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Everything posted by rideforever

  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    F ....... I don't do FP but boy does it seem complicated and complicated is not what you need when you are in trouble with your health and such. All this 20 30 40 business. Really ? This is overcontrol isn't it. Many diseases come from overcontrol. That's why healing sounds / wuji is about relaxing and letting go of all that baggage you are clinging to that makes you ill. No good clinging to it, then clinging to 20 30 40, 7 DVDs worth of that. Be nice to yourself eh ! Also for what it is worth, natural belly breathing is the only breathing I do. Breathing is so central to life that forcing it into multiple breathing patterns is quite insane. Although having said that I do something do alternate nostril breathing, but I don't actually change the breathing, I just close the nostrils. Natural breathing and only natural breathing ... that's my view. Call me mad if you like, everyone else does. How unnatural you want to make yourself before you realise that you are not in charge of this world. If you control your breathing .... I mean, is there anything you don't want to control ? World domination ? 6 Healing Sounds is one of the most powerful things you can do, and get good at. I do that with Michael Winn's DVD 5 Animals 6 Healing Sounds (which is basically same practice seated and moving). And easy and powerful. You can do this 3 times a day and eject all the black chi. Wuji is very powerful but a little difficult to have patience at the beginning, but it is another sine qua non. It is extremely powerful in its body healing, but it can be difficult to learn to stand. Maybe the best. Dragon & Tiger is very good and the DVD is excellent. It uses the wei chi (on surface of body) .... and doesn't get into the vital organs 5 animals 6 healing sounds ... but it rapidly revives all circulation in your body and is idiot proof. Aside from that, restricting negative media, replacing with positivity ; and also high quality homemade food; are also sine qua non. Also I have found Pau d'Arco to be excellent for internal infections. Take it slowly at first. Also take probiotics if you consume it because it is a widespectrum product so you need to replace the probiotics. Bio Kult is good for that. Anyway, you can't 100% trust what I am saying, so I am just offering something. On Friday I often choose to do something different (different DVD maybe) in order to inform my journey. Yet another thing is with Fragrant / FP (I dont do them) people say they do 20 30 etc... reps. Isn't that boring ? For me I am not just doing some movements .... for a result. It's a journey into the dao, like with the 5 elements, I am learning and romancing the elements every day, it grows inside you. And taichi is very beautiful. I am not looking for a result ... but a journey, a meaningful deepening journey. Because that in itself is health. (I am not saying anyone should stop or anything, just a minority fat mouth report). And I think that is a weakness in Dayan Wild Goose ... although it looks pretty. ???
  2. The Brexit Thread

    Brexit has already been successful at shaking people up and creating loathing for the EU and politicians, that can only be a good thing. Today at 230 pm the Government's legal advisor will be questioned by MPs on how much sovereignty in N.Ireland will be given to the EU. https://calendar.parliament.uk/
  3. The Stuff That Didn't Work

    The stuff that didn't work is the stuff that lingers : there are umpteen "therapies" available ... and anyone that actually works and works quickly .... well people will be cured so fast that they won't have time to talk about it. But those who go to non-working therapies for years and years and years .... spend so much time discussing it that it becomes visible. Likewise with medical drugs ... the stuff that makes money (and that corporate are aware makes money) is the stuff that doesn't work instantly ... if you only needed one dose to be well - how can anyone make money from it ? So the pills that are profitable work a little bit but take a lot of time. If you keep them hungry, but feed them scraps from time to time, then you keep them coming back. There is a fine tuning of how little to actually give out ... just enough to keep them coming back, but not so much that they can move on. .... just some thoughts ... Seems to be a general principle in here.
  4. Internal Alchemy - Where and How to start?

    I am not sure I can speak for Internal Alchemy, but : it seems IA is a long path requiring an ever deepening contact with forces inside and outside that one develops sensitivity and skill with, and using various techniques alchemises oneself. It is a question of becoming an expert over years. So, this is quite different from sudden enlightenment of some Indian paths. It is also different from Shikantaza of Zen : just sitting and merging until you are enlightened. IA appears to be a highly skilled and complex path. So, if these ideas are correct, and you wish to proceed then you would need a very skilled and accurate teacher and work closely with him. Personally I study with Michael Winn who aims to teach the alchemical aspect of the Healing Tao path, and he is highly skilled, but I cannot say at present what the results of the path can be. Other paths require far less skill and more time served, for instance Zen So, outside of those comments, for myself I choose to stand in wuji zhan zhuang, because it is rapid and direct. But this is not an alchemical path. Alternatively you might like to continue with your vipassana, and add in some taichi if you happen to like the movements.
  5. Internal Alchemy - Where and How to start?

