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Everything posted by wandelaar

  1. Lighting up a LED with your body as an antenna?

    A neon lamp looks like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neon_lamp#/media/File:Neonlamp3.JPG lt's a very different type of lamp compared to a LED.
  2. Lighting up a LED with your body as an antenna?

    Those look like neon lamps to me, are you sure those are LEDs?
  3. Lighting up a LED with your body as an antenna?

    There are lots of experiments one can do with static electricity. The following one is easy, and I have succeeded in replicating it myself. You can also use water from a faucet.
  4. Lighting up a LED with your body as an antenna?

    I did some more experiments with the result that I no longer think that the electromagnetic fields of the electrical equipment in the home of a normal western household as picked up by the human body used as an antenna are strong enough to light up a LED. You need to have some powerful sources of electromagnetic waves present and/or be (very) close to you. Or somehow use static electricity...
  5. Lighting up a LED with your body as an antenna?

    @forestofemptiness Do you also have a link to a video explaining how it is possible for a LED to be lighted by using the human body as an antenna for harvesting some of the electromagnetic waves in our surroundings?
  6. Lighting up a LED with your body as an antenna?

    I haven't got the equipment to do so. But if I get it to work it wil be in a way that every electronics enthusiast can easily replicate. And I will describe carefully how I did it.
  7. Lighting up a LED with your body as an antenna?

    Yes - let's keep on topic so that this thread isn't closed also. OK - I did some preliminary experiments with a LED and using my own body as an antenna and I found out that lighting up a LED purely by using the electromagnetic waves received by my own body from the surroundings didn't succeed. I will now look if there are some extra conditions that must be satisfied....
  8. Lighting up a LED with your body as an antenna?

    As referencing ... is no longer allowed, I will subsequently point at this video as an example: This doesn't look as related to ... , please inform me if there still is some relation to it. In that case I will be happy to remove the video and look for another one.
  9. Recommendable and not legit systems

    Looks like we have to find a Chi Gong master from another lineage who has some demonstration video's out of lighting up a LED so that we can proceed with discussing the (supposed) electrical Chi phenomenon without referencing MoPai...?
  10. Recommendable and not legit systems

    Are discussions of experiments concerning the lighting up of LED's also forbidden now?
  11. Recommendable and not legit systems

    I don't know what will happen in the wilderness, and I don't plan to investigate it either. Every investigation has its limits. Trying to do everything at once will only result in accomplishing nothing. John Chang - if I remember well - did a demonstration with a LED in a hotel room, and that's comparable to where I live now. So doing my experiments at home is very relevant, and that's what I will do. Furthermore my engineer's interpretation of the facts you provided regarding grounding is completely independent (logically speaking) from the investigations with LED's that I plan to do myself.
  12. Recommendable and not legit systems

    Suppose there is no hidden device. Then if the electrical power is generated inside the body grounding the body at the feet, touching one terminal of the LED with a hand and connecting the other terminal of the LED to the ground should only be helpful in lighting up the LED. So it seems that the electrical power is reaching the body from somewhere else, and would simply be drained away into the ground when you try to do the demonstration grounded. This suggests that the body is acting as some sort of receiver.
  13. Recommendable and not legit systems

    Can you or someone in your group also light a LED when grounded?
  14. Lighting up a LED with your body as an antenna?

    @kakapo Could you tell us what LED's you are using?
  15. Lighting up a LED with your body as an antenna?

    I like to focus only on the lighting up of LEDs here, and the question of whether this is possible by using the human body as an antenna. The video's in the OP point out that it is possible by using an ordinary metal antenna, so the first thing I plan to do is to replicate that. This might take some time because I also have other things to do besides experimenting and posting on TDB, and some electronic components might have to be ordered. After that I will see if my own body can take the place of the antenna. Doing experiments in remote places will have to be done by others. I don't want to investigate everything, and I want to keep it simple and doable for myself.
  16. Recommendable and not legit systems

    Thank you very much, this explains a lot.
  17. Recommendable and not legit systems

    They may or may not have been commercially available back then, but I think an electronics hobbyist would have been able to build one himself even then.
  18. Recommendable and not legit systems

    Then wat else was the ground wire connected to apart from the earth? Strange speculations will likely keep circulating as long as it isn't clear how exactly this grounding was done.
  19. Recommendable and not legit systems

    I don't like the joke either. But perhaps you could tell us what exactly the wire was for and how it was used.
  20. Recommendable and not legit systems

    I'm happy to see that the problem of the possibility of fraud is taken seriously now. Thanks to dwai for the pdf, I will read it.
  21. Recommendable and not legit systems

    I have made my point several times now. But it's ignored. If others are happy with the generation of internal feelings and/or unverified beliefs, so be it. That's not my cup of tea.
  22. Recommendable and not legit systems

    I haven't got the expertise to rule out fraud by setting the conditions. Many people wrongly think they do, but that's a huge mistake. If it were that simple than stage magicians and illusionists would have gone out of business long ago. People would have seen trough their tricks. The opposite is true. So going to a Chi Master (true or fake) myself would be of no help.
  23. Recommendable and not legit systems

    All we see in this video could have happened if they electrically charged up the subject who then simply moved the small pieces of paper. And charging up the subject could have been done by one of the guys laying hands on him wearing a concealed static electricity generator. Such doubts always arise in me afterwards. That's why these kind of demonstrations don't convince me. And I'm not even a stage magician: the experts would no doubt see some more loop holes. Maybe the subject is charged by something in his chair? The possibilities are endless...
  24. Recommendable and not legit systems

    The noumenon or the phenomenon? https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/noumenon
  25. Recommendable and not legit systems

    The problem is: I can't create such a protocol because I haven't got the expertise to do so. However if a skeptical (but nevertheless open minded) organization that has the expertise to rule out fraud to the best of their ability would find the electrical chi phenomenon to exist then I would reckon it a lot more likely that it does actually exist. And when other skeptical organizations afterwards are able to replicate the positive result than I would consider it even more likely that the electrical chi phenomenon exists. Physics has come to except even more strange phenomena in the fields of relativity theory and quantum mechanics so I have no doubt that after the first shock on seeing the electric chi phenomenon actually happen scientists would eventually accept the existence of electrical chi, that is: if there is a good repeatable experiment that shows it. But such a trajectory would take some years or even decades, and the best approach for me personally would be to have a simple experiment that I can do myself to take away my doubts. But such a simple experiment may well be impossible. And I don't want to invest years of training to acquire some capability that might not even exist and that I don't plan to use for any other purpose than convincing me of its existence anyway.