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Everything posted by pegasus1992

  1. Who is Loneman Pai?

    I have zero need for anything, I just look at the facts and the evidence (all of it), you cannot even respond to the entirety of the posts directed at you, instead it appears you selectively choose which parts you feel like you should...that says enough really. The evidence for JC is that two academics tested some of his claims, they could not debunk him..a third one was also present, this was the man who originally found him....all of his students and patients that have publicly spoken have said the same things, and the most interesting part of all is this....all of them have met the man and you have not.... so until you do or if you ever have two things to go on your experience (which is nothing, as you never met him) and the testimony of others.....the testimony in this case is supported by the fact that scientists could not find foul play as a is really that if its not trickery (which was demonstrated) then what? you have not demonstrated it was trickery and the best available evidence says it wasn' that's it closed. More evidence for than against....gather more data to understand better? yes certainly but he's been MIA for 20 odd what we have is all we have and we are left to make a judgement based on tell me you don't believe it is fine...but to claim it's something such as trickery...that you need SOME evidence for, and that you do not have. ... I don't think you are capable of surprising me anymore than you already have, but you are welcome to drop by the current study im doing, you can participate too if you're between 18-35 and on no medication and healthy. Perhaps you might actually learn how data and science and evidence work The lack of physical response demonstrates that pain has not been registered, because if you did understand science (the neuroscience more specifically) you would understand that reflex is natural with severe pain...a person bends over, a person squeezes the affected area, they vocalize, they cry....there will ALWAYS be some response unless it is not registering with the nervous system...there is no place Your experience does not dictate the laws of biology, nor the science that underpins it....and when you consider the amount of receptors on places like the tongue and are left with no logical or scientific explanation as to how someone can continually slash their lips and tongue or eat glass and not have it register...BUT GO THERE AND YOU WILL SEE IT Except those videos are not evidence...they are nothing more than highlights of an event you will see others do things that baffle the mind, so do please go there and actually look at it first hand and understand it...and the fun thing is this goes on unlike other videos you can see this take place annually Perhaps try that instead of making nonsensical claims about stretching. Because if you actually have the motivation to understand these things (im guessing you dont) you might learn something. But in any event if you actually watched the videos and seen ALL of the footage, glass eating, licking sharp blades until the tongue is ripped and bleeding and whatnot you might realize how the interception of consciousness bypasses biological and perceptual mechanisms underpinning pain itself...but hey, dont take the pictures words for it...or the videos GO THERE AND EXPERIENCE IT one the side note of pain during childbirth, your body naturally floods with endorphins as a way to quell the pain, which also alters consciousness somewhat.....hence the "high" many women experience...and guess where they are the unmediated natural vaginal births..and lowest in the case of epidurals or opiod meds....not to mention endorphins stimulate prolactin production..which also relaxes the individual further...these are further tied to the catecholamines or stress hormones..these go down as a result of the other two going up..finally lets remember