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Everything posted by rideforever

  1. God as Self, Atman

    I know a lot about Osho, and he was enlightened after a long process of sadhana during which he suffered several existential crises; and that was my point, that one must do a lot of work to reach realisation in almost all cases. I don't know what your point is ? That is organisation fell apart and students did bad things ? Okay - that's sort of par for the course on this planet. Do you expect something different ? That's what happens with every organisation in every walk of life.
  2. Greenland creatures coming

    Kurt Russell, if he's on it then I wouldn't worry !!!! "The president .... of what ?"
  3. God as Self, Atman

    Bergson is just another foolish monkey who wishes to describe what "it is" and strings together half arguments and few flowery words some stuff borrowed by some traditions he might have read something about and at the end uses the word "intuition" to mean he doesn't really know but something is there. No shit something is there. Here is my suggestion : notice that Buddha, Ramana, Osho, Eckhart Tolle, Milarepa, Bodhidharma, Jesus and so on .... notice that they all shut their mouth and went into deep meditation and study for several intensive years with serious teachers. And only then did they start speaking. And that is why the no something. So that's the opportunity, to work like the sages did, and then acquire knowledge and being. Or you can play the famous game of the monkeys, which is to have a glass of red wine and make endless mysterious statements coupling together emotionality a few spiritual sayings you heard once, maybe add in a bit of neuroscience or whatever you fancy today and just go on and on meaninglessly.... and then finish your glass of wine. If that is your level !
  4. Is Fascism Left or Right

    Some currents : Individual Actualization Donald Trump (for instance) having actualized himself through hard work over many years respects hard work and the result of it. Those politicians who have not cannot respect or understand it. Collective and Personal Consciousness Human monkeys live as part of a tribe, checking in to refresh what they are supposed to be thinking today, hating today, and valuing today ... through the culture. The tribe protects itself. Other people are leaving the tribe and find it sickening and suicidal, they wish to be themselves individually. The False Mind And Control Human monkeys have evolved an embryonic consciousness higher than animals ; because it is embryonic it gets some things right but in the end everything goes wrong. Like a child. It can bomb the middle east and congratulate itself, but it cannot fix the middle east. It is essentially false, or in a state of primitive learning. It's identity fluctuates greatly as it is not solid enough to hold it's own, and not strong enough to prevent the ingress of the collective mind of society, so it often resorts to trying desperately to inflict forceful control on others as a way to stabilise it's feelings of security and it's identity. Living Traditions Gore Vidal was one of the last in the line of a living tradition that had brought the US something very valuable, they held a light within themselves. Historically perhaps some Royal lines also did. But these things wax and wane, and you can easily be left with an intellectual tradition who's members are complete insincere idiots, or royal families who's members are likewise non-entities. So, political parties are at any one time a cross-section of specific currents such as these, in specific moments of waxing and waning.
  5. speed of light foray

    My understanding is that it states that you cannot travel at the speed of light but nothing prohibits you travelling faster. Also note that many "constants" are not necessarily constant.
  6. The Brexit Thread

    Some thoughts : are "free trade agreements" important ? If you want to ship spanners to Burundi does it matter that much to you if the import duty is 5% or 15% ? It's just one of the costs you have to calculate like shipping handling distribution certification .... it doesn't mean you don't have to deal with the government at all. And the final cost to the consumer of Burundi is affected by many factors including the strength of your economy legal system and so on. ??? Politicians prance about .... but is it actually relevant ? The make "agreements" (have lots of meetings) but so what ? Isn't politics just a sort of job that society uses to find work for useless drunks who like red wine at lunchtime ? If you are in business isn't it better to use WTO for all countries, rather than having Agreement A with countries 1,2,3 and Agreement B with countries 4,5, and WTO with countries 6,7. What a bloody headache, just imagine how much legislation you have to read through. If you make a FTA with some country .... and then what ? Do you expect all the donut manufacturers to jump up and down and start selling them in Alaska ? Or do you think that a new FTA means that all the housewives are going to say ... "oh ok lets' be Alan Sugar and start manufacturing computers". FTAs .... aren't they mostly about promoting your country by making a lot of confident noise on TV. Isn't that really the game. And perhaps you can do that anyway, with diplomacy, cultural exchange, real confidence and having useful products for the world. Monkeys having red win luncheons and jumping up and down ... it's boring now.
  7. The Brexit Thread

    She has negotiated nothing, just given away N.Ireland and £40BN. Incredible. But perhaps it was always always going to be like this, unless we pull the trigger the forces of cowardice will rule. Raab / Davis are ideal replacements and capable of getting something.
  8. Who really was first?

