for the healing. And I read several times here not to combine FP with other Qigong, so doing it once a week in town would be out.
  13. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sometimes I don't know what to think. So far I have noticed some benefits from FP and it's helping me doing it daily, maybe not to the extent I expected. It mostly feels good. Now someone on another forum where I was asking for comparisions said "I've just had a look at some flying phoenix chi kung vids and i would say the main problem from a chi kung medical perspective is that they are in a wide deep stance and allow the knee to twist inwards/ the Dang to collapse so is probably Shaolin in origin. These are big no no's for medicine as it makes the chi go outside the body ("physical" power) / prevents the spine coming online. Remember the Shaolin were all about transcending the human body not fixing it. If the body is not in absolute prime alignment "naturally", that stuff is actually the pretty bad for you. I know myself from personal experience having done it for many years!" Doesn't make any sense to me as I don't have the experience, but it slightly makes me worried.
  14. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I asked Sifu Terry this in email, but I assume he's pretty busy so may not reply straight away. In the guidelines it says ' Practice the standing long form meditation called "Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Meditation" (on Volume Three) as regularly as you can for vitality and strong immunity. This long form meditation is the capstone to the system. ' I'm not sure if that means after all the preceding steps, or that this is okay from the start? Vitality and strong immunity would be of help right now. If it's possible i'll add this a few days a week, maybe not every day on top of what i'm doing.
  15. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hmm ok, thanks. After reading more about Fragrant Qigong i'm not sure it's the best. Because of all the limitations, you can't do other meditation with it and such. I'm looking at Dragon and Tiger Medical Qigong aswell. I know it's not usually recommended to add another Qigong initially, how long does that limitation last? Sifu Terry or someone else experienced? I thought of doing FP in the morning and Dragon and Tiger later in the day as it's meant to be about 15 minutes. I don't think I could do another whole session of FP after the hour in the morning, or if that would even be too much. I actually just emailed Sifu Terry to see if he has any recommendations of something from FP that I could add later in the day, that is quick as I couldn't do a second hours practice and that will help my healing. I haven't added the 3rd standing or sitting exercises yet, as the hours practice is stretching my limit, but I have kept it up every day except for just 1 day when I had to travel to see a doctor in the city and was too exhausted when I got home.
  16. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    So i'm still doing my practice. I'm at about an hour a day with standing exercise 1,2 and sitting exercise 1,2. I've taken longer when i've added each exercise to really get it down. I do feel it helps though I haven't had anything full on other than being relaxed and it feels good. A few times i've noticed my breathing spontaneously getting deeper during practice, and this week I decided to slow down some things and a few times after practicing i've just laid there and relaxed. One day I just laid there 10-15 minutes feeling deeply relaxed and my intuition said to just stay there. Unfortunately that's only happened probably twice in my practice, and both in about the last week. Though I do lay there for maybe 5 minutes usually after practice and relax. I just found out I have 3 chronic infections, finally after 4 months and going to several doctors and having to goto an integrative doctor. For example some mornings i'll wake up fatigued, feeling nauseous and usually i'll practice as soon as I get up. And usually after it i'll feel better. Some days are better than others, and i've continued for probably 3 months. I've just come across fragrant qigong, and the healing reports seem way too good. Has anyone had a good amount of experience with both Flying Phoenix and Fragrant Qigong to compare healing results? Both say it's best not to combine 2 systems, so that makes that idea difficult of just adding it on some days as it's meant to be 15min. I'm not that prepared to stop Flying Phoenix, it feels like an old friend, some days I get annoyed at having to do it, but I enjoy it and it feels good after the practice. Though i'm reading things about Fragrant qigong that have healed conditions, more than I read being reported with Flying Phoenix. I don't know. :Z
  17. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thanks Sifu Terry. I'm still doing it daily, it's around 40 minutes at the moment with the warmup, monk gazing at the moon, bending the bows and sitting monk gazing at the moon. Some days it's more difficult to complete and i've been hesitant to add the next sitting exercise with the time it takes. I extended past the suggested 2 weeks to take my time, it's been about 3 weeks of this combination of exercises. Some days it seems to kind of 'click' other days I struggle with some of the exercises, but i've been doing it daily still. Unfortunately sometimes my mind does that reflexively, some weird sabotage that I haven't been able to figure out. Not sure what else to say about that. Anyway, it's hard to say what i'm getting from the practice other than increased sexual desire, mainly when I wake up at night. Not sure what else really other than I feel relaxed during and after the practice and some days i'll having things flaring up physically with an issue i've been having and it'll feel a bit better after practicing. I seem to still have some kind of infection but still slowly improving, alot better than when I started. I like to think the practice is helping and i've also been getting acupuncture.