Oxycotin, I shouldn't need to explain that. Taken together, the body's natural mechanisms during pregnancy dull pain...but in any event its perceptive first and foremost...and often placed to around the same as amputation a finger or toe or thereabouts if one has no training...its less than that if there's preparation (According to the Mcgill Pain index) Now why a finger or toe you say? well it has the most cortical tissue dedicated to it, which indicates its sensitivity, not to mention receptor density ( this is why pinching your finger in a door for example, hurts more than any other areas) where is the next biggest area ? ..surprise, surprise, the lips and tongue....let us look at the homonculus to demonstrate so they are almost on par with fingers because we explore the world of touch via out fingers and mouth ( and toes sometimes) primarily..So these areas are extremely sensitive to touch and unsurpisingly, pain SO now what you need to do is go find me a few dozen women who are giving birth simultaneously WITH ZERO EVIDENCE OF PAIN PERCEPTION...and then you might have a valid point...otherwise it's nonsensical. Because in Phuket you will exactly that effect during bouts of what is considered severe pain by all standards If you take a trip to Phuket during the Vegetarian'll be welcomed by dozens of unmedicated people doing things like this Thats not a piercing, is it? How about this? Nope And this?? No piercing here What about these men? Nah.... In sum.....theres no scientific explanation for how dozens of people mutilate the most sensitive areas of their body at the same time and show no reflex, reaction or perception of pain....Absolutely none.....and the very fact that pain is perceptive and not objective further verifies none of them feel anything whatsoever...yet they should all percieve it that must mean that they are all experiencing the same effect. But im open to you ideas, so here is your big opportunity.... Explain it? Its a pity I cannot locate videos of the glass eating...but if I do manage ill be sure to post it You would do well to educate yourself on the neuropsychological aspects of pain before claiming to know how pain works, because based on what you said, the example you used, I'm starting to think you don't seem to know much about it.....least of all because of an experience that is a natural part of life.....I could give you plenty of examples of horribly painful things that have happened me...but they are meaningless in understanding the mechanisms and whatnot of the matter (As a final note, I am not saying anything in that video is on par with example is simply illustrating where amputation to the toes, fingers or any area of high receptive sensitivity registers next to childbirth, which is an example of the receptive sensitivity of these areas ONLY and NOTHING MORE) In the meantime, ill gladly wait for you to locate those nonreactive few dozen women in labour to make your point
  2. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Except it isn't because from a psychological perspective, I do not believe my opinion be objective fact, and from a philosophy of mind perspective, I do not view the senses as objective receptors of reality. In fact, if you payed attention to what I've written here and in other threads, this is EXACTLY what I've spoken OUT against No naive realism No Intellectual violence Try harder next time please Its easier to state this as, I don't believe that any reductionist materialistic framework accounts for anything, and when someone claims trickery on any act that appears paranormal, that is exactly the lens they are placing over it. Proving trickery is one thing, claiming it with zero evidence is another, hence the ignorance and stubbornness comment, which refers to the apparent lack of ability to critically assess ALL of the available evidence pertaining to the matter at hand, and to gather new data to prove a point
  3. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