    Isaac Newton's gravity is not ... the current theory by the way, and the Earth does not orbit the Sun. Most humans are not intelligent enough to comprehend the highest theories that science has, nor are they really able to understand Newton's theories but they can repeat them in the pub and sound clever ... which is what humans want. They wish to sound clever. Probably there have been humans on this planet millions of years ago whilst taking a sh** probably came up with gravitational theories, and some of them were probably as good as Newton's. But you don't know the names of these people. Some animals also might have had gravitational theories, perhaps a TRex who bit an pterodactyl in half and watched pieces of the body fall down from his mouth and he thought to himself .... hmm some force is doing that. What does it mean "discovered" ? It means a certain group of other apes talk about you, it's fashionable. Another thing is that just because science has discovered something doesn't mean you discovered anything. You might live in Manhattan in 2018 but you might have the brain of Fred Flinstone. People like to talk about "science" because it makes them feel like they know something, like they can ride on the coat-tails of Newton or Einstein ... maybe if you talk about them some of their intelligence will fall upon you. But ... in reality you know nothing, and you haven't worked for knowledge. To become intelligent requires study, careful, and sensitive study of small things. Just like a musician learning an instrument, becoming intelligent is a slow careful process. But most human apes simply want to find out which science is popular, read a few article on the internet, and talk about it in the pub then people will like them. Why doesn't the Earth orbit the Sun ? There is a cascade of answers. Firstly the Earth orbits the centre of mass of the solar system which is influenced by other planets; Secondly the Earth is actually the Earth-Moon system that orbits the center of the solar system; And actually all the bodies of the entire universe are influencing this motion, so you have to include the movement of the entire solar system; And include relativistic meaning that space time is bending; And finally you have to include the !quantum" effects meaning that consciousness that is watching it all is influencing it And so on. But you won't be very popular in the pub if you say these things. Better to memorise like a parrot something that sounds impressive, and associate yourself with it.
  9. Emptiness in India simply means the activation of Consciousness in the head. This then removes you from the thought stream. It is empty ... of the thought stream. However if you are intelligent you will simply see that you are in a higher body and this is the mind of the higher body, it's not empty. Daoism is concerned with the Dantien and the enlightenment of Dantien which is quite different, it happens down beneath the belly and is difficult to describe but you could say it is a state of the realisation of the abyss of energy absolute surrender and absolute death.
  10. God as Self, Atman

    God is exploring himself through all incarnations including yours, but there is a long way to go to create a sane being out of the many myriad of layers of consciousness and dimensions within a human soul. One of your layers -which has a developed intelligence- is speaking to another layer, that seems to be what is happening. Also you say that in the past everyone lived in harmony in ancient India etc... but this is more an intuition of a possible future if you manage to complete your evolution. All those fables of great beings of the past, I believe they are simply intuitions of a possible future if you are able to actualize yourself rather than falling apart as many acorns do. To intuit or feel something good one day is a very long way from being whole, but a good sign.
  11. Taoism: What's the goal?

    Hinduism is all about going up into the head and awakening Head (dimension of consciousness). Christianity is of course all about awakening the Heart (dimension of the divine) Taoism is all about awakening the Dantien (dimension of energy). What is the relationship between Consciousness / Divine / Energy : well they are all part of the soul which is the Real Self and is the product of the spiritual path. Whatever you work with there is always some element of Consciousness as it is required for "recognition" of anything, so if you feel your heart then consciousness is also activated indirectly. Any awakening can shatter the false self and lead you into the Light : in other words the soul can be activated through any activated centre. Indian / Chinese / Japanese / western / middle eastern cultures ..... have different characters based on their geography and history, which suit particular centres of the soul. Taoism : the dantien must be awakened, embodied and surrendered downwards into the abyss below. One of the degeneracies of Taoism is to create big energy centres on top of natural centre of the dantien and in other parts of the body, to get super mega energy .... which is quite different to the intention to awaken the truth within and surrender to reality and live WuWei.
  12. Several questions about practicing taoism