    Hello, what were the results of your previous practices and what is attracting you to Taoism and IA?
  6. The Brexit Thread

    Who is going to do civil war ? Nobody. Was speaking to a 55yr old ex-builder (Brexit voter) said he doesn't care anymore. Anyway ... it's quite easy. Davis / Raab know exactly what to do. In fact they were doing it until TM pushed them out to carry out her grand delusion. From the start she had been saying nothing is agreed until everything is agreed, and now it transpires she wants to give them 40bn plus joint-sovereignty on N Ireland in return for nothing, with no ongoing trade deal agreed at all... wtf. Intimidated much ? It's her, she represents the fearmind of Remainers stocked up by the media. Difficult to know what will happen but ... something will happen. Probably ongoing for one more year.
  7. Selflessness Is A Deceit

    He knows the futility of society and its delusions. Because he is bright and sharp and can feel the Truth. He is great because he is ... undeceived. What kind of man can pass so many judgements on society ? The path is to come out of the false self, and become conscious of truth, apart from mechanical thinking (mechanical victimhood) and be conscious and act from your truth. Then you are a Sage and deserve a name.
  8. Selflessness Is A Deceit

    Well who is the Sage ? The Sage is a man who is willing to stand aside from the multitudes, who rejects what others do and sets his own course, he loves the natural and true harmony of existence that is prior to him, and he merges with it. That is not a "nobody" ... that is a somebody. And I think the ego business is very much misunderstood. Did Buddha leave the palace and work so hard because he was nobody. No, he was a somebody with his own inner drive and will and he loved the truth. I am afraid mankind is very much confused.
  9. Selflessness Is A Deceit

    And Rand is a true Taoist !!!! Yes indeed. She wants generation, a society of generators, i.e. those that marry Yin/Yang to create create create. She loves conscious creation. That is Taoism, look away if you can't bear it. She has a strong respect for the balance of masculine / feminine forces, about the generative nature of love. Her morality is quite clear, balance male / female and generate ...and she points out how the moochers (gain through tears) and looters (gain through organised theft) are refusing to generate. Yes this is Conscious Taoism in action. Laozi says that the Sage stands aside from the crowds, he does not play their games, he loves The Way, and balances Yin Yang to Create Yuan .... because he loves creation. Well she isn't wholly Taoist, but a large part is .... she sensed the value of it. Laozi says that the Sage fills bellies ... and closes mouths. In our leftie world of "values" (puke) it's all words and no hard work, no real generation, no courage, just words words words words. Again she is allied with him.
  10. Selflessness Is A Deceit

    Hey. I am interested to discuss. Just saying it's wrong .... why ? Can be specific looking at it from different angles ???? What is it you see ? And what is the middle way and how does this middle way supposed to work for whom ? Interestingly I see many people who love Rand saying that being an entrepreneur creates opportunities in society, but in my opinion they once again are referring to victimhood and helping helping helping violin playing. What Rand is pointing to is be aware the God made you to be you. You are an organ of God and you reject it. Trying to bury your head in the ground so you don't have to be awake, always referring to others and violin playing. God rolls his eyes. Arise, he says. ... I have made you as an organ of existence, have no shame to be what you are, uncover that. Those industrialists who say I want money and nothing but money don't get it either. Just like with JC, it's rare to understand.
  11. Selflessness Is A Deceit