    Now kindly show me a video of a dozens of pregnant women unmedicated who feel absolutely nothing simultaneously, and then you might begin to have a point...otherwise more conjecture and nonsensical claims from your side. These people are completely immune to consistent pain that far exceeds what humans can consciously perceive without any response from the nervous system That is the key here, and that is exactly what you are missing...and again this is a basic discussion about spirituality..not please read my posts in their entirety if you want to respond...the selective addressing is not a good way to talk about anything Nobody mentioned qi work...this exercise was nothing more than to get you to understand, that paranormal things do exist, and they are readily available to perceive...and to deny that is to be ignorant to just how powerful these things are Let me see the children eating glass please, with their tongues ripped open and bleeding, also let me see them not react in any way whatsoever....start bringing some evidence to your claims've offered nothing in any case whatsoever
  4. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Ignorance = To be unaware Stubborn = unyielding There is no insult here, least of all a personal one...I can assure you of that. This is nothing more than an assessment of the responses posted...
  5. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

    Oh my you have such a limited understanding of science and spirituality...its utterly baffling There's thousands of videos of said festival how it happens Now for the gate theory of pain...ill make it simple for you Two types of receptors...small and large... small = gate open = pain felt large = gate closed = pain not felt sometimes when you stimulate the large after stimulating the can ease the pain, and stop it ( this is the idea behind rubbing yourself when injured. Pain is perceptive...but it is intertwined with both consciousness and the nervous system...that is why I am using this example ( if you prick a person in a coma with a needle, it wont register) So....there's no evidence any of these people are sedated, or under any type of anesthetic ( go there yourself and see, the go into trance and then these things begin happening to them) and they are not actively stimulating large receptors ( not to mention it's incomprehensible to any scientific mind how much stimulation would be needed to even begin to diminish the pain from some of the things you see in Phuket) Now what does this have to do with spirituality....very simple really...because pain is unique in that it is tied to all these....we can deduce that if nothing is being done to these individuals...then we can remove any nervous system manipulation So what these people are doing is invoking deities....this leads to a shift in consciousness where they are no longer themselves but an embodied version of these "entities" One can then deduce that it is this shift in consciousness that allows the overriding of the nervous system and thus, pain perception Take note of how said individual never even flinches.. Now I know you, you're a skeptic to the bitter lets go one step further. Now if this was only one person, we could argue trickery...but this happens to dozens and dozens of people simultaneously Now check that one out.....the guy at 1.30 running his lips and tongue all over the blade I could get countless'll also see people eating glass and whatnot, and not preformed pieces....they will be chewing on fluorescent bulbs....and they wont flinch either this defies all physiological explanation...where do we turn to? trickery? Nope, they don't go around pretending to do this....the blood is real, the wounds are real, and the pain oddly absent If we take their word for it....they are channeling entities....or rather, deities should I say. We are talking about the understanding of spirituality in general, something you seem to have zero grasp of....nobody used the word progress except you...these people are vessels, not practitioners. On the contrary, nobody is fooling me, least of all you, rather, the only person being fooled here is yourself. I have enough of a scientific background to understand when its time to call something a bluff, and when it's time to say, ok this isn't as easily explained as one might think....and as far as John Chang goes he falls directly into the latter category. You would do well to go and experience these things...for someone who claims to be familiar, its almost painful to note how ignorant of these concepts you really are
  6. Who is Loneman Pai?

    There's plenty The fact that YOU choose to ignore the evidence and testimony of others is YOUR choice...but do not for one moment imagine that you have any objective evidence to suggest it otherwise Let us take JC...tested by scientists, confirmed by countless others.......evidence is there that something paranormal is at play..what that something is not yet defined by western science...although drew is quite good at forming the links....want to ask him if its all made up? Now let us take you Tested nobody, Confirmed nothing....yet speaks as if they are an authority....tries to belittle others abilities because you are most likely envious as pointed out by @GSmaster There's critical thinking and then theirs downright stubbornness and ignorance....if you envision yourself falling into the former category, you should look a bit harder
  7. Who is Loneman Pai?

    And you are implying that this is what anyone who does such a demonstration is doing ( as per the other thread) with most of your claims, there is no evidence ( least of all provided by you), to suggest that is the case. I've read plenty thank you....but continue the blind speculation, it seems to be something you commonly refer back to
  8. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Nope, just making reference to a different thread...the "v" in question knows exactly what I am talking about
  9. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Seeing as we are in the business of recommending readings, perhaps go back to my last post to you and address it, rather than simply ignoring it....
  10. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Honestly Drew, I dont think what he is doing is comparable to what Chang was may correct me if I am wrong but the basis is different from what I gather...he is using energy gathered to complete magick and whatnot...I dont think he is fusing chi in the LDT or the like. That is, he is drawing power from somewhere , and able to achieve certain things via this, but I do not think it is a "traditional" system of nei gong or nei seems more based on a convergence of things like Vamamarga tantra, LHP occultism and Hermetics with some Qabala and other esoteric underpinnings, whilst also applying some exercises from some Taoist practices regarding energy circulation...a hybrid, if you would. While these are relative in some ways...they have their divergences which are often quite pronounced As to whether he is right or wrong....I don't know the exact underpinnings or mechanics of what he is doing. I can only make the claim that whatever that it is he's is not made up and he can "do things" that others cannot. Regards his opinion on electricity, I couldn't tell you where his opinion lies....but regardless...I don't claim him to be an authority on neither qigong or electricity...I would only reiterate the point that he can " do certain things " , as can some of the people who follow him.. I'd leave my opinion there because I honestly don't know enough about the mechanics of what he does to say any more...but those who do his practices might be able to?
  11. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