    Just to reiterate the GF practices include working with 2 areas, the belly breathing (BB) at the dantien, and the mid-eyebrow centre (MEC). Working With Multiple Centres Why when working with the MEC do you lose the BB ? Simply because the BB has not become permanent yet. Must work more on it. It is important not to divide your work 50/50, or you will keep losing the other centre and get nowhere. Better to work 80/20 on the BB/MEC. Stabilise your recognition of the BB and add the MEC work on top. Why Start With BB ? The MEC once actualized will fully stabilize the mind and you will find your soul which is the ultimate goal of the GF. However MEC is so close to the wild human mind that it cannot be approached directly. Firstly you need to find a deep stability in BB and use this as foundation for further work up at the MEC. How To Meditate On The Centres In the GF there is a guide for working with both areas. Follow that carefully. However you might like to add the following rhythm during meditation practice : 10 mins : guide the practice according to the GF instructions 10 mins : release th guidance (effort) and enter relaxed naturalness with the centre 10 mins : merge with the centre so that the rest of the world disappears, try to submerge yourself in the being of the centre All these things become more clear as you practice. Recognition The work is not just energetic or concentration. Permanence of your attainment actually comes from Recognition. That means you feel your identity wake up in the centre and that identity becomes permanent in the centre. Hence it says that the little man wakes up in the belly ... well this means as you walk down the street you feel that you are in the belly and see from the belly, rather than from your head. It happens quite naturally, you suddenly feel you are in the belly. It is important to maintain that sense of identity. Likewise in the MEC.
  13. I am interested in Santi, but what of the other organs ? Does it create imbalance ? I particularly like Santi because I am able to release deep blockages from the legs because it is quite a strong posture and has some spiral movement in it that seems to work with the blockages. Ideally I would like to find 4 other postures of similar spiral / strong nature, that work on the other organs, to make a set. I have a set of ZZ postures from Lam Kam Chuen but they are straight up and down postures which I don't find interesting or releasing. Perhaps someone can help me with specific information ?
  14. Many Qigong teachers who are expositing some teaching, talk of Grandmasters living in remote mountains, ancient lineage, fantastic effects and son on. And there really is no way to check any of this. And I wonder often where teachers actually come up with their Qigongs. Okay maybe they met a grandmaster once, but .... then they start developing new bits, and add ons and so on. How much of it is just their idea ? Maybe the grandmaster himself doesn't know, the Chinese are expert at bragging about the ancient heritage form the 39th descendant of the Wudang hermit Kermie and so on. And btw where do these teachers whilst working in presumably full-time jobs, where do they get time to travel the cloud topped mountains looking for ancient hermits. And if said teacher feels energy .... and then what ? It's not so easy to know what this energy will do. Is it. It could do anything long-term. So how to approach this ? Isn't it a bit dry and lifeless to follow the supposed best teacher with the most powerful form. What do you want power for anyway. Isn't it better to be yourself, rather than be a powerful; non-yourself ? Perhaps if you have the inkling to do Butterfly Qigong because hey I always like butterflies .... maybe you should do that, just because. Don't ask me why. And I wonder if some of these teachers are dancing round their living room and deciding that they have invented an amazing qigong ..... well maybe you should do that too on your own ? Do we really want power or health .... or do we just want ourselves. Isn't being ourselves the real power and health ?
  15. Buddha Did Not Know

