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Everything posted by MegaMind

  1. . The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges is the regional body for the accreditation of degree-granting higher education institutions in the Southern states. It serves as the common denominator of shared values and practices among the diverse institutions in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and Latin America and other international sites approved by the SACSCOC Board of Trustees that award associate, baccalaureate, master’s, or doctoral degrees. The Commission also accepts applications from other international institutions of higher education.
  2. .

    I have absolutely no clue why you are upset.
  3. .

    I think you are misunderstanding what the page is saying. In addition to regional accreditation, some programs have additional accreditations which are also listed. That is not to say that engineering degrees are accredited by the national board of psychology. I hope that makes sense.
  4. .

    SACSCOC doesn't count as a regional accreditation?
  5. .

    May I please ask for for clarification?
  6. .

    Accreditation Mississippi State University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award baccalaureate, masters, specialist, and doctorate degrees. SACSCOC is a regional accreditation.
  7. .

    That is not the case at all, I have done my best to try and understand why you are so upset. I sincerely cannot understand it.
  8. . Distance Programs Aerospace Engineering M.S. and Ph.D. Computational Engineering M.S. and Ph.D. Electrical & Computer Engineering M.S. and Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering M.S. and Ph.D.
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    You are right, you can take most of the actual classes online, but you do need to be a resident for your thesis for a lot of programs. Texas A&M offers a fully online masters degree in Mathematics however.
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    To the best of my knowledge there is nothing to apologize for. I do not understand why you are upset.
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    Most online Masters and PhDs are scams run by universities that are not regionally accredited. An example of one university that isn't a scam, and is regionally accredited, and does offer a graduate program in mathematics:
  13. .

    I hope in the coming years you can let this go, as far as I can tell there is no reason for you to be upset. I agree with you, most online degrees are scams. It is important to verify the school is regionally accredited.
  14. .

    To the absolute best of my knowledge Jim never had plastic surgery, and we aren't contracting with the CIA to infiltrate the Indonesian Mo Pai school.
  15. .

    Originally the thread was supposed to be for you and I to finish our discussion without derailing the other thread. You were offended by the title for some reason, so I changed it to try and make you happy. I agree with your statement that most online degrees are scams, it is important to make sure the university is regionally accredited.
  16. .

    "And who is to blame then? This is 100% mo pai's fault!" If people practice what Starjumper has posted here, they will not be practising Mo Pai, they will be practising something new and different. One of Jim's students we believe his name was Sifu Rel, altered and leaked Jim's instructions on which was a website for trading occult books via torrents. "No conspiracy theories. The plain truth for all to see." [ s ] You got us! Some more truth for you is that all members are required to have three body pillows. One with John's image, the other two with Jim and Kosta. Each night we sleep with our savior's body pillows. In the morning we pray to an alter with John, Jim and Kosta and tithe 20% of our income to glorious group leader. To absorb more yin energy we bury ourselves underground, and use a hose to breathe with. [ /s ]
  17. .

    "So "We wish we could force people to do Mo Pai" is the new permanent addition to the bot speak. " All we can do is provide the best evidence we have, and hope that some are willing to come see for themselves. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. If we had some way to force people to see for themselves certainly we would. There would not be 100 page arguments about the practice, because at that point it would be beyond reproach. "Your oblivious that you feed and continue long negative threads on Mo Pai. You are programmed to turn a single or few negative posts on Mo Pai, ones that like all negative posts would quickly die down and vanish within a day or two. You findem and keep them alive, fan them for weeks." We took a break for a year, after a member was banned as it became apparent Dawei and Kar3ns new method was just to ban any member of our group that showed up to defend our practice. During this time the Mo Pai wars didn't stop at all, they were just one sided threads filled with anti-mo-pai nonsense. "Are you getting the results here you want? Is keeping negative MoPai threads going forever really what you want to do with your time? " The Mo Pai wars will continue with our without us present, it will just be a lot more one sided. If we were millionaires we would buy this forum from Sean and we would place a moratorium on all Mo Pai discussion. "ONLY OUR SYSTEM & Wm Hofs ARE REAL." You state that we think only Mo Pai and Tummo are real, that isn't correct. We are looking for practices that have been investigated by scientists and medical doctors who were present to do their best to rule out fraud, on video. At the moment Mo Pai and Tummo are all we know of, but certainly we are open to other practices if such evidence is provided. That is a far cry from claiming our systems are the only real ones. "Obviously you could infiltrate us better by becoming a regular respected member. Join in discussions, share thoughts and ideas. Gain some site cred for being insightful, helpful. Note you couldn't rely on cut and paste." Many in our group do exactly this, however when they mention they are apart of our group people dig through their posts looking for ammunition to attack us as a group with so they keep silent to prevent this. "spray painting 100 insult pages across the net each month. " We are not the one spraying insults, we are merely defending against them.
  18. .

    I created a new thread to continue a conversation with you as there were complaints of the thread being derailed. In hindsight if I had known doing so would have caused over 4 months of bellyaching I would not have. You complained about the threads title, so I changed it to try and make you happy. The major point of contention was that people could not learn from video