    Sorry but Ill repeat myself..IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY What you are describing is someone doing something.....What chang did 30 odd years ago is not that In order to prove it would need to 1. Test him....not find an alternative method of demonstrating a similar result and then claiming it is what he did too...that's just not the way falsifying things work. Is there any evidence of liquid on the video? I don't think so Is there any evidence the researcher ( Dr Lawrence Blair) provided liquid? I don't think so? Did the scientist and physician lie too? On camera? Risking careers and reputation? I doubt it What about the consistent electric shocks the patients get? pushing the chopsticks through the table...mcmillans telekentic performance...and the fact that when his method leaked, it was revealed to be an inner door teaching, and confirmed by others? So if there is no evidence to suggest have to try a little harder to prove there was some Do you think he did? Please recall he's not a public demonstrator, and outside of his students...That is the only documented footage of him doing anything from what I know of You don't sound very familiar...more like a typical western skeptic if im is irrelevant... that is how you present yourself....Try going to Thailand during the Nine Emperor Gods Festival....There'll be a bunch of people there invoking spirits and mutilating themselves to massive extents.....Might be fun for you to find a few more "liars" and "street performers" I attached one such example below....another liar, correct? Honestly, your lack of understanding of the metaphysics of spiritual teachings is baffling, considering you claim to be well versed
  12. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

  13. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

    1. Nobody is making up anything....there is no hearsay....John Chang is a real person with real abilities that have been documented.....there have been innumerable amounts of testimony.....and plenty of footage...much of it from very educated people (all of which most likely have a better grasp of Occam's razor too I might add). If you want to make a claim, back it up 2.Deriding Cultures? Daoists, Buddhists, Yogi....virtually every major religion and sect (which are fundamental pillars of culture) in eastern world speak about siddhi in one way or another 9 (including "traditional texts" that inform certain training) rather, to deny these things is to deride the culture....not to embrace them...thats quite hypocritical of you actually....Id reconsider your position Whatever way you twist this, there is more evidence for John Chang than against can trick yourself into thinking he's a all means go right ahead...but you arent convincing me, or anyone else for that matter According to your words, everyone who's ever met him is a Liar, Correct? How convenient it is that everyone reports the same thing, and they all conspire to trick the world....Scientists, Physicians, Anthropoligists, Engineers, etc etc I think the only one telling lies here is you..because unlike you, the have encountered the man...and you have not....So more or less anything you say regards John Chang is fabricated, and thus irrelevant But do keep digging that hole you're digging
  14. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

    I wasnt going to bother responding, because the entire paragraph is reminiscent of a child like scientist kicking and screaming and desperately clinging to his materialistic reductionist explanations for phenomena, but , I shall bite Firstly the occam's razor nonsense....Read the book, Chang's explanation for everything is remarkably simple.....your cultural lens is biased and you are gripping to western concepts like they are objective....I have news for you....the western scientific model ( and reductionism) is flawed in many ways and showing more cracks temporally....and that's coming from a person who's about to spend the next 4 months doing a neuroimaging study, and is fully intent on building a career doing its not like I am unaware...but if you want to try and debunk Chang....try harder because clinging to "scientific laws" without any evidence is simply speculation at best and idiotic at worst, and to make it very time you want to use occam's razor in a discussion, be sure to have actual evidence to back up what you are saying...otherwise its effectively useless Have you any proof Chang is doing a magic trick? No... On the contrary, there is tons of testimony, and reports of Chang...SOME OF THEM ON HERE FROM RESPECTED MEMBERS....So your opinion on the matter is literally null and void...experience the man or else stop making claims about him...its that simple really...In sum, bring direct experience with Chang and testimony, or stop pretending that your opinion is in any way important...its not, it never will be, because you are discussing someone you have spent ZERO HOURS, ZERO MINUTES AND ZERO SECONDS basically your words are empty and meaningless...NOT ONE PERSON WHO EVER ENCOUNTERED CHANG CLAIMED ANYTHING EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE TO WHAT YOU, please spare me further engagement on a subject you have nothing useful to add to...its tiresome Have you any proof people impressed by this videos never don't anything and cannot discern facts from fiction? No... Your presumption about others and their ability to discern information is quite would do well to reserve judgement on those who may in fact be far better positioned to speak on the topic than you. For example, @voidisyinyang has given a very interesting account of how Chang might have generated the electric like qi in his guide to internal alchemy......and you've done what exactly? that's right...nothing..AGAIN....except played the skeptics game and pretended you are right....For a person who likes to chime in as if their opinion holds perception is flawed and meditate on that if I was you And considering the above, you have the nerve to call people embarrassing? perhaps stick to the "Gongfu" and withdraw from trying to debunk things... because you aren't very good at it
  15. Safety and Efficiency of the Daoist Path

