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Everything posted by rideforever

  1. "You can't get enough of what you don't need" Heard this phrase this week. And I relate it to how the media gains viewers and readers ... by selling things you don't need. And by disturbing people with things that are more and more disturbing, disharmonising, things that make you question the sanity of half of mankind, or the other half, the more disturbing the better. And this creates sales. People have to read because "if it's true" I must know about it. Shock, horror. And it would be fine except that the public seems to be becoming informed and directed by these ideas, although they were only inserted into the news in order to increase sales.
  2. Can't Get Enough Of What You Don't Need

    hmm .... also have 2 root canals and a lot of white fillings but things are much improved with the Hangsun oral irrigator > top tip
  3. Something strange is the question of which cocktails of chemicals are administered for a "humane" execution in the US. Well my preference would be to take the man outside into the forest, give him 5 minutes and then shoot him dead. That seems humane and at least he has some fresh air, nature, and no bull5hit. Having 15 people crowded around you measuring out quantities of poisons with cameras and forms to sign in triplicate and a health and safety team! seems like a cruel and unusual punishment. The last thing you witness is the idiocy of human bureaucracy and political fighting. But then you have to look at how animals are treated in abattoirs with the automated machine murder. It's so cold. In the human heart and the human mind. Probably a good many human beings die wondering how people could be so cruel. Thank god for the teachers who at least left us some hope. Probably many people are very happy to die, at least after they are allowed to. ( 30 minutes later the doctors will be cutting you open to play with your organs and fill out more forms before throwing you into the gutter ) What a place !!! What a fing place this is. It's like the ultimate test !!!!!
  4. Laissez Le Climate Change Just Fizzle

    Something about over-population : "when I was young" one silver lining was that as countries develop they cease to need to have 5 or 10 kids and instead have 1 or 2. Which seems okay to me, then the world pop would tend to a particular level. In Europe however, although this has happened, the globalists now which to artificially maintain or increase the populations in order to maintain the current growth economic model. This seems not good to me, and will damage the natural tendency of a society to find a level it is comfortable with.
  5. What about just doing nothing, and sort of waiting until the dinosaur juice is gone ? Wouldn't that be a lot simpler and cause fewer heart attacks ? Or do people like the heart attacks more ?
  6. The goal is always the most productive orchard. How can I, or we, grow the most beautiful and productive orchard full of trees with lots of fruit. It's not just about crime, it's about everything. And so ... one has to understand both the inner and outer workings of man. How does one learn, properly ? One way is to think about a child, how can it learn ? Does it learn without discipline, or even without teaching ? Does it learn from ... automatic teaching of a curriculum ? Many things to think about. Idealism : well everything is in motion, people and societies. We can only do what we can do according to our abilities. Talking about an ideal destination is different to ... what can we do from here ? And to ... what do we have the capacity to do ? Some traditional barriers to solutions are : the cowardice or a man the laziness of a man the inexperience of a man the sheeplike nature of a man the indulgences of a man And ... intelligence love consciousness responsibility ... these are not just learnt from anyone. Someone who is already like that can teach you. Therefore the state of harmony and consciousness of a society will harm or help you. And we cannot fake up teaching. Saying words is not the same as someone with Being speaking to you. So, we can talk about the health of "the family unit" as the very ground of society. Then there is blood, bloodlines and the effect your bone marrow has on your life. Your ancestors and their gifts to you. Many things. A society that indulges in sugar-food sugar-emotion (hollywood) and sugar-ideas (internet), becomes numb. All it knows is high octane food and feelings and ideas. The language of wellbeing ... is no longer of interest to such.
  7. Laissez Le Climate Change Just Fizzle

    Hey. Only that first image is BP, I just picked randomly from bing image search. Seems to me that solar generation and others are not far away from being economically favourable so power generation should simply swap over fairly easily in a couple of decades. Fossil fuels will become more and more expensive, they might soar, over time. To accelerate the swap over then more funding for renewal/sustainable is a good thing to do and campaign for, for the concerned.
  8. Jung shadow work?

