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Everything posted by pegasus1992

  1. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

    I could literally care less, the only thing I've ever known about any form of "Western Mo Pai" has come from this website. I have no contact, interaction or affiliation with any of those people, and I do not endorse it. You are most welcome to ask them if you wish You clearly have not read this script, and actually, you've failed miserably to interpret anything I've written You may not have been born yesterday, but you'd do well to actually see my point, instead of attaching me , and therefore my beliefs to a splinter group of this website who I most certainly do not affiliate with But do continue to accuse, Its quite a telling sign of ignorance and does reflect how some people can be inhospitable with no reason. I am not great and I do not have a system Do you actually think I disagree with anything you posted about "Western Mo Pai"? I do not...I do not condone partial methods and teachings and never would? I am not great and I have no system. A person on this thread called John Chang a fake and I called them to substantiate the claim, and they failed miserably. THAT IS ALL... I DID THE EXACT SAME THING WHEN SOMEONE CLAIMED SOTG WAS NOT AUTHENTIC...I CALLED THEM ON IT I have no affiliation with them, their ideas, conceptual framework or though process that because John Chang displayed abilities, he is the only one to do so. Quite the opposite in fact. Are you trying to tell me that its a bad thing to identify Chang (Note how I am saying Chang) as authentic?
  2. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

    No, just a person who doesn't like people trying to debunk someone with no evidence
  3. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

    Actually you made a pretty bold claim So now if you want to substantiate must provide something of greater magnitude than what we already have In other words, go find John Chang, test him and come back and prove it was all false Otherwise, you're spouting unsubstantiated nonsense
  4. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

    Umm no? I am talking we, as in the public....thank you for assuming
  5. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

    Im not even a little surprised you cannot substantiate anything that you have said And a very poor attempt to avoid the question 2/10
  6. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

    I would also, but that wont happen. I do not need to because I am making no claims about him, I am only referring to the testimony of those that have And as for myths... We have A very famous anthropologist, who was well known long before he ever encountered Chang A medical doctor A physicist (Who is actually on Linkedin....feel free to contact him) The former CEO of the Mind Science Foundation (Also a publised author and most certainly does exist) Kostas Danoas (Books, and countless interviews) Jim McMillan (Who is on video with Chang twice, also has leaked the teachings) mjjbecker (Member on here) Andreas Seandenty (Former member) David Verdesi (Who brought people to see him, WHO HAD HIS OWN HIDDEN AGENDA) There are but a few names, all of which who have given evidence or detailed accounts of their interactions with this man But you are suggesting they are all liars? or in some kind of conspiracy together What about all the people in the pictures with Chang? All Liars too??? and i guess the picture is photo-shopped? Please stop embarrassing yourself now...... there's no need for it
  7. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

    Actually Substantiate what you are saying, or else stop claiming false nonsense Chang has been verified...countless students...students of his students....he's been examined by a physicist and a medical doctor on camera in a loosely quasi-experimental type manner. His own patients are the reason he was even found. His students have been recorded testing. And a new generation of teachings is coming to the forefront basically confirming everything he said as true And what evidence have you?? Idiots posting videos online in an attempt to discredit a person WHO NEVER WANTED any publicity, money or fame because their mind is unopen and stuck in a westernized materialistic reductionist paradigm that dies by the day Wild goose chases?? scores of people have been to see Chang. What planet do you live on? There was no fanciful claims....there is plenty of evidence on the video and testimony And you have?? As the person above does...absolutely nothing But heres an him out...his address is online so it will save you the countless hours it took the others. But you'll sit there in your chair...regurgitating unsubstantiated nonsense just like the other individual. There is no debate here Have you been to see Chang? have you tested him? have you experienced what the others have? The answer to all 3 is most likely no...therefore you're unqualified to form any worthwhile opinion of what he is doing, unless it is based on the testimony of others....and because you literally ignore that....your opinion is actually based off of nothing No evidence No experience No understanding So wheres the debate to be had?
  8. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

    Absolutely, Perhaps Damo has contacts who are perhaps not mo pai, but of the whole yin yang fusion school of thought....he's dropped many hints about it in interviews. In his text he seems not to encourage it...but i think its because people see and want...and the fact that it is apparently dangerous unless under careful watch I do not want to believe you are anything....I am merely asking you to substantiate your claim...which you have not..So I ask again...can you provide the a greater deal of counter evidence? I said Damo Mitchell is just one further person who substantiates exactly what Chang said over 30 years ago.....and there appears to be a lengthy list I am somewhat skeptical of Wang Liping myself...only because of the fact that he, nor any of his have not demonstrated anything substantial I now see Jerry Alan Johnson in the same light....a wealth of knowledge...but I've not seen anything from him, I've only heard stories Have you got the picture of Chang's tan tien? I've never seen it! but would certainly like to
  9. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

