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Everything posted by Shubin

  1. I have been trying to translating some text from Korean to Chinese/English, and from Chinese to Korean/English, so I went to Google and searched with "top online translation tools". The top three in an article of search results are Google, Microsoft and Day Translator, After tried to translate a paragraph of Korean, one of my pen pals found one that can do better than Google Translate. Here is my ranking: 1. 2. 3. Day Translator 4. bing translator PROMT: cannot translate Chinese ImTranslator: did not do a good job The paragraph we used for testing: 현관은 玄妙한 機關이란 뜻이다. 신장의 앞, 배꼽의 뒤, 앞에서 일곱, 뒤에서 삼 되는 위치에 매달려 희고 둥글게 형성되어 있으니 선천해명의 원기가 그 가운데에 있어 형상이 없으되 지극히 신령스럽고 밝으니 단전기혈이 바로 이곳이다. 매 활자시 二候의 때에 기가 발한즉 竅가 이루어지고 기가 쉬게 된즉 아득하며 眞息의 왕래가 일어나는 곳이므로 현관이라 한다. 歸根復命과 安爐立鼎이 모두 여기에 연계되는 고로 修丹之士는 이 현관 안에 성태를 맺게 된다. 有心으로 구한즉 황홀하기만 하고 象이 없어 그 있음을 볼 수 없음이요, 無心으로 구한즉 ?機가 두루 돌기만 하여서 끝내 無를 이루지 못하니 묵묵히 有와 無에 집착하지 않는 가운데에 자연히 얻게 될 것이니 이를 일러 不着을 안다고 할 것이다. 이 공부는 竅를 觀하는 공부이다.
  2. Translated commentaries of the DDJ in English?

    Hi,Walker, I am not sure if you are still interested in commentaries written in China for Chinese audiences, but I put two links below for you, and for others in case someone would like to take a look. From my point of view, it is the latest one written by a Chinese guy who could be a practicer of 文始门, and it may be one of the best commentaries. He only released about 19 chapters of DDJ so far. Hope it could help, -Shubin 1. The link of "Articles" at the author's website, that contains all of his wonderful articles: BTW, the titles of his articles of DDJ always start with the number of that chapter, for example: 第三十七章:道恒无名 2. The link of a post of me that only contains a few of his articles and most links of his DDJ articles .
  3. Zhi neng qi gong

    It seems that Zhineng qigong is not one of the qigongs promoted by government anymore.
  4. Daozang for non-chinese speakers?

    I see your points. Talking about Daozang and Fozang, it may be impossible to get 100% correct result from Google or other translating tools. It seems for me that a lot of people do not need 100% correct content if they are not practicers. Sometimes 80% correct content is good enough for them to make simple decisions or to get feels/verviews, etc. I found a tiny piece of Daozang from scanned original copies that printed a few hundreds year ago, so I am sure the copies are genuine. If I do a quick browse on 10 pages of them, about 2,000 characters total, could I understand all content of them? Could I get basic ideas 100% correct from the 10 pages?
  5. Daozang for non-chinese speakers?

    Not me, I hope I could have such courage and patient to do amazing things like that.
  6. Daozang for non-chinese speakers?

    It looks like that some people already translated a small part of Daozang into English. I have not gotten a chance to take a closer look on it, but their work already earned my respect.
  7. tried some free online translators

    BTW, I have moved the topic 欢迎来自韩国的 玄妙之道 to the top (for 24 hours?) so it will not mixed with other topics.
  8. tried some free online translators

    I hope more people can try and find out a few tools that can do a good job on translating Classical Chinese into English as well as other language. Take it easy and have a rest.
  9. Thanks for following our discussion, and the the words from the great professor. I see your points as well as she/his points. It seems for me that if a Lion could understand and speak English, and both sides have enough courage, patient and time on communicating, they might be able to understand a little of other's cultural social life. ( I am an old Asian guy living on the East Coast).
  10. I got it now. Thank you so much for your detailed explanation ! At this point, I believe that 大道密印歌 is a Korean relic.
  11. my last stupid question for the day: If to translate 대도밀인가 into Chinese or English, what it would be? or would not be? (no answer could be a good answer )
  12. Korean is a good puzzle for me. There is no 대도 in the sentence.
  13. Thanks for translating the Chinese characters for me. I think I can understand these characters. so in Korean, 대도밀인가 can not be translated to 大道密印歌?
  14. but I still got something from the first two of the five characters, 대도: Google translate: 大街 (街 is 道,in Chinese) Baidu translate: 大盗 (盗 = robber/thief) that's why Google Translate is better than Baidu
  15. I hope so , but I can not understand the five Korean characters 대도밀인가, and I tried Google and Baidu online Translate, but the results did not match 大道密印歌 at all. Google translate: Wheat Wheat Wheat 小麦小麦 Baidu translate: the wheat 大麦粒
  16. I did a quick search of 紫府仙人with Google and the results are interesting. I have to put it on hold or I cannot finish the current topic,but I put a URL below in case anybody would like to know something about 紫府仙人.
  17. It is good to know that I did not make you feel bored. I like archaeology, too, and I think we might be working on a cultural or historical/taoist relic, but I am not sure it is a Korean relic or a China relic, or both.
  18. Hi - from Shubin (蜀宾)

    Sorry it seems for me that most people at it here can read/write or handle some Chinese ... I tired to translate a page inside of Chrome and the result was not bad (about 85% is correct). I also tried and got the same thing, so the two use the same translation engine, I guess. is about 80% correct., is about 70% correct.
  19. Hi - from Shubin (蜀宾)

    It is nice to see one of my articles is mentioned at it here there is no a Wu-Liu pai exit in history and reality life
  20. add a little more info about 匡廬。 It is called as 庐山 after 1920(?). In Dec, 1996, Lushan National Parkt is established in that area. unesco: Lushan National Park, At home page of dosa,, it showed a beautiful photo of Songnisan National Park. It is about 275 square kilometers.
  21. Good morning, dosa. Thanks for answering my questions. It is nice that you translated the Chinese text into English so I can have a better understanding. It is possible that 壺雲禪師 and 壺雲老師 are the same person, but another person could name himself as 壺雲, or was named as 壺雲 by his master. 匡廬庐山 is a large mountain, and the area of it is about 300 square kilometers. It is possible that someone else was called as 匡廬山人壺雲 between year 1750 and 1900 in China.
  22. Hi - from Shubin (蜀宾)

    Well, I had discussed WLP ( in Chinese) with some pen pals of a Dao forum in China, so you can find most of my points about WLP in that thread.
  23. Thank you so much for your detailed explanation. I am going to open a new topic about 大道密印歌 and 壺雲禪師, so we can talk about it, or people would not be happy since I strayed your topic.
  24. so it includes both the text written by 壺雲禪師, and a translation of the text written by 全秉薰 in Korean ? Thanks again for you help.
  25. Thanks for answering my question. It looks like that 大道密印歌 匡庐山人 壺雲禪師述 came from this book, .