  18. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I figure it's better to post observations here than make a journal as it's easier for people to see. So yesterday I had the thought that my congested head, sensetive and burning eyes might be candida die off. So I had a bit of bentonite clay, and later in the day I could look at my ipod and I wasn't having the same sensetivity as much. That night my head cleared up alot, I felt pretty good. Laying in bed not long after that I felt the best I have in a while, clear headed, strong and feeling I could go back to the gym and that everything will be ok. I started to feel energy in several parts of my body, left testicle, stomach, a few other places I forget. But it had a sensation of a pleasurable energy like it was healing. And I started to feel so good I was like "Everything will be ok, everything is healed". Unfortunately when I noticed it my mind started trying to reject it and it left. I woke up feeling not that good again, and my head has been congested most of the day again, burning eyes. Though not as bad as a few days ago. Today I also noticed that I 'clicked' with the 'imagine yourself hanging from a string' in the sitting exercise 1. I just didn't get it before and my back would hurt alot. Today it did less and I managed to sit most of the time, my arms still got fatigued though and I had to put them down a few times. I really liked that energy that I could only describe as healing energy in parts of my body, along with the feeling of 'everything will be ok'. It's a shame it crashed after that and my symptoms are back today. I've never drank much alcohol, but apparently one of the byproducts of candida dieoff can make you feel like you have a hangover. I haven't ever had a hangover but I can imagine it might be like this, head feeling congested, eyes sore, just feeling down and low energy. I got some molybdenum coming from online as I couldn't find it locally, which is meant to help bind and expel those toxins.
  19. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi, It's not really worring about abstinence as I read in this thread sex is ok. The fear of my own sex drive is part of a seperate issue really, thought there was fear attached to that and fear coming up around practicing FP today. The main thing is the physical issue, this isn't specifically from FP as I had it happen before starting practice, in fact it was one of the things that brought me to practice it after reading about it years ago and not doing it. So it seems to be a preexisting thing, and the main concern is that if my sex drive is increasing it's more difficult for me to 'hold off' ejaculating which might bring this pain and symptoms. As I said in my edit, it was only the concern of the increased drive making me want to have sex and them possibly having those symptoms, but that at the same time in other ways I think FP is helping. My other main concern is the burning/weird congestion around my eyes especially when I look at my iphone or ipod. Seeing it wasn't happening until say the last week or so, except if I look at my phone at night when it's dark then it's harder to sleep. It's like they are more sensetive to it. I'm not aware of what Askaic records are, i'll research it a bit. I'll also look up Eric Isen. I'm not aware of that either. I'm considering acupunctue and chinese medicine, there isn't one available in my town, but I found one 45 minutes away. Thanks for the response. I just kind of computed this part.. I can say that stuff around sex and women have been something i've focused so much energy on and had some of my biggest traumas around. But mainly my priority is these physical issues going on. Some of my symptoms aren't helped by some anxiety/trauma I feel I stirred up a little (nothing to do with FP) but i've booked a brainspotting session for that.
  20. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Ok so another thing to report. Usually if I was in good health this would be the exact result i'd want. And doing Qigong in the past focused just around sex, and tantra I did want this result. But I didn't even get it a huge amount doing Male Sexual Qigong for 6+ months. I did get results in better performance though. So.. last night I woke up and felt this slight turn on. But in a way I haven't felt for years. For some reason my sex drive seems just not there even though i'm in really good shape, I wondered if that was candida possibly or something. It was only slight in that moment, but in a way I don't remember for a long time. I went to the toilet and it stopped a bit. Then I woke up and it was alot. The most i'd been turned on in a long time. Being sick at the moment I had had almost zero interest in women and sex but it was just like full in my body more than in years, not just an 'oh yeah I wouldn't mind having sex' and I couldn't stop thinking about it. I do have some fear around this because of my sex drive in the past being so strong it caused me issues in sleeping with women I didn't want to or who were unattactive just because they were the ones available to me and some of that was coming up. Also a concern with the health issue i'm having. But I couldn't ignore it, I couldn't stop thinking about it so had to 'take care of it'. Worried my issue might flare up.. So the last few times I ejaculated, once was having sex that night I had the chills, fever, shaking, was really cold. Then a few weeks later a similar thing. I've got blood tests and scans all come back as nothing. I was afraid of it last night, so was trying to avoid it but the turn on was so strong I couldn't. And I woke up a bit later again feeling cold and full body shakes, a bit of a chill, pressure in my groin. All issues i've been having. So my big concern is, I started FP to help me heal from this (along with still going to doctors and finding other ways) and I read about sexual desire increasing with FP but I wasn't expecting the most i've felt in years, and it's the first obvious thing i've noticed after about 2 weeks of practice. I don't know if I should continue because if I ejaculate it gives these symptoms. I really didn't expect that result and the time I was doing Male Sexual Qigong and in good health I would have loved them. So Sifu Terry is there some way to maybe refocus this healing energy to dealing with what needs to be dealt with instead of this potentially happening. Or should I stop practice? It's a bit past the time i've been practicing most days. And today i'm almost too scared to practice. It really sucks that the ideal result in the past when I wasn't having this issue of increasing my sex drive at the moment is to my detriment and possibly flaring up this issue. I wonder if another form of Qigong might suit me for now to help heal without dealing with higher sex drive, but then again that is a sign of a healthy man having a high sex drive so would likely go along with it. EDIT: Thinking of it after posting I could just 'breathe' through those feelings or whatever. As I do feel FP has been beneficial in feeling a bit better for me the last few weeks. And today i'm feeling a bit better, where the last 2 times the same thing happened it persisted for days, so i'm hoping i'm recovering.
