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Everything posted by rideforever

  1. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    China declares victory ? And for how long ? Many EFL students are flying from the UK back home to China ... and they have been told they can return to the UK within 2 years to finish their English language training. So as they are flying back and forwards, and China does not have herd immunity ... what's gonna happen then ? Same in Taiwan ... what if someone from Italy flies over in November ... ? Every large country has tens of thousands of cases. Is it just going to vanish ? Or is it coming back ? Well, we'll see. The whole stupidity is the ego. He always dreams he is in control. He does not understand nature. He walks down the street has a big drama story in his head, where he is the hero ... and the whole time in his body are millions of cells who are making him work that he knows nothing about. The story just carries on upstairs between the ears. Meanwhile in the UK it is apparently just fine for all businesses to close, all kids to stop going to school ... and over at the Bank of England they are buying more ink so they can print these "pound notes". Apparently this is all fine ... why did anyone bother working all these years ! Anyway Bullets over Broadway, that's my recommendation.
  2. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    Yeah ... well by the time mankind has decided what it wants to do ... nature will have done it already. And yes it's true there are many diseases that have no vaccines even today, because they are very naughty. But then again ... so are we.
  3. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    You are right ... I meant young people are unlikely to die from it. Anyway, I wonder who will be monitoring the nuclear waste in F'ukushima, Chernobyl and Sellafield? The way mankind lives, any small disaster could lead to extinction !! Have a nice day ! Will there be a Childbirth Boom in 9 months with all this ... "staying home" ?? I like to "stay home" quite a lot ... sometimes "all weekend" ... nudge nudge. Summers almost here ... it's hot !
  4. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    Article about vaccines for Coronaviruses (they may provide only short term immunity - which could mean wavs of repeat infections if you try to flatten the curve?): https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00798-8 Another aspect is the protection of the older people in society at the cost to the young (who are unlikely to get it). Apparently exam results this year will be based on mock exams, or assessed. BoJo says that we may be through the worst in 3 months ... I assume that means he thinks herd immunity will be sufficient at that time? I suppose British families will be hitting the supermarkets this weekend to feed the kids at home.
  5. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    Washington State Field Hospitals https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/king-county-to-put-200-bed-field-hospital-on-shoreline-soccer-field-amid-coronavirus-outbreak/
  6. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    That's not correct ; why is the flu shot recommended each year ... because it wears off. Flattening the curve will result in long term immune damage as you are infected multiple times. Furthermore if we have live infections coming in waves for 3+ years it will give the virus time to morph into new strains. This is exaclty what causes super bugs mrsa etc.. ... it is the long term interference with natural mecanisms. Hopefully science is gonna save us !!! Haleluja ! Consider this ... if you cut yourself and go to hospital, you might say "oh the doc patched me up". But in fact the healing of your wounds happens at the molecular level and is done by the body using incredibly small and complex processes : our "science" is a joke compared to the power of nature within ourselves. It is the body that heals, the doctor only plays a small part. What we are really dealing with is damaging that healing power trough our own complete ignorance. @moment "Children are probably potential carriers, they just tend to be asymptomatic, which has its' own type of assiduousness. It will take much more testing to sort that all out." No doubt ... they can carry the virus, get immunity, and not die from it. So no problem. Why would you close the schools then ? The kids will be looked after .... by parents or grandparents ? Anyone see a problem there ? Can you imagine if this virus was actually dangerous ?!!!! If the problem is NHS beds ... then just deal with that problem with field hospitals ... don't create 50 more problems. I am still wondering if there is any problem at all ... we get hit with flus and coranviruses every year, some years very badly. So what? In the winter old people die. Anyway, I am just expressing a view ... it is probably worth trying some drastic action, why not. If it doesn't work they will know soon enoug. Consider the UK Government is rolling out £330 BN in stimulus. But £2 BN would be enough for 20 field hospitals in the UK.