    The modern methods are rapid and accurate and owe a lot to the insights of meditation on the structure of consciousness; to me it seems far superior. You talk in an academic way, which is fine if you are a historian, but fixing yourself requires something else. I like shadow work, I have been on some retreats, and it was good stuff. But it's all indirect. Various process that affect what is happening inside, but indirectly. That's why they talk of dream interpretation, it's like trying to get evidence of what is going on inside from dreams ... because they have no actual tools to just go in. There is no real conversation between the subconscious and conscious because they don't have the tools for it in the Jung world.
  9. Storing energy in Mingmen v Dantien

    ZZ is practiced very differently by different people. If you practice by surrendering downwards and relaxing everything, then it is hard to go wrong, in other words prioritize wuji. If you induce particular practices to achieve certain results then you are not being natural, especially if they include breathing techniques and qi direction - others practice with force and dullness, going low, and trying to raise qi pressure etc... these are all unnatural. ZZ can become a natural enlightenment practice but only if you allow it to be natural and enter meditation through it in wuji. And if you do standing with various arm positions naturally then I see no problem with that.
  10. Unknown Zhan Zhuang / Yiquan / Standing Posture

    Over Easter with a broken laptop I got out some old MW videos QE3/4 and did the practices quite deeply and was blown away. Although these are auxiliary practices, 4 is a bone marrow / packing / counter forces, 3 is a breathing sequence progressively from the human realm to the stellar and cosmic realm, they were pretty amazing and I feel quite changed by having done them for a few days. His practices are effortlessly delivered but actually contain many elements that together show the depth of his own search.
  11. Does anyone have any information on this posture, where and how and for what it is used and it's function
  12. Flexible perspective of life?

    One man can desire to build a school. Another is attached to teaching a bright child to graduation. Another resents suffering; and desires to become self-realized. One neighbour on your street accepts junkies lying on his lawn. Another buys a high mileage car in the present with no thought of its longevity. An apprentice plumber is authentic in that he knows nothing. And another is tolerant of a rotten apple in a bowl of apples.
  13. Jung shadow work?

    Better tools have been developed in my opinion. See IFS (internal family systems) by Dick Schwartz (good book is Self Therapy by Bonnie Weiss), and also similarly "Inner Bonding" a book by Margaret Paul. With these tools you speak directly with the inner child and its negativity-filled "protectors", and resolve them directly. It is a direct model for communicating directly from the conscious to the subconscious (human to the animal). Much more advanced than Jung, with tools that are well developed and clearly described in the above books. In more detail : there is not one subconscious voice, but several all which have a character and reason for existing ( normally some sort of injury ) that has led to the inner anger / rage / sadness / apathy / hurt and so on ... with these tools you identify each one specifically, dialogue with it, find the cause of its arising and heal it directly.
  14. Are you in the US btw ? I have been looking for places to go, but also am doing good work right now, but will visit some places this year. I agree btw that strong measures need to be taken. The left has a corrupt spirit at the moment and they no longer discriminate between good and bad, in fact it is their pleasure to mix dark and light together which will steeply worsen life in the US. These people are exceptionally dangerous. Society has its limits, and at a low ebb of moral virtue those limits are quite low. If the country cannot deal with the situation in a pleasant way, then it must deal with the situation in a strong way. Also, as for the Cross. I believe Jesus is fully and completely misunderstood, or willfully misunderstood to excuse awful things ... on the basis that we are supposed to all love each other. This, from my Bible study for the last 2 years, seems to be complete garbage. As a Jew loving your neighbour includes pointing out his sins to his face and if he doesn't behave then ejecting him from society. And also not hating him in your heart. And also loving God truth before everything. Jesus divided light from darkness in every statement he made, even to the point of ostracizing various groups of people, telling them that would not be forgiven (sins against the holy ghost) and that they would be destroyed if they went the wide gate. But ... people just use him as a licence to do whatever they please ... that is not what he taught. On the other hand it is also true that in darkest San Francisco, home of corruption, does arrive from time to time various nuggets of psychotherapeutic gold that could in the end save mankind. So, everyone has a purpose after all. Confusing place really !!!
  15. Zhang Sanfeng 13 forms