    I'm just going to say this outright now and you can make what you will of it, I'm not in any way being smart about this, but i gather from your post that because you do not want a traditional path, you may be seeking accelerated stuff If that is the case then you need to understand how levels of reality work....there are the physical, energetic and spiritual planes of existence.....the traditional path that @freeform is discussing begins with the physical aspect, moves towards the energetic and finally onto the spiritual. This is common in Daoism, but in other traditions it is less adhered too. Bardons system of Hermeticism trains all three simultaneously rather than sequentially, and there are other systems that bypass the entire thing and go straight to the spiritual aspect, which then moves down into energetic and physical work ( Im honestly not over-familiar with the mechanics here, just a basic understanding, but some of it is left hand path like certain tantra, vamamarga and western esoteric sects Based on this, although it would seem i completely disagree with @freeform I do not, there is total accuracy in what is said. Whatever you do, absolutely do not try to do energy work will most likely cause a blockage and these can lead to cancer and strokes, among other things...This is why the Western Mo Pai offshoot is so teacher and no gauge The difference with circumventing the physical/energetic at first and going to the spiritual as per the LHP and some esoteric/Occult sects, is that you will most likely channel and tap into energies and streams of consciousness that will guide you...On that note the school we were talking about in the other thread use the Goetia, among others (You'd see some mentioned in the Bible, like Belial) I agree with a lot of what you said, but i believe a simple exercise routine with moderate amounts of resistance...lets say 2x a week using bodyweight so like press up, pull up, inverted row, split squats and lunges can be beneficial, if stretching is done between sets in addition to the regular stretching and some core work wouldn't prove overly detrimental... A lot of Shaolin Monks do similar training (not precisely) but they do utilize some bodyweight training, and I would say they have pretty well developed qigong bodies (the ones that practice it anyway) I understand the point regards the experiences...but lipings sessions literally have students in excruciating pain by opening up channels and removing some blockages dont they? , at least thats what all the reviews say from what ive seen....of course if they never do anything before or afterwards, it will be of little use...but if they were to actually work the contents of the book im sure they would build a pretty solid practice with some guidance, don't you think?
  16. Safety and Efficiency of the Daoist Path

