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Everything posted by Zork

  1. Connection between tao and christianity

    @chaugnar Yes it is possible to combine both. Look up gnostic christianity and Valis by Phillip K.Dick. There are differences of course but completely incompatible like the moron a few posts above claims? Nope!
  2. IIRC from the magus of java, Kostas was told when he was ready to progress past that point. I have no idea! It is one of the cases that the WMP crowd could really help us understand but refuse to do so. I don't really get what the problem is besides elitism since MoPai can't be practiced in combination with other cultivation practices.
  3. Connection between tao and christianity

    How is the weather on Mars this time of year?
  4. @Walker let's skip all this and go straight to the witch-hunt! Burn the witch!
  5. Connection between tao and christianity

    That is what happens when an ignorant on christianity insists on stating his opinions as absolute fact. Seriously old geezer, are you even taoist? The taoists i have met are anything but absolute.
  6. A burst appendix is peritonitis by default. That is why it took them 4 hours. Standard laparoscopic surgery in the appendix takes less than 2 hours.
  7. You should ask the man who made the "ring of fire "documentary. He claims that he found more people like Chang but he was the only one willing to be filmed. What Starjumper said and Darren should worry you. If both Kostas and Chang have prostate cancer that's 3 in 3 on people who have completed the ldt awakening. This is a serious alarm bell!
  8. This is quentessential corrupt elitism! You haven't contributed in any way so far in the forum and the first time you have the chance to actually help someone, you deny him help.
  9. Yes come back in 9 years when you are an adult!
  10. So instead of giving the guy some advice on how the LDT fills up, which is part of your practice and you have actual experience with it, you are content to tell him that mopai doesn't mix with other systems. Is your system the only one that starts with filling the dantien?
  11. Again i need to ask: are you nine or something? Am i or anyone else for that matter, to be held responsible for your posts?
  12. President Trump

    Of course i am not a trump supporter! It is obvious to anyone who takes the time to read what i wrote above. His policies will force the states into an era of introspection and withdrawal from world problems which ultimately will do them more harm than good. All i said was that i was glad he won over Hillary. I still believe he was the lesser evil and democrats should find someone better to lead their campaigns. In this rate Trump is headed for a second term because of the lack of any serious opposing force. Does the above make any sense? If it doesn't then remember that i am not an American and have no vested interest in any of your candidates for President. All i care about is how his policies affect my state and me by extension.
  13. President Trump

    Can you point at where i broke the rules? Did you read everything i wrote?
  14. Master....what master ?

    IMHO it is far harder to find a teacher both knowledgeable, capable and willing to teach the esoteric, internal stuff than pay him. There is a case of student of a master studying for 16 whole years and the master never taught him the internal stuff for whatever reason.
  15. President Trump

    Why? Who is stopping him from doing his job as president? The house of representatives? Nope. They are doing their job. The president isn't a dictator. The senate, the house of representatives and the supreme court were created to rein in the power of the president which otherwise would be absolute. Now on the subject of him doing his job: I liked him being elected instead of Hillary only because we wouldn't be talking right now otherwise after WW3 would have started 3 years ago. What is China doing wrong according to the WTO which is the one responsible to judge? Nothing. What is the EU doing wrong? Nothing. What he has done is: He has managed to get your deficit to 1tr $ He will increase inequality through tax reductions on the rich. He will make all of former US foreign policy absurd by ignoring allies and collaborating with enemies. To the untrained it looks like America is becoming great again. What is really happening is that the decline of the US already underway since Obama is speeding up.... He is trying to bring the US back to the 1900s state before it was involved in global conflicts. This is naive. Weapons production makes up a vast amount of US GDP. Without wars these industries will decline and so will the economy. It is a vicious cycle unfortunately.
  16. So if I told you to jump off a cliff you would do so? Stop that nonsense rhetoric! Everyone must take full responsibility for his/her own actions! WTF are you nine or something?
  17. This doesn't always work. There are very few examples in this forum but people with an agenda work very differently to this. I have seen one guy in a forum of my native language that insists that the world was created by god according to the old testament about 7500 ago and he keeps saying the same sh*t no matter how much evidence to the contrary he has been given. I have other examples too. You cannot get rid of these people because they only care to be heard and you to acknowledge they are right. They have no qualms to hijack other threads too if the subject bears ANY similarity to what they talk about.
  18. You need spiritual tractors to cultivate the spirit! And combines to spiritual harvest of course. Anyway, back on topic. Banning by popular demand..... hmmm i don't like it that much. Maybe a dislike button which can collapse the post for all users after a number of dislikes would be better. This still has problems in implementation though.
  19. Master....what master ?

    From one praying mantis to another, you make some good points but you don't get the whole picture.
  20. Assuming that we could, how are you certain that your body is prepared for such an exercise? From what i read about YijinJing, one must practice that for at least a year before getting to the "deeper exercises" of XiSuiJing. You are most likely a novice with both limited power and understanding therefore an exercise like that would more likely harm you than do you good. Stick to Baduajin, shibashi and YiJinJIng for a year or two and then seek a teacher for more.
  21. Theory by Bruce Lee

    How do you know? Have you read them all to point at the similarities and the differences? I mean if they are all the same then what is the point of reading something lengthy and complicated? All religions would require reading a 4 page max leaflet with the tenets of all the faiths and be done with. Then what is the point of the texts being written and dispersed ? So a person has a limited perspective and he sees the tree instead of the forest and his opinion is enough for you to understand the whole pine forest from the single birch tree. You don't understand that you are replicating the other's opinion not forming your own. Nope. That is you making conjecture again. Seriously?? What are you doing right now? If someone quotes a text from an unknown source to you, doesn't his opinion require you to read? Don't mention it!
  22. Theory by Bruce Lee

    Can you comment on the Quran or the Bible without having read them at all? Is the commentary of others which interpret something in their own personal way sufficient for you to form your own opinion? Example: I haven't been to Mars but the weather there, at this time, is terrible. Can you spot what is wrong with the above?
  23. This is completely out of context. Debating what or who killed who doesn't belong in this thread.