  7. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    The problem with this is that the NHS is already overloaded and in the models predicting the scenario of flattening as you suggest there are 8 patients for 1 bed, therefore is we use models to determine our action .... then we already need field hospitals at the peak we cannot avoid it. Worse than that, because we don't go through at the same time, the immunity wears off, and then you get secondary tertiary waves inside the country ... as one part of the country's immunity wears off, and another part gets it. That means people will get it in several waves which is more dangerous. Our herd immunity works ... but if you fuck with it, it will not work. The old people are best aided by being given large doses of anti-virals and going through with the herd now, and it's done in a few weeks. Otherwise they will be at risk for maybe 3 years ... we will lose more of them, you are just torturing their immune systems. Of course the entire economy will be destroyed, bankruptcy and unemployment and national debt. So ... I am all for giving lockdown "a go", so let's see what happens, it doesn't look to me that it is going to work, better to assist nature instead. Let herd immunity work, make it short and do what needs to be done now. That's my view.
  8. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    BBC : 2nd wave hits South Korea, China, Singapore CV should not even be a big deal ... as it's 70+ generation who are dying ... it's a small problem for society. If the army creates field hospitals then the NHS overload can be dealt with. As for the old people they take any antivrals and sit and hope. Then 3 months later there is herd immunity and its done. - that's my view - But reality will assert itself .... say if in 7 days it is clear the entire country has got it ... and that the NHS is already overloaded .... then the army will come and nature will take its course. Maybe it's worth the Government giving it a shot to close down the country ... but ... can you stop the normal flu ? No. Soon enough we will see if any action can be effective or whether you prepare for nature.
  9. Taoist Enlightenment : UG Krishnamurti

    I have some personal experience of this actually. Why do awakened teachers sometimes die of terrible diseases or have corrupt behaviour or ... mention that their mind is "still" talking in the background ? The answer is that although a part of them is awakened, the rest is not. And due to lack of understanding of their inner structure, they don't care. Part of them is in the light and they identify with that part and forget everything else. Which is fine because it's a big achievement. But ... neck tensions etc... body disfunctions ... inner corruptions etc.. these are often in the subconscious layers of the being ... the mind also is a subconscious part of the intelligence, eventually everything must be integrated so that the entire iceberg is one, with its many parts. When people talk of the difference between Xing and Ming they probably refer to the approach of cleaning the whole house, or just sitting in the room that is awakened.
  10. Just got this amazing book. I have it on good authority and I agree that he has achieved a Taoist enlightenment although he is an Indian man. This book detailed his very strange life of seeking and the unusual events that led to his enlightenment including energy emanations from his penis to his crown, and phosphorescent energy on his skin, and other things. After his enlightenment he had incredible health for the rest of his life and describe his state as something like the body is the real aliveness there is no mind. But you would have to read it. His radiant effortless health was undoubtedly because his LDT was in fully communion with the Source and is different to Indian Sages who cultivate Consciousness in the headspace and have no such health benefits. He was always very skeptical of spirituality but he also seemed to have arrived. He was very confusing to listen to, mystifying a bit like Chuang-tzu.
  11. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    Funny story : I was in the cafe yesterday morning, and it happens to have a Sainsburys supermarket opposite it. Anyway I was sitting there drinking my flat white when all the customers and staff started staring out the window and then rushed out to the supermarket ... they had seen some loo rolls being delivered !!! Anyway I joined them and scored a 9er pack of loo rolls, to go with my stash. This morning the word on the street is that cafes will be closed from this weekend and the army may arrive to enforce a curfew. On the BBC it says that school closures are not to protect children as they are not at risk !!!! So what's it for ? I believe they recognize that they cannot stop nature, but want to minimise overload on the NHS ... somehow destroying jobs and businesses and putting the country in huge debt is all to be sacrificed on the alter of the NHS, queue violin music. Anyway, a farmer who has seen his crops destroyed from weeds and suffered the consequences of it ... he will have learned good and will be prepared to take real action if it happens again. In today's mental world, people don't have those kind of elearning xperiences so, they end up (a) trying to look busy (b) talking about caring for people endlessly (c) praying that science is gonna save them (d) disrupting everything as much as possible so that everyone knows they tried. Why do they keep changing the clocks backwards and forwards every year ... it is simply the vanity of the ego who imagines he can do it better than nature. From the 1918 virus then went around the world ... what lessons of action can be learnt? Very few, nobody knows exactly what happened and why. Nobody can make any conclusions based on it. It came, it killed, it left. Vaccines : giving such blanket treatments to large sections of society after a few months testing ... is suicidal.
