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Everything posted by Toni

  1. leftists don't think by themselves, no crytical analysis, they just repeat the sacred mantras: feminism, social justice, global warning, and now coronavirus it seems. they talk about phantasies, no real analysis of real things
  2. yes, i am surprised how almost all the forum believes the mass hysteria without any critical judgement. I guess it is typical leftist behaviour.
  3. what is funny is how the governments and the media is managing this. Every dead is sad, of course, but other years there were also deads. People who died last year are less important?
  4. only old and sick people die from this virus, like other years, maybe this is something we shouldn't forget. What a fucking joke LOL
  5. I share a video of a top european expert talking about the virus. It is the best video i have seen so far. Highly recommended:
  6. Coronavirus is not a conspiracy, it is just a poorly managed and exxagerated pandemy. Exxagerated by social panic and stupid journalists. Some of you don't see the crisis we are heading to, caused by the mismanagement of the so called virus
  7. In youtube there is a lot of bullshit. But i don't believe the media and the tv. I don't believe in the healthcare system neither. It is all about propaganda and about having a good salary every month, not about healing anybody nor about the truth
  8. That is stupid. I know people with phds and some are real retards
  9. Now people everywhere are very scared. In my family there are people who don't want to go out under any circumstance. Tv has done a great job, now we are all cowards sitting in our sofas at home, because of this almighty virus, which is going to kill us all. What a joke. And also impoverished because of the economic crisis which is going to happen next. People don't realize what is going to happen in the next months in form of increased poverty and social unrest
  10. Why do u believe the "experts"?
  11. interesting techniques to improve memory and brain
  12. I will definitely give a try to Pingshuai. Last year I wanted to try it but i didn't because i was doing xiang gong, which can't be mixed with other practices. I have been always attracted to easy and simple exercises, so I think it can be very effective. I will upload when I do it.
  13. Now that many of us are in forced lockdown due to this coronahoax, it is difficult to remain strong and healthy. We can't go out much to exercise, so it is more important than ever to take care of our bodies. What is your favourite exercise to boast circulation?
  14. interesting technique, this is a very good way to study. In psychology this is called "active recall", which is deemed the best way to study, and it is very similar to this
  15. I don't post much here often anymore. I was very interested in qigong some time ago and I posted more often, but then I changed my practice a little bit and I don't come much any more. Anyway, I would like to say something about this coronavirus thing. I really think this is just another fucking flu. Do you get it? just another flu. The media is crazy about that, showing again they are complete retards. Then we have the health care system, again more retards. Doctors who are stupid and know nothing will pretend they are the masters of the universe. They are scammers, who know only about giving pills to everybody, left and right. A lot of old people who went to the hospital and died there, maybe they would have never died if they had stayed home, so you know what i fucking mean. Also the people who die from this flu are as a rule old and sick people, like always I guess. This is also a show, but it is showing us that people are retarded. Journalists are clowns who know absolutely nothing and are all day talking about anything as if they were super experts, doctors are scammers unable to understand this virus, and many politicians are even worse. They force us to stay at home, we can't even do exercise outside, so this is not the best way to keep us healthy. Also now the economy is destroyed, expect a huge crisis soon. So yes, this virus is just another virus, maybe a little more dangerous, but society is as silly as 3000 years ago. And there is no remedy for this. Thanks for reading
  16. My opinion on Coronavirus

    the problem is that in my country, Spain, it is forbidden to go out! You can't go out to exercise, you can never go out, except for buying food and medication. Nothing else. If you go out you get a 600 euros fine, we have no freedom right now. We can't even exercise!!!
  17. Waking up, in the morning

    interesting thing. I have had always problems waking up early. For me it is even difficult to wake up early, and it is difficult for me to improve this
  18. interesting technique, i will try it tomorrow. Do you think it can help with tinnitus? thanks
  19. Women want men for 2 reasons mainly: their tool if it is good or they wallet if it is big
  20. Oh god, Europe, or at least southern Europe is pure hell. Hypergamy at its max, specially among the local women. Foreigners living here are a little different. Our latinas can open their legs more easily lol. It is not uncommon for men here to have sex only with foreigners, despite they being a minority. Local women are extremely picky and demanding. Incels are right about how important looks are for dating, also in Europe. Don't think euro women are different, no fucking way!
  21. Wow, very good work and presentation of something which is too politically incorrect: Sexual racism against asian men, it is really disgusting. It is very difficult to accept. Female hypergamy is something very dangerous for peaceful civilisation.
  22. Unfortunately racism is still a real thing. There are studies showing that asian males are not succesful with white women, while asian women are succesful with white men. The conclusion to this is quite clear.