    Buddha was an expert in many systems of meditations and jhanas and so on. He studied hard and long. But it didn't work. One day he sat under a tree, and plop Enlightenment. So .... the poor guy, he feels really good, wants to share it with everyone, and he reveals all to his Old Friends. And the Old Friends say : OF : "Siddhartha that's really cool man, so how did you do it ?" B : "Haven't the foggiest mate. I went through university did all the practices attained all the jhanas, smoked behind the bike sheds, everything - I did everything. And it still didn't work. Then one day I had absolutely had it, sat down under this stupid tree and plop. Realisation". OF : "Wow man far out, you really should teach !!!" B : "Teach ! What the f*** am I going to teach ? Sitting under a tree ?" OF : "No common man, nobody is going to listen to you if you teach tree sitting .... make it sound good, at some numbers, 8 is a good number 8 something, a 4 something else. People love this shit. .... and you know what just being next to you feels funky, maybe something will happen." B : "Yeah, hmm, I don't know doesn't seem very honest. But I suppose I could teach you some of the stuff I learnt in the past that didn't really work. I don't know maybe it worked a bit, who knows." OF : "Okay Siddhartha, you do that, and I will be your first student. But just make sure you have lots of number 8, 4, 5 is quite good as well. 4 shalt though not count !!!!"
  16. However much good qigong does for us, is it really natural for a human being do these kinds of movements ? I have been experimenting with spontaneous qigong and also these movement healing CD : https://dragonrising.com/store/emotrance_energy_dancing/1/ And they are quite good. If we do qigong, with these trained movements, follow this do that and so on .... what's this all about really ? Are we robots ? Are we so desperate that submitting to being robots is our only choice ? Is there not spirit and energy within us that will heal us and fulfil us if we just let it do it's thing ? Do we or our teacher really know better than this ancient body ? Is doing programmed movements .... is that going forward, or going backwards ? And if we wish to harness the energy of the body .... is doing more programmed movements the right thing or are we just getting in the way ... are we refusing to listen ... refusing to create environments of listening. Anyway, I was watching Sifu Jenny Lamb's Liuhebafa and I thought it was quite amazing and that her spontaneous qigong practices must have really given her something quite rare. So that her body;'s energy had been helped to flow freely wisely, and then she had learnt Liuhebafa on top of that. Quite spectacular in my opinion. And what's the vision for our future. One grandmaster after another. One dependency after another ? Every time we bow down and kiss the feet, aren't we really stabbing ourselves in the back ? And even if we wish to become free, how could it be done ? We are never ever ever going to be other than what we are, isn't it about time we found out ?
  17. If you meditate whilst in bed horizontal, where do you look for Heaven & Earth ? Horizontally above your head and below your feet ? Or vertically ?
  18. A big topic probably. I was just watching an MMA guy kicking the shit out of a Bagua guy and I was contemplating what it means. Personally I have always in my life put a heavy price on practical reality, meaning that when you are competent and can do then you can talk. Otherwise all you have is ideas. And when in working in software, as well as when studying meditation, or martial fighthing, or for the matter medicine, you must get results, often through experimentation and seeing which is best. When I was in Wu Shu Kwan (kung fu with mix of karate tae kwon do traditional shaolin forms, and with full contact sparring at end of each session) we practised traditional and it strengthened us immensely and was interesting, perhaps it informed our movements, but sparring was kickboxing basically with very little traditional movements. The title about "middle class daoism" means that lazy rich idle intellectual people like to talk about fine wine and fine things, but in fact they have no competence and degenerate in their idleness and this is pretty popular, of course it has infected all the spiritual traditions. Mastery of the Earth realm : surely any real spirituality must involve Mastery of this realm, shouldn't it ? Or is spirituality something far away, something ephemeral that is of another world ??? So does that mean we all ditch Taichi and start doing BJJ ? As for Bagua, which I never studied, I hear the circling walking changes are to emulate the trigrams and the I Ching ..... but isn't this a little literal. To make the body look like a trigram - is that the idea ? Isn't that a little basic as an idea, couldn't the trigram / iching concepts be incorporated at a higher level whilst leaving the body to function more normally ? I suppose you could re-engineer your car so that it also drives around in circles with palm changes ..... and then ? Are we really appreciating the trigram here, or suffering a pretty low and too-literal understanding ? Well I suppose existence does not give away it's secrets easily, and to become competent is to suffer whilst learning, to tear into you something new. One avenue of solution is that life is far more real, and make of it what you will. Meaning make yourself what you will through strong effort, life is itself alive, is itself exploring, you are exploring, as long as you are not a walking dead man. When you buy a DVD and it has a form on it ... so what ? A form is not a system philosophy or training, it's far too small. I am not sure what this means. Art has become masturbation. Where once it was exploration of the truth of life itself. It was life exploring. Wafty tai chi might be a pleasant passtime but is quite vain isn't it ? Is longevity in qigong a worthy goal ? Are we just trying to get something, rather than give something ? Isn't life lived well about giving something ?
  19. Working For God

    When Leonardo da Vinci, when he was working painting documenting creating. What was he feeling ? Why did he do those things ? And for who ? Did he do them to "save mankind" ? Or to "help" ? Or to ... bla bla. No I don't think so. His joy was God's joy. His work God's work. And God saw all the work he did. Leonardo did not have to take his work somewhere for God to see it. God was with him in his studio, in every breath. And in his very breath God "judged" him. And God was pleased.
  20. Success is to merge yourself so deeply with eternity that when your physical body is reclaimed, your light never goes out.All that you take with you is your light.Hope for completion, for truth, for salvation.
  21. Several questions about practicing taoism