    Hmm. I see them natter spiritually, when Dalai Lama says "my religion is happiness", he is pointing at the same thing -or at least should be. Something interesting is that in Christian circles of which I am a member, people often talk of JC's second commandment that one should love one's neighbour as oneself ... but they never talk of JC's first commandment that you should love God (your inner consciousness and truth) with all your love mind and soul. And even the 2nd commandment about your neighbour .... well how do you love yourself ? In JC's case he was quite tough on himself meditating for hours every night and he had his own mission to pursue, when he helped others he told them to keep it quiet. How far from that are the modern Christians who blow their trumpets helping helping helping .... that is a wrong interpretation. How many amongst them have their own personal life goals. It's just so easy to play in the emotionality of "helping others" .... it is not a sincere place. Helping others means by-example and leadership and knowing something about something, takes courage. Buddha / Osho and other spiritual teachers .... in their personal journeys they were absolutely greedy and ruthless. How strange it is that the followers of religions are often cowardly sitters around. But ok maybe one can presume the vedic idea of 4 classes of people, the Brahmin, the Warriors, the Merchants, the Cleaners. And if this is the organisation of society it will yield the best result. At the moment the collective-ant-mind-social-media seems to be reducing the consciousness of people to insect like level, were maybe social policy is more appropriate. Ants don't have the concept of consciousness in their culture. In this society the laws of Corporations are a disaster they protect people from real competition and business owners from prosecution and are against Rand's ideas, in fact she says it would the worst disaster if capitalists were protected by the state - and it is. Anyway being more than halfway through my life and having lived the whole time in a socialist state of sorts, I am not sure I can wield these ideas very well .... but I can think about what it is I want, and drop all this endless worrying about everyone else, and regard the perfection of my own being as my goal ... which clarifies a lot.
  12. Wow, this is a big thing. https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-evolution-human-origins/scientists-are-alarmed-shrinking-human-brain-001446 We are in a pretty degenerated state already. Gurdjieff said that humans exist as a layer of energy transformers in the chain of existence, and that if there are many people on the planet it means that the transformation has become weak and so more have to be produced by nature. Meaning the quality of humans vastly decreases. Just speaking to a secondary school teacher yesterday, he was saying that in the last 5 years children have degenerated because it is the first generation who's mother's have mobile phones. I have personally also noticed that many younger people today don't grow fully into their bodies, their lower half seems more like a newt' tail, coupled with jeans hanging low, and their faces are not fully formed into real face of real people. Also ancient people often seemed to be very spiritual in some ways, soulful, and the modern destructive human is a sign of degeneration. As humanity becomes more collectively connected .... other people think for you, work for you, do everything for you .... and so your brain and other faculties degenerate. Soon humans will degenerate to the size of a small mammal. And then there will be no soul. Humanity will become soulless. Also I happened to see some photos of "small people" indigenous tribe of Africa, monkey-men living in the forest. That is coming as well as there isn't enough food to support larger bodies. The internet soulless monkey humans of the future !!! Most education at school and of doctors, is to use other people's knowledge whilst becoming dumber. Anyway, there is great room for development far beyond the people around you, that's the message I take. Even many spiritual teachers teach only a small type of awakening. Being like the ancients is possible if you have fire in your soul. Drop everyone and learnt to grow and grow big. Every energy-saving-device is really a device that prevents your interaction with life and degenerates your soul and your happiness ! Well, mostly anyway. It is one thing having had a childhood in physical reality, and then learning to use a computer. And another thing were you are given a computer at birth and never develop. Further hard data I saw a couple of years back was a meta study 100 year period of the visual reaction time of modern humans with the victorian era (who documented their experiments) and we had degenerated by 2/3rds if I remember. Having fast reaction means you are alive, and is correlated with IQ. Of course the apologists will say this and that, everything is getting better. Human society always has a very large industry of apologists to explain away everything, like schools in NY having 30 different bathrooms for 30 different "genders". Wow : self-domestication. In the same way we have dogs and cats as pets, we treat ourselves the same way, exploit other people. Interestingly domesticated animals have tiny brains compared to wild counterparts. F*************************** inghell. https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/animals/a14392897/domesticated-brains/ I feel a very large spirit of rebellion coming on. Kunlun spontaneous qigong anyone ?
  13. What is spirituality

    The Source as it manifests pours outwards ... over time this outward flow creates structures and regions, evolving over billions of years, these structures develop the ability to question the flowing, they develop individual intelligences, and eventually they may look in the direction of the Source and understand what is happening, then they experience the "subject" or what it is in and of itself ... they have come full circle and feel-understand what they are from the vantage point of that structure (being). And that is the beginning of spirituality.
  14. I Think, and Only I

    You know ... when I wish to learn something try something do something .... I expect to do 99.9% of the work btw. Because - it's what I want, so I take it and try hard.
  15. Human Brains Shrinking for 30,000 Years

    Yes that's true, I am personally concerned and would like to take action. I don't want to be part of the idiocracy. Plus there always the explain-it-awayers and the i-see-nothingers. But anyway, I will take my own course.
  16. I Think, and Only I

    It's not easy to explain to people the value of consciousness and spirit, if they have lived drifting and surrounded by people who don't mind drifting.
  17. Human Brains Shrinking for 30,000 Years

    Why do you think it contradicts the OP ? The second study shows a 40 year decline to 2009, and the other one was a decline since Victorian times. Both hard data studies showing decline. Strange thing about humans is that whatever they say they don't really mind living in an Idiocracy, because most of them spend their lives with their eyes closed and dreaming fairy stories that are "very compassionate" and "loving". And then you have the industry of explain-it-away, for those that wish to continue to live in their pyjamas no matter what happens. Like the 4 piece band that carried on playing as the Titanic sunk. Had a big crowd, 5 minutes later they were in the water dying. But hey ... what can you do. I recently heard that the proportion of people who are interested in being conscious is 1 in 10,000. Of course spirituality is a nice fun new game that 9,999 might be playing if its fashionable, but they aren't actually interested and would run off to the other side of the planet if they new what it meant.
  18. I Think, and Only I

