Zorro Dantes

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About Zorro Dantes

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    Dao Bum

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  1. What are you listening to?

    When the lights go off, how I know I’ll be warlord #1!?🤔 all relations established through fun 🤩
  2. What are you listening to?

    For some reason or another this one…thumps
  3. What are you listening to?

    Indian summer fellas tha water is fine…
  4. Enlightened movies

    Kelabang Seribu(1987; imam tantowi) hands down…anyone familiar Camarillo Brillo? Essentially the royal buffoons who inadvertently ushered in the Majaphat empire are sleeping with a thousand year seductresses…quite ineptly so, that Barry prima ambiguously leaves them to their own devices 😉
  5. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    Life’s a wild ride…and it’s only nickel a vibe🤫🫨😉
  6. Exactly!!! 🙏🏼😘 dudes shouldn’t be fighting in the first place!!🥇🧐🙄
  7. What is high level but life or death in the terms you lay out…see supremely unpopular opinions
  8. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    Fighting to the death!?…what’s the point🤷🏻 unless your giving your homies till count of ten till they pump guts full of corn dogs 🐶
  9. Enlightened movies

    Malaikat Banyangan this one is wild I had an uncle who used to holler at Al Coangelo(yes that dude)…it just had me wondering 🤔 is this supposed to be a Willy Wetzel Wee Kim Bun diss?
  10. Transgender Q&A

    Exactly 😜 this kind way of going about things is rooted in my peoples prehistoric warrior ways. it is deliverance through cultivation of Shakti, sacrificing thunder for lightning…to light that ass up. 🪬🍑⚡️❤️‍🔥 I mean her majesty Kuan Yin is both and neither too I believe 🤔
  11. Enlightened movies

    Forget about one armed boxer! This badboy is the one(at least one that adheres to the system I work with) That lays it down much coherently to the effect of iconographically depicting how each chakra is conquered and balanced in over coming the monkey mind!
  12. Thanks for the clarifications…but I still question if grandpa didn’t kill some kid named Seth. It’s obvious that it wasn’t Issac or Ishmael… also kinda shitty that Ishmael and his mom had to be exiled for Abraham’s decision to take her on as a concubine…any elaboration on this business as to how it’s not shameful to have a concubine least you knock them up? Had Abraham refrained from doing so where would the world be🤔 I wonder