    Without sounding judgmental, based on the volume of threads you've started, you seem a bit confused..on one hand you are asking about basic safety, and on the next about advanced ill make a suggestion to you If you want to stick to that pathway as listed above, by all means do....but do not expect to be doing any "serious" energy work in the immediate future If you want to "experience things" at an accelerated rate, which is much more efficient in a safe fashion from a Daoist perspective...let me suggest the following. #1 Stretch and do seated stillness meditation everyday #2 Buy Wang Liping's new book, read it and study it #3 Attend his next seminar in chosen Europe the total is around 4k for 10 days He is traditional, and holds lineage to a dragon gate sect, but you will not be subjected to years of training as a prerequisite, and will most like feel strong qi sensations among other things...some have experienced perception of the "ling" strong astral and dream experiences etc etc. He is the only eastern "Master" I would trust without further investigation alongside John Chang, who is inaccessible and possibly deceased, and I've also seen numerous positive reviews from Michael Lomax, and from Kunlun by Max Christensen, so maybe look there too. Im not saying they are the only good masters...not by a long shot....but perhaps the only ones I personally know of who's reputations are strong enough not to warrant too much skepticism (Jenny Lamb too perhaps ). There's probably teachers lurking here behind the scenes too If it is astral projection and paranormal you are after, then Qigong is most certainly a long way away from it...SOTG is the person to talk to to for all things "paranormal"...but be warned it's left hand path stuff intertwined with magick...and quite powerful....I had a my first serious astral experience after just watching a video he put up (I didn't see the warning he'd posted)....and let me be very clear... there was no denying what I experienced that time
  17. This resonated strongly with me.....society has truly lost its way My own interest in the topic stems from awakening to the true nature of reality...and to experience it as it truly is....not to be tricked into the the traps of the five senses, and transform oneself to become the pinnacle of potentiality....I'm fascinated by siddhi, both in understanding their emergence and nature from an investigative perspective...but quite honestly...I don't think seeking them out is a good idea..if they come OK, if not, fantastic too..its merely a side effect of the process On that point, at a group level I believe people fall into two distinct categories...those who seek the process and those who seek the product....imo the latter is at a severe disadvantage before they ever begin....the pursuit of power often ends badly, whereas the pursuit of knowledge rarely does, and power often accompanies it as a bonus
  18. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Id say its more because you are unwilling to acknowledge the inaccuracy of your statement that all his information is in the books....because it clearly is not As for Daoist practices....internal alchemy in not an exclusively Daoist practice....its pretty much global when you consider indigenous peoples and look into the history....and if you'll read into several ancient texts, youll have little problem deciphering things like squeezing the perineum with controlled breathing etc etc...practices are readily available outside of Daoist it is in no way exclusive... And on that note, ive been more eager to hear why you think that than anything else...the very fact I asked over and over is evidence do elaborate so we can move beyond arguing semantics Also as a not think for a moment I have anything against Qi gong...there are systems of it that are in their own right a complete path....and they are very powerful...Ive seen several.. When I mention qi gong...I am exclusively referring to the notion that "introductory exercises are a compulsory prerequisite of spiritual alchemical practice"
  19. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Besides selectively ignoring half my post, including the nonsensical point that it as all available for the price of a few books, I think Bardons books are representative of a system you can purchase in book format...not Damo's And still you've provided ZERO evidence to illustrate that qi gong is a necessary step in the internal arts. Continue dancing around the point instead of getting to it however....its quite amusing I am not saying the only reason to do qi gong is a business decision.....I am saying that #1 it is an unnecessary undertaking if spiritual practice is your goal....still waiting for you to provide a shred of evidence to prove it is not.... The classical teacher nonsense doesn't stand up to scrutiny either......Some of John Chang's students objectively performed a demonstration to illustrate advancement that others who have " built the foundation cannot".... Chang himself practically performed qi gong there...his art was far older and more primitive than a lot of what you see nowadays SOTG has posted innumerable clips of paranormal things occurring and insights....and again no qi gong Also im not trying to elevate anyone, nor am I his student...I simply call it as I see it....and I don't dress it up or avoid critical analysis because of some preconceived bias about what is authentic or " how things should be" Also further to the point.....some people like qi gong and only want to do that...perfect, and certainly has its benefits...and some want to take the slow pathway..again doubt about it.....but for those who don' subject them to it anyway despite not wanting to do it.... and when its clearly not compulsory and serves them no purpose... it is guess what? A business decision primarily Now you're going to argue that he's doing it for safety....So please.....IM BEGGING YOU...provide counter evidence to illustrate it as a necessary step, and show me why it is so me where thousands of esoteric/occult/hermetic practitioners from all corners of the globe who practice internal alchemy have become sick or died because they didn't do the ji ben gong and stand in wuji for two years ?