    Yes, that is what they say. But if you understand that it means that they don't open their eyelids much unless something big happens, then they simply sleepwalk in their work ... and how much of it is accurate. We can't know anymore because they are not trustworthy. Just because you get an expect answer ... doesn't meant the experiment is correct. They are just like any other bod, they only stand to attention when the boss is around. This is not science it's all BS. You can't be a scientist without wishing to be truly conscious and testing the truth all day long. These people are just jobsworths and the EM Drive just shows the whole boring story. Like the rejection and negativity surrounding the results .... because they threaten all existing theories .... and all the careers that were made on those existing theories. In other words it's just another bunch of monkeys with their hierarchies and groupthinks and their institutions and all that sh***. And for me that's not science, that's people slowly dying whilst talking a good game. I am afraid most people like a Hollywood story before bed .... some sort "clear and easy truth" they can tuck themselves in with. They are sleepy people. It's interesting many things that we think are certain, are not actually certain. For instance some universal "constants" .... are tested regularly, with testing machines .... and the result is always a little different, and then a team of scientists has a "vote" on which one they should use. Ha. And this is a "constant" is it !!!! Earth does not go round the Sun and a full explanation of what is happening is rather long. But .... of course most human monkeys are asleep by now. Science is just another lullaby. Where is the fire ???
  19. I Think, and Only I

    One thing I notice is that various experiments were conducted on the machine which showed it produced actual thrust. And when the results were concluded, then the scientists were suspicious and came up with umteen alternative explanations and rejected it and so on. Which is fine. But the thing is, when ordinary scientific experiments are carried out and the results concluded .... then just accept them without thinking too much, without checking for experimental errors. And don't do any other checks, and those experiments may also have gazillions of errors in them, but they are not checked because no body can be arsed .... because they are sort of what is expected and they know that it's enough to get paid and go home to dinner. So basically what this means is that most scientists are doing experiments rather monotonously and not checking to hard and don't particularly care because they sort of know what the answer is supposed to be. It's just one big groupthink. Which means they not really scientists, they are jobsworths. And only a few came with a bigger mission and spirit.
  20. I Think, and Only I

    https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/11/nasa-impossible-emdrive-physics-peer-review-space-science/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RF_resonant_cavity_thruster#Tests_by_inventors
  21. I Think, and Only I

    When you do not sit in the seat of the thinker, your mind will think as part of the collective, sharing ideas on the internet. In that case you can consider all humans are one organism in many bodies, sharing through the media/ culture and there is not much free will, although society does occasionally change a bit. However humans can wake up, so that they sit in the seat of the thinker, then it is "I" that think, and no-one but "I". I am a black sheep and no longer do what they wish, nor do I rebel against what they wish. "I" am simply "I", "I" am me. This is the beginning of free will. And one gets a taste for it like an inventor that begins doing new things, and learns to like climbing the uncharted, because being free feels incredible. Then going back into the sheeple feels painful.
  22. Chi - how does it feel?

    This is "the mind". And yes it is energy of a sort, when the mind is like this it leaves a trail of destructive energy over your head and deregulates the energy in other parts of your presence and also outside of you. Therefore the "awakening" of the mind is the most important thing a human being needs to do in his life, first it can be attempted by "controlling" the might forcefully with discipline, but this must quickly be replaced by something more stable than controlling ... and that is Presence. I Am in the seat of the thinker. To do this kind of work, that is close to the wild mind, it is important to be exceptionally grounded elsewhere (for instance in the breathing or belly) only then can you work on the seat in the forehead without getting smashed to pieces. And this ... is the job. This job cannot be really fixed with energy because to take ones seat is a question of learning who you are, and owning it. The best you can do with energetic approach is to (a) be calm, (b) open your dantien or solar plexus so your energy is not so concentrated up in the head, (c) yin yang regulation so the energy flows are smooth .... but still unless you sit in the forehead the mind will roam and it will smash.
  23. I Think, and Only I

    Otherwise it is very bad, because you should take the seat in the forehead (awaken) .... if you do not it will roam unconsciously and harm you, like a wild bull in the paddock smashing all the fences and making a mess. This is not really a question of control, it is a question of presence .... "being there".
  24. What are you listening to?

    What's the TaoBums average age ? 125 ?!!
  25. A Science of Wu Wei?

    Wandelaar if you don't mind me saying so you seem to want intellectual understandings of things, meaning you want an understanding that comes from a certain portion of your mind .... which is not connected to the Real. And this, like thousands of years of philosophy in the head, cannot come up with any answers, so you will be endlessly without an answer. This part of the mind is not awakened, it just process endless millions of thoughts like a machine with nobody sitting at the control. And one should not allow oneself to be like this. One must awaken until each thought is precious and felt with the body heart and awakened mind simultaneously. Otherwise the thinking is like a lawnmower endlessly mowing grass that never stops and never finds anything. As part of the growth into the Real, the dantien becomes awakened and then becomes another centre of ourselves that "feels" energetic flows and truths in life, and our identity operates from 2 or more centres that blends the information together into our identity. That is why the cook carves up the Ox, and feels the difficult places before they arrive ... he feels from the Dantien the energy flows. And his mind has returned to the Real.