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Everything posted by MegaMind

  1. .

    You need a diploma to teach though. You are twisting the facts again. Fact 1 :You are not entitled to teach nor an equivalent of a professor. I was able to help people failing their math classes. I understood material they did not. I worked with them to help them work problems out step by step, repeatedly until they grasped it. You don't need a diploma to understand math, or to help someone else understand it. "you have no proof that Jim was allowed to teach all the levels he was presumed to have passed." Jim recorded John giving instruction, and we preserve that. "Plus you need actual proof" "Video footage isn't proof!" Proof is the quality, and amount of evidence required to force a mind to accept something as true. If a person refuses to accept the evidence then nothing is proven, and for them it is not "proof". Imagine you had a flat earther and you flew them to the edge of space. They could rationalize the situation by claiming the windows were LCDs set there to fool them. You cannot force a mind to accept evidence if it is unwilling to do so. All you can do is provide the best evidence you have, which is what we do. All students who seriously commit themselves to training experience the same things. The proof comes from your own direct observations. "you actually charge for it! " We also do not charge anyone anything, nor accept donations. Whomever told you we charge was lying to you. "publish all the levels somewhere for every interested idiot to see" We can't publish our material publicly because people will be injured if we do. We have to insure that people are serious and will actually commit to practice, and not improvise and alter it.
  2. .

    "My word is much bigger proof than any scientists or medical doctors." k
  3. .

    Well I can tell you that being here to defend ourselves, our practice and our teachers isn't something any of us enjoy. It also seems like a large portion of the community are very frustrated with never ending Mo Pai wars. If we won the lottery and placed a moratorium on it's discussion it looks like it would be a win win situation for almost everyone. The only people that would lose from it would be the anti-mo-pai trolls who enjoy causing chaos and drama, though I am sure they would find some other venue to spray their nonsense.
  4. .

    When people who mix and match practices get a hold of it and alter the practice they get sick. We can't in good conscience contribute to people hurting themselves.
  5. .

    We preserve what Jim and Kosta brought back from John without alteration. We don't charge anything and we don't accept any donations. If that isn't for you that's fine go find a practice that you like better.
  6. .

    Many people I worked with were failing their math classes and I patiently worked out problems with them start to finish until they understood how to do it. You don't need a diploma to understand the material. In the same regard Jim was the highest level Western student and John himself tested Jim to his level. Jim passed his exams with flying colors no pun intended. Jim certainly was qualified to speak about the levels he was tested too and in addition to that he filmed John giving the instruction. You say that video is not objective evidence but by definition that is exactly what it is. You say that video is not allowed in courtrooms in your country I don't know what country you live in but most developed nations that I'm aware of certainly do use footage of bank robberies, shoplifting, dash cam footage footage, and police body cameras etc in the courtroom. It is considered evidence and it does trump personal testimony. As to our group being a scam we don't charge anyone anything we don't accept any donations we don't require anyone pledge allegiance to anyone or anything we're just looking for people who were interested in seriously pursuing this and want the actual unadulterated unaltered teachings.
  7. .

    This is not the case.
  8. .

    Jim recorded John giving him instruction.
  9. .

    We aren't a religion just a group of freethinkers who base their beliefs on the best objective evidence we have and our own first-hand observations.
  10. .

    Megamind is there a possible better strategy here? Become rich, buy the forum from Sean and implement a moratorium on Mo Pai discussion.
  11. .

    We don't put down others just ask for what we consider good evidence before pursuing a practice. That is a reasonable position to take. On the contrary in this thread I have been called a trailer trash pot head and all kinds of other personal attacks.
  12. .

    Jim was tested to his level by John himself, and he recorded John giving him instruction. He was the top western student going further than many Indonesian students.
  13. .

    I helped students work out math problems step by step. Many were failing prior to my tutoring.
  14. .

    You would refer to a sports coach as a master? I did more than help people study, I helped them work out math problems step by step many were failing prior to this.
  15. .

    What you have here is a loaded question. It would be like someone asking me if I stopped beating my wife yet or not. What we have is a simple process explained by John himself. If you don't like that then you should pursue something else.
  16. .

    Certainly we all respect John and students like Jim and Kosta, but we don't worship them or want to have sex with them.
  17. .

    The video is of someone making fire by rubbing sticks together.
  18. .

    The original instruction was to sit on the ground. No one in our group that I am aware of sticks copper wires up our butts.
  19. .

    Football, soccer, or any other sport isn't something you can really teach well. You can teach the basics and let people learn by practicing by playing with other individuals. Games unfold differently each time based on the individual choices each team member makes during the game. There is no way you can really teach how to deal with each scenario you encounter as things are always evolving and different. What I am referring to is much more akin to a primitive technology like building a fire by rubbing sticks together. This is a simple task anyone can learn to do with enough determination.
  20. .

    Tutoring means you sit down with someone to help them understand concepts they failed to grasp during class.
  21. .

    None of us worship John, Jim or Kosta. I am certainly not homophobic. I am a strong supporter of gay rights. I just wanted to clear up your misinformation.
  22. .

    "Wouldn't it just be much better for everyone if he kept grinding his boyfriend instead of this forum?" I am heterosexual thank you, but would it be some sort of problem if I was gay or bisexual? I don't really see why this would be an insult if that is your intention.
  23. .

    We literally preserve what John said, exactly as he said it to Jim. If you were ethnically Chinese and were a member of the school you would have gotten the exact same information. If you don't like it, pursue something else that you like better.
  24. .

    Jim was the top western student, going further than many Indonesian students. John did allow him to film him during exams, and when providing instruction. We preserve what Jim brought back to us from John, without alteration. Many in our group were students of Jim, others of Kosta.
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