    Western Science has neither the capability nor interest to find such a thing It isn't due to ability...It is due to materialistic reductionist paradigms that the majority of the world actively bathe in Chang has more credibility than any publicly known master to date (Wang Liping might be on par, but I've only heard stories)...So to call him a are either (A) A Liar (B) Have substantial evidence to prove it (need i remind you of all the testimony, of which you would need even more of the refute those claims) Im gonna go with A...and I could literally care less how much experience you have....theres too much evidence to suggest that Chang is need only read damo mitchells last book to realize he literally laid out level 1 of mo pai, and confirmed further things about the later levels....three decades after chang did the first public demo
  10. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    SOTG is a decent, knowledgeable guy...spent years giving away material for free I was on both of his forums and to be totally honest hes never been anything but helpful and eager to offer advice..Im currently studying so cannot afford his website, but being honest its cheap given that he literally cooks most of his students with transmissions're way out of line here Also I would not recommend getting on that groups bad side.... They are a decent bunch and never bother fact ive found them all to be some nice tips on fasting before I left and still use them today
  11. On Mo Pai

    Something that has been bugging me for some time now is the divergence between Mo Pai and other practices, namely that in the former the energy they seem to discuss seems to be in some ways at odds. Upon researching and cross comparing texts I have come to a conclusion in my mind at least to suggest (1) Mo Pai cultivates the pure forms of Yin and Yang qi, whereas most systems work with the distorted ones...what i mean by this is the that most systems cultivate Yin & Yang Qi in the following manner By contrast, Mo Pai seems to cultivate the following Now this is only an assumption, but it is one I base on the following (1) Chang stating he had no idea when Kosta presented him with the former symbol (2) Damo mitchell has repeatedly that when pure Yang Qi (heaven Qi) is accessed , the laogong light up and you will enter a period where you lose sensation, similar to what Mo Pai level 1 and 2 symptoms is supposed to be) (3) Chang stating about sending the ball of pure yang down to the perineum corresponds with Damo, where he stated that pure yang will attract pure Yin. Thus by sending down the pure yang, you are allowing the proportionate amount of yin to gather. Also because the yang sits at the perineum, which is the entry point, it further prevents any distortion (4) Damo confirms basically everything Chang stated as true, including the cords of the LDT Now im not at all suggesting im right, but is it merely over-analysis, or does anyone else see discrepancies in MP and other systems?
  12. On Mo Pai

    What exactly constitutes a Daoist system in your opinion? Also, I didnt explicitly refer to it as one, I was actually contrasting it with them rather. And i certainly dont intend on flogging any dead horses, but discussion around past evidence and contrasting with more current publicly available recent knowledge is ok, isnt it? I have no idea if it is indonesian, he did state his master brought it from china so...that would remain an unanswered question They are actually the same thing, they exist on opposite ends of the same continuum in my opinion....pure would be the if we quantified it, 0 being Pure Yin and 100 being Pure Yang On an electromagnetic spectrum, we could call one pure magnetism, the other pure electric On a light spectrum, pure red to pure blue (yet still on the one continuum) From a temporal perspective (Past to future, yet time itself is the continuum) The point is I was making was that the cultivation was of extremities..its nothing to do with separation As a quantified example cultivation of Pure Yin (0) and Pure Yang (100) as opposed to Distorted Yin (33) and Distorted Yang (66)...Please note im not suggesting those latter figures accurate, they are merely just an example
  13. Internal Alchemy - Where and How to start?

    I absolutely agree with infolad, Damo is a wealth of knowledge...his new text on neigong is very impressive also. Just to add to that This is a school in the NL, who have links to a "lineage holder in Beijing" As per the website The Qianfeng Daoist Pre Heaven school of Internal Elixer Cultivation (道家千峰先天派) is founded by Daoist Immortal Zhao Bi Chen (1860-1942) the have a direct link to the lineage of the Author of Taoist Yoga: Alchemy & Immortality. In other words Lu Kuan Yu, was a student of the current masters grandfather I cannot account for its legitimacy, but on the surface it appears interesting
  14. Greetings

    Hello All, Glad to be here, and thanks for having me. I would love to learn about internal alchemy, neigong and energetic practices. I was previously a member of SOTG forums, but left when they became paid ( I had to return to university, so income is low until the summer comes round). I was also lurking for a while on here, reading a lot of Drew's posts (very interesting!) Was originally drawn to these areas of interest via John Chang's infamous videos, however, I have seen from scrolling thousands of websites, his only reachable students are #1 dead and #2 happily removed from the school, and the whole "western more pie" have reduced any interest in that particular area to ridicule in most corners of the web (shame, as Chang himself was quite the spectacle). Have since become interested in all things esoteric and occult, and love to research the topic I hope to discuss topics and learn, possibly make contacts!
  15. Greetings

    Many thanks Fa Xin, I will look around SonOfTheGods. He used to be an active member here to I believe? He had the Loneman Pai Forum, and the Mercury Fire Blood & Honey. I believe he's made them both nonfunctional, and started charging members to use the new forum (hes providing extra content and personal instruction). Helpful guy & super knowledgeable, just beyond my means at the moment as im taking a masters student loans are abundant