  20. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Certainly Look at white moon on mountain'll see a similar version of the firing process...SOTG one seems more potent. JAJ also has it under " beating and drumming the qi" in his Nei Gong book and you'll see the some stuff involving visualizations that contrasts nicely. The magick stuff would be a different story altogether then....But much of it is advanced, and not the diluted OTO/Golden dawn stuff you typically see Those two texts would keep you busy for quite some time
  21. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Again wrong, I don't know why you are hellbent on putting words in my mouth I'm saying the model is based upon repeat business...which it is...not the method or the "how". You can only go to level 2 if you have been to at least two level 1 events.... etc etc....each seminar costs $insert amount$...also you will need this book.... plus we have this camp and this extra camp...and so forth On that note, I remember him letting slip that he took one group circle walking at midnight to channel from the spirit realm, can you tell me where the instructions in his books are for that? Not to mention he states theirs plenty of inner door things no you cannot buy it in books....he keeps what i would imagine is a fair portion out of the public domain. Also, I'm pretty certain a large amount of the "classical teachers" didn't charge anything for teaching, so there's that too AND AGAIN, THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH WHAT HE'S DOING.....I cannot stress the point enough...I'm a fan of his work, and enjoy his writing style very much....that however does not prevent me from looking at things from a critical perspective What I said was accurate, there is absolutely no need to teach someone that way...the results of the logs from SOTG forums are proof enough..not to mention the authentic mo pai students (even Jim who got some of the teachings considerably wrong gave impressive displays of inner power that, yet no qi gong practice) People can jump into alchemy without running the ji ben gong for two or three years....if alchemy and spiritual training are what you are after....then you have little business doing simple qi gong....Nobody has died over there on those the safety line doesn't really cut it imo...actually last I remember someone had been cured of type 1 diabetes ( the actual members may have more stories). To give you a better representation....some like their beef cooked rare, others like is slow roasted overnight...Am i suggesting one is superior? no, but one does not need to slow cook beef to eat beef. So basically, I am saying that its totally fine to approach internal alchemy and certain nei gong without doing basic qi gong
  22. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Sorry but no It made no sense to you because you failed to interpret what I said #1 he has a business to run, which requires repeat custom....thats business 101...he does not teach alchemy before Nei gong, and does not teach nei gong until a few years of qi gong are completed....Is that necessary? No....but that is his choice and method and I respect that #2 There is nothing wrong with that #3 OP asked about SOTG, who I spoke about mainly and briefly contrasted with another internal arts teacher #4 Im not saying hes just out to make money, thats a false interpretation based on your perception Try comprehending my words as they are written next time please
  23. Who is Loneman Pai?

    Or because business models like that require retention and repeat custom? Im not saying theres anything wrong with Damo Mitchell, i am a big fan of his books, they are incredibly accessible which is great....and he is very honest from what I can see Im just making a comparison, because the OP asked about him
  24. Who is Loneman Pai?

    That's incredible footage People freak out if they see 1's SOTG swimming in a damn ocean of them Also OP Hes legitimate, I've seen similar (Not the exact same) to his techniques in very expensive neigong, neidan and magick books..these are basic techniques in his system, whereas they would be seen as more advanced in others...hes also streamlined them and stripped down a lot of the "mystique" I know damo mitchell doesnt teach students alchemy for years, yet SOTG basically starts the "firing process" immediately...go figure Also all of his students report the same objective results do happen, and the logs kind of speak for themselves really
  25. Ultimate Inner Alchemy

    No problem, I've read enough of the posts on here to see why there's animosity. Im catching up on circa 15 years worth of threads and trying to assimilate everything that's happened in that regard. Nobody is intending to insult anyone, but to claim I am of some affiliation when I am not is to be ignorant to what I am. Whether it be off the cuff or not is irrelevant. I do not see that as insulting, and if it bothers you I can edit it to say unawareness? That kind of makes the thick skin comment a bit ironic though...