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Everything posted by Lightseeker

  1. Black Sabbath

    Another favorite of mine. Have you heard his music? I like all along the watchtower and send my love to Linda. The second one is not as popular, and it’s hard to find a recording of it..
  2. Experiences with Brahmacharya

    Yes I am..
  3. Experiences with Brahmacharya

    As I think about what you’re saying I’m beginning to see your point. Can you at least help me avoid porn and masturbation? Any techniques for that??
  4. Experiences with Brahmacharya

    How could you conclude that? Do you know who Trailanga Swami is then
  5. Experiences with Brahmacharya

    This is an interesting idea. Do you know who Mahavatar Babaji is?
  6. Experiences with Brahmacharya

    If it’s all an illusion, how does it matter if it’s long or short?
  7. Experiences with Brahmacharya

    I listened to it. I was meaningful, and for some reason reminded me of Bohemian Rhapsody.
  8. Can anyone guide me to access the Akashic Records?

    I do try to feel the energy through my spine, as taught by Yogananda. Do you follow what I’m mentioning? As far as realizations, I wouldn’t say many...
  9. Can anyone guide me to access the Akashic Records?

    Yes. At first the practice was difficult, but with time it became easier. Do you practice pranayama? Are you familiar with Yogananda?
  10. Experiences with Brahmacharya

    What is the relationship between his short life and sex sublimation? And do you agree that it gives tremendous power??
  11. Experiences with Brahmacharya

    Lol! I’m sure you know of the immense power that comes through Brahmacharya? Far more than the pleasure of sex.
  12. Experiences with Brahmacharya

  13. Can anyone guide me to access the Akashic Records?

    Sorry, I meant to ask if I should tell you about my parents so you can read about them on the records..
  14. Can anyone guide me to access the Akashic Records?

    I am under 18. What does it mean
  15. Can anyone guide me to access the Akashic Records?

    Thank you. I do practice pranayama, but I will continue to do so regularly.
  16. Can anyone guide me to access the Akashic Records?

    The main reason I didn’t take that teacher, is I am already a disciple of Yogananda. However, I was taught by monks who knew him, of the SRF path, as he has died long ago. The challenge in having a non living guru is they cannot help with questions like these...
  17. Can anyone guide me to access the Akashic Records?

    Hm. Does this apply for Kriya yoga of Paramahansa Yogananda?
  18. Barron Du Potet, has given an exercise for this. Here it is: How to recharge the cervical plexus (forehead). Place yourselves in a cross-legged position in front of a mirror (A wardrobe mirror would be excellent). You will have drawn beforehand a red point by the exact spot on which the image of the cervical plexus falls. Whilst your eyes are shut, and your whole body is relaxed, breathe slowly and deeply. Open your eyes. Look at the red point which symbolizes the cervical plexus. Let a feeling of emptiness pervade your head. Imagine a source of energy surging within the solar plexus. Two threads spread out from there: One of them follows the spinal column inwardly, whereas the other moves frontally under the thorax, the throat and the face. The said two imaginary threads reach an immaterial point by the cervical plexus. Mentally cover this “itinerary” more than once, for a two minutes’ period, by climbing up from the front. During such time, keep on staring at the red point. By the stage when you eventually close your eyes, you must imagine yourselves seeing the red point as if from within, the way you would have done had your eyes been located in the cerebellum (the nape). As this part of the exercise is more tiring, do not exceed ten seconds the first times you implement it. After you have repeated it a few times, you will carry it out more capably. Once that subsequent level is reached, you will perceive the point of the cervical plexus with greater intensity. Shortly thereafter you will feel a sensation of heat once more, whereupon you will have to feel that you have managed to accumulate such a strength that, should you wish, the like of a laser beam might flash out from you. The recharging session should not last more than three or four minutes.
  19. There are many stories about Viswamitra and Hiranyakaskipu, who through their penance had gained incredible powers. However the penance was as simple as standing in one spot etc. How was it able to generate so much power??
  20. How does penance or tapas give power?

    Hmm.. is this ascension of semen converted into ojas and stored in the brain? What happens when all of the semen is convicted into fire element?
  21. What are you listening to?

    Sympathy for the Devil. Rolling Stones
  22. Experiences with Brahmacharya

    Some of the greatest minds like Vivekananda had spoken of the power which comes from sex sublimation..
  23. Experiences with Brahmacharya

    Can you tell me how to clear the desire?
  24. Through my understanding, cultivation seems much like Tapas in Buddhism and Hinduism. One collects energy through deep concentration, which may later be expelled at will. In Hinduism, it is the strength of the sages penence which causes his curses or blessings to manifest. Is this true with chi cultivation? I also wanted to add that I came across a very advanced zen technique called Shikan Taza. It can only be done by the most advanced students for short periods of time, and through correct practice, even a few minutes can cause profuse sweating. The technique involves focusing all of your energy in making the mind steady and unwavering. Can anyone share some more info?
  25. The Power gained from cultivation

    Sure. The book is called Sure Ways to Self Realization by Satyananda Saraswati of the Bihar Yoga path. It’s a great book, and gives an outline of many different religions and their meditation methods.