    I'm quite into learning Scott Meredith's 12 animals XingYi, he emphasises the energy aspects of the movements uniquely, and also he is a bit crazy and has awesome music on his DVDs. The XingYi animals seem to be in a more healthy and strong tradition that the above LHBF which seems to be a bit limp frankly, like an old man trying to remember what he saw once but doesn't really remember. Also they seem pretty good for a good workout. And from XingYi to LHBF, for me that seems a better plan as LHBF seems to have been lost.
  16. I would really like to be on an isolated Norweigian island doing physical work ? What do I have to do to get there ?
  17. I am not sure what they are doing over there but the human mind can be extremely devious and cunning in hiding itself in therapy sessions and I think that physical work is much more reliable. Much psychotherapy is actually quite fake, and I have a lot of experience. Whereas digging trenches is not so easy to hide from.
  18. Zhang Sanfeng 13 forms

    That LHBF Goose video looks very vague to me. Perhaps it's all been lost.
  19. One has to already have quite a lot of maturity inner harmony and education for a good result to come from isolated starring at a wall. I imagine that many criminals could not use such a situation productively. For the authorities, at some point the prisoner becomes just dead inside and thus no longer a threat and then he is paroled.
  20. The Norwegian solution looks very good ! Well done. If prisoners are raped and terrified like in the US .... when they are released into society they bring that trauma and damage with them into society and live in the house next door to you, it's a bit like throwing plastic into the ocean only to eat the fish from that ocean afterwards (and the fish have eaten the plastic). The image of a man staring at the wall and coming face to face with his crime ... it might work only for a few. For most the problem is inside the body / heart and so physical work, contact with nature, and so on ... is a much better approach. Starring at a wall does nothing. And the majority of human population could do with some time on an isolated island and be given a spade and told to dig hard labour for a few weeks. If everyone on Earth was forced to do that once a year, the world would be much improved. In fact I can think of no better or more rapid cure for mankind's problems.
  21. Deleted

    I've not read any theories but the Extinction Rebellion event was at that time 11am ish in Paris. I think because such Facebook protests are so much in vogue right now, and supported by the BBC, that .... nobody wants to talk about it. But it's pretty simple. Weren't they suppose to rebel against our extinction ?? Pretty easy to see some young French kids with Facebook telling them they are so powerful from the phone, and someone .... chucks something in the scaffolding. Don't the same people also tell them how evil the church is ? Of course they do. No need for any other theories. But after supporting this protest, I guess it's time for all the mainstream news to hide under their tails and pretend they did nothing. Poor old Jesus, nobody ever read a single word he read, he is unknown.
  22. Humans are fragmented. If you fix that fragmentation you don't need spiritual awakening, as you will be whole right here and now. The fragmentation is caused by the interaction between the animal and the human part of us, the subconscious and conscious. The book Inner Bonding by M.Paul teaches you how to fix this. You have to understand that humans are quite deranged so be cautious what information/media you put into you, and also what food. Emotions and the internet become your food, so eat healthy. If you eat too much sugar, you will not be able to taste a healthy carrot salad - you just won't feel it as all you feel is the sugar. It is the same for sugar-emotions of hollywood, and the sugar-thoughts of the internet. Be careful with these things or you won't feel anything any more except sugar. Practices must be physically grounded, people who talk too much just get nowhere, you have to do things with the body or it's all hot air coming out of the mouth. In terms of the awakening of consciousness and so on, it is largely a question of the transmission of the state, as words alone just won't allow you to feel what it means inside you. So ... you must find a teacher who is awakened, and sit next to him and feel the transmission. Most teachers are not awakened or anything, mostly they are complete morons. Others feel blue and purple energies and so on ... avoid them. Look for a solid healthy grounded wise person who has awakened himself and wishes to teach you personally. The book "I Am That" is good, in as much as a book can. It is also good to read about the life journeys and struggles and search of awakened teachers, what they did, where they went, what they tried and so on. If you read the parables, and try to really understand what they mean ... then you can become more intelligent and appreciative of life giving wisdom ... becoming truly intelligent is also important, because without becoming more intelligent how can you understand ? Try the Parable of the Sower. What does it mean for your life ? Good luck.
  23. I would be interested to know about any, if anyone knows anything like tai chi that is non-martial ? I suppose salsa is, but it doesn't have that slow awareness practice within it. Yoga (asana) / ballet seem quite physically oriented, outwards. There are three Christian origin traditions I am aware of, Eurythmy, Pan-eurythmy, Gurdjieff movements. Any others that are developed ? Any from the Orient ?
  24. Deleted
