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About sustainablefarm86

  • Rank
    Beyond space

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  • Gender
    He Him

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  1. What are you listening to?

    this have it all falling in love, and other things every verse hits something, all the spectrum, engineered for mellow period
  2. Does meditating on the Dan Tian build up the Qi there?

    What is the purpose of the Dan Tien?
  3. Does meditating on the Dan Tian build up the Qi there?

    I don't know about the Dan but I know shaking like the guru Osho, beating and other muscle tricks generate some sort of electrical movement in the body . I don't think there's any gain in this, beyond a funny buzz. Would you say charging things with the mind charges them different? (excuse the playing around, I don't have a tai chi instructor, I know there is proper sustainable theory about those body processes that I hope to learn some day)
  4. semen retention and transmutation

    I thought it was just a fancy metaphor for some sort of body electricity? Oh boy
  5. What are you listening to?

  6. What are you listening to?

    ' kindof weird
  7. new here, firing process

    cc me the firing process pls ty
  8. Teacher for Non ejaculatory orgasms

    interesting thoughts about jin
  9. Primordial God Body Cultivation

  10. Website Design

  11. What happens to suicides?

  12. What happens to suicides?
