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About Jamie552

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  1. Thank you for sharing. It is refreshing to see an unbiased sharing of Sadhguru's work, most mentions of him on here are quick to dismiss him outright without insomuch as a toe-dip or understanding. To add to this, my own experience of being initiated into and practicing Shambhavi Mahamudra, Surya Kriya, Bhuta Shuddhi and Yogasanas from both Sadhguru and Isha's Hatha yoga instructors is almost the opposite of my experience practicing QiGong of any kind. These processes seem to target subtle dimensions of my experience, the five elements (Bhuta Shuddhi) and different "koshas" of the body, such as the Pranamaya Kosha through Hatha yoga or the Anandamaya Kosha through Isha's more meditative processes (Shambhavi Mahamudra, Shoonya, Bhava Spandana and so on). The yogic sciences are very comprehensively explained by Sadhguru and I have experienced these correlations whilst practicing. My experience of QiGong has always been that it affects the physiology in a grosser sense. I am not entirely sure how Sadhguru would categorize Qi or the dantiens but within my experience the energy cultivated feels akin to more of a physical voltage, and up to now have not brought subtler dimensions into my experience in the same way that Isha's processes have.
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Terry I have sent you a personal message with some Bak Fu Pai material to review if you find the time. I am unsure of the origin of a couple of brief meditations and would like to know if they are in any way related to Flying Phoenix or compatible with the Flying Phoenix routine. Thanks.
  3. I was wondering if anybody is still practicing either of these systems and wouldn't mind highlighting the differences between them for me. I've been attracted to Kunlun for the "water path" description that Max has given it, he advertised it as a path to purify the body and kundalini from the top down as opposed to raising energy from the root up through Yogic practices The claim is that Jenny Lamb's spontaneous Yi Gong is identical to Max's central Kunlun method, and that Jenny provides more foundational Qi practices alongside her method to help with grounding and health, whereas Max's practice is coupled with other advanced practices to facilitate purification and awakening (Red Phoenix, Red Dragon, 5 Elements etc.) Any information would be helpful, thanks
  4. Greetings from the UK!

    Unfortunately I'm not a huge football fan, I'm more into pixelated games. Thank you though.
  5. Greetings from the UK!

    Thank you dawei, and thank you for the comedic welcome back too, glad to be back.
  6. Greetings from the UK!

    Hi!, My name is Jamie, I hail from the UK and hold a keen interest in all types of non-dual spirituality. I have been practising various forms of basic awareness and letting go meditations for only 3 or so years now and have achieved some quite nice results. The combination of meditations I practice eventually led to some form of incidental (though temporary) energy phenomena, and they seem to work nicely in supercharging my body whilst also keeping my mind in healthy check on a daily basis. I have only recently begun to study and explore the world of Daoist internal alchemy, the reports I'm finding regarding Flying Phoenix and some particular Bak Fu Pai systems have really perked my interest so I'm looking forwards to joining in and discovering as much as I can. Thank you, Jamie