  21. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thanks Maybe. Haha interesting username. I wondered if it was just my arms being weak and if it was normal. I've tried holding them in a few days. I was going to a physiotherapist before I got sick. I'll see how it goes. Interestingly in bed last night I felt some energy in the same right shoulder and something felt better after that. The problem is that I know not to visualize the energy but it's involuntary, so i'm trying to stop it happening. I guess I can only do the best I can. After last night i'm a little worred, but I might post that seperate so hopefully Sifu Terry can see it.
  22. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sifu Terry, a bit of a post of some things i've observed and a concern. For about the last 4 days i've done dvd 1 standing exercise 1 and dvd 2 sitting exercise 1. In my last post I mentioned tension and fatigue in my arms. It's got a little better, and today for the first time my legs didn't have alot of soreness in them when sitting. But i've noticed on the first day of both standing/sitting exercises as I mentioned my head was all congested kind of. And some pressure around my eyes. It seems to have started when adding the sitting exercise. And the last few days i've noticed my eyes are more sensetive, like i'm playing something on my ipod to boost my immune system at the moment and occasionally i'll check the volume. At night it can keep me awake if I do so, but day was fine. But the last few days, especailly today my eyes are really sensetive to it. And my head will then get congested and i'll feel weird and disconnected. I also noticed my eyes were a bit sensetive to the sun too through the window when I looked out the window for a while. Has anyone else reported similar on FP Chi Kung? I wondered if it was because i'm still recovering from being sick, but my eyes and head weren't doing that a week ago or so and i'm getting better than I was then. Also I wondered this, my mind seems to find ways to sabotage me in different ways. Not just with Chi Kung. When I read on here not to add other things like the microcosmic orbit my mind has been trying to sabotage by having it popping into my head during practice, and then thing like energy coming up to my head and exploding out. And i'm worried that may be causing some of this. I'm spending a bit of my effort trying to focus to STOP my mind doing that, which is making it more difficult to relax. I don't know what to do about that during practice, and the weird sabotage has happened with other methods of self development and such. Oh I forgot my observation I mentioned, it's around my fatigued arms. Today in the sitting exercise they were getting really sure and 'burning'. Then I realized it was mainly my right arm around the shoulder, I forget which shoulder I injured in the past but it was distinct and I was noticing a 'warmth' in it, so I feel like that was part of the healing as my other arm wasn't like that.
  23. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thanks. I have a feeling i'll have a few questions. I haven't even looked at that section yet actually, i'll have a look soon. I'm still reading through this thread.
  24. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Ok, that's cool. Sorry man, it's hard to know how to take things sometimes especially on a forum. Makes more sense now.
  25. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    On another note, after getting my dvd's I started the proper way from the pracitce guide. I was hesitant to add a sitting exercise as just the standing one takes a bit out of me. But I did the first standing, then the first sitting. The inside of my thighs were getting pretty sore, and my back aswell. I also get sore arms holding them up like that (monk gazing at the sun), which I get in the standing, but it was worse sitting. Maybe cos my arms were fatigued already. Had to put my arms down for a few seconds a few times. And I didn't find the sitting quite enjoyable or relaxing due to all the tension and soreness in different parts of my body. The last thing is the most annoying thing. I don't know if this is due to being sick, i've had a bad infection in a few places and been struggling alot. I thought I was getting way better, felt the best in a while yesterday then stupidly went out in the cold for too long. But I especially noticed after doing the exercises with the sitting and going out, that my head felt kind of weird and constricted. And a burning feeling around my eyes, I started to feel out of it and like this maybe an hour after practice. (Actually some sadness is coming up along with those physical feelings) But like I said I don't know if it's that I have a bit of a temperature from going out in the cold yesterday when I wasn't fully recovered, or some of it was from the Chi Kung. I can admit though, that with how bad i've been sick my mindset has gone downhill alot and every little thing i've started to feel is serious, and this could just be a small passing thing. Any comments Terry/Sifu Terry? As I said I find the title thing unusual due to my past, but if it's your preference? EDIT: Actually I had some shaking during standing in my legs and body that reminds me of TRE (Trauma Release Exercises) which helps release trauma from the body.