    When you say both, I assume you mean the breathing-dantien practice and the GF-mid-eyebrow practice ? Well you should have a primary practice for your meditation, make that your priority and try to go deeper into it every day for the full 100 days. Then near the end for 10 mins you can add in a gentle exploration of the GF-mid-eyebrow practice, in a gentle way, whilst maintaining the primary practice, gentle adding it to your primary practice. And continue like that for the 100 days. Afterwards you can decide yourself what is best. The breathing-dantien practice, you should BE down there. Meaning identity is down in the belly, surrendering merging with the primal void below, gently settling down and down. Letting go of yourself. As this part of you becomes natural and permanent, then when you work with the eyebrow centre it will be much easier as you are very grounded and as the eyebrow centre opens it will be steady and it can naturally settle down as well. As the eyebrow centre opens you will eventually be seated in the middle of conscious intelligence you will take your seat there and thoughts will happen with you and not doing their own thing. But this is a large change, and it is good to have a lot of ground down in the belly. Prioritise the ground which is its own journey. It is good to have a let it flow-non doing-freewheeling period interspersed with the guiding periods. 5 mins on, 5 mins off. And of course you are to become awake, sensing existence and not be too technical.
  22. Most Powerful Blockage Clearance Technique ?

    Blockages are not really blockages, they are active right now. I have been noticing that often in daily life I slightly crunch up the right side of my body, often when I am indulging in slightly emotionally charged subjects or activities. And so how can I clear them, when I am re-creating them, consciously or subconsciously. They really just are part of my personality. So ... dissolving is only ever going to be a small solution. Only awakening to the real self and choosing to sit in that real self is going to work, because only that one is clean. Everything else is circulating stress and tension.
  23. It is a question for those with serious experience. I am looking for the most rapid powerful time-efficient method of surgical blockage clearance. Not the usual stuff. I have been using Frantzis Outer Inner Dissolving but find it takes an ice age for very deep blockages that refuse. Just been trying breathing water > fire (alchemizing) through one, it does something but still not efficient. Any serious practitioners know something that they might share ?
  24. Buddha Did Not Know

    In fact I was awakened in a minor way in previous incarnations - I know this circumstantially because of what I came in with. I don't "remember" anything of past lives, but I can see that when I was born it was already there. But after years of struggling and searching, I have now been with a teacher for about 7 years and he both transmitted consciousness to me in a face to face, and then gave me highly accurate technical guidance on what to do, as well as incredible inspiration, as well as orientation in this world - what it means and what to do, as well as great insight into existing spiritual traditions. As for the Satipathana Sutra, all I can say is that inside I intuitively understand what I need and what I am looking for, no matter which tradition I am in. For instance when I was practicing vipassana years back I had several large awakenings. How ? Firstly I worked hard listened carefully and tried very hard and long hours. Secondly I knew that being a robot was not what it was about, it was about feeling being learning life light truth reality lightning, and so my inner feeling was not robotic at all. It was inspired desperate religious patient and many things. In other words I just really needed it really wanted it and did everything I could in every way to make the best of the retreats I was on. It was very difficult sometimes, but there is nothing else to do anyway, soon we'll all be very quiet and under the ground. Why not try and do the absolute best that you can. Why not ? Soon we will be relieved from duty anyhow.
  25. Santi for the lungs : but other organs ?

    I was going to say ... don't all the methods arise from the Santi stance ? But then I saw this image : I don't really know what this image is of, perhaps it is 5 basic standing postures, I am not sure. Not really looking to learn XingYi though. Perhaps someone can help ? Are there 5 basic Xing Yi standing postures ? And where I can I find documentation on them, I am not sure this picture is going to be enough to practice from. Also Still not sure I can use this postures without guidance, I have guidance only for Santi. In this video a man is doing Xing Yi Zhuang Gong, perhaps it indicates that Xing Yi people do not do standing in 5 postures because they are moving postures and standing in them is meaningless (and that I should look more into Yiquan) : This is good includes some postures from LamKamChuen, the Archer and Massaging the Tiger :