  12. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    So you think they should close the schools and be looked after by their grandparents who they will infect and kill? Children have almost 0% chance of dying if they get. Why close the schools ... how much pressure do you want to put on the country ? Not only are businesses going to lay off people and go bankrupt ... but now parents can't go to work because they have to look after the kids, or the kids stay with the grandparents which exposes the grandparents. Where is the logic ? It's going to be havoc after Friday. The country is going to go into massive debt.
  13. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    Your teacher taught you to be an ahole with a cartoon character for your picture. Ima and spiritual .... around the world it is in a state of decay.
  14. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    WHO is showing exponential rises currently. What do they know. https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports Also China, although it has enforced very strict measures not possible in the West, is not finished but trickling along.
  15. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    What are you talking about - the way this website works, is that new people arrive ... and then a gang of old timers and wanna be gurus turn up and take pot shots at them. Civil ? What are you talking about - this place is full of hatred.
  16. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    Sure, just look at the lynchmobs dancing around Heartbbreakers threads. Even some "teachers" (of what I don't know) getting involved. Honing insults is the whole point of tdb for many these days.
  17. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    If you send kids home then their grandparents will have to look after them whilst parents are at work. Which will kill the grandparents. Children and young people very rarely get infected so they should stay at school and not hang around at home infecting the older generations.
  18. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    It sounds nice, and will win many votes. Talking about healthcare wins many votes. In the UK the forecast are that if you suppress it then we will have 800% overcapacity ... this means there will be 8 people for every 1 bed in the hospital. At the peak of the virus. So even if you suppress it you will need the army. And if you suppress it you may kill many more people in the country, in 3 years time, because the normal evolutionary immunity is not allowed to function normally. Normally herd immunity happens quickly and the virus is finished in 3 months. Also you will destroy your country's economy. So, I think it is worth trying to suppress it for a few weeks until the summer, afterwards ... forget it. Just open up everything.
  19. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    Death by Age AGE DEATH RATE 80+ years old 36.7% 70-79 years old 8.0% 60-69 years old 3.6% 50-59 years old 1.3% 40-49 years old 0.4% 30-39 years old 0.2% 20-29 years old 0.2% 10-19 years old 0.2% 0-9 years old no fatalities Basically if you are 60 or less you have very little chance of dying. Under 50 almost impossible to die. So what the fuck are we closing schools and businesses for ... old people are going to them anyway. Old people can go home and drink Redoxen.
  20. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    The End State The stewardship should be based on what end state you are aiming for. If you try to suppress the virus so that only 5% of the population gets it ... this will have to be manged continuously for 3 to 5 years !!!!! Not only that, but the immunity of the herd will not function properly because as the immunity of some dies down ... others will get it, and it will bounce around. It's worth a shot to suppress it, but after a few weeks you give up. If you take no action then the virus is spent in 3 months with herd immunity in place. End of. This is what herd immunity is for. In the UK it is forecasted that taking no action means the NHS will be overcapacity by 25x (2500%) at the peak. But if you take supressive action you will still be 800% at the peak, and there will be several peaks. So you cannot protect the NHS by trying to suppress it, the army must be used. Therefore, BoJo can try to suppress it for a few weeks, its worth a shot ... but imo ... we quickly move to the situation that it is better to infect the entire country right now and its done in 3 months. And the only action you take is to give the old people anti virals best you can. Then you get the Army to make makeshift hospital spaces and basic ventilators and you each council has weekly funerals, cremations and shared graves. Then after 3 months it's done. Otherwise you have a 3+ year economic disaster, all for a flu. Anyway, you can see how stupidly our phoney society is managed, how little intelligence or knowledge or resilience there is. How many articles have you read from experts who don't know anything ?? As for this society, you reap what you sow. World Economic Forum Model https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/03/3-charts-that-changed-coronavirus-policy-in-the-uk-and-us/
  21. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    If the figures are not infections per million population ... then its a stupid chart. Also it's wrong, in nearly all countries we have entered a rapid exponential rise.All except China/S.Korea who have take severe action. Charts https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
  22. Coronavirus exaggerated by Virologists ?
  23. Mankind is havoc ... in and of itself ! Anyway, I am wondering if Coronavirus is just a hoax, after all more people are dying of seasonal flu. It will be interesting to see what the final scores are in the world viral cup 2020.
  24. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "We can have Rome back if we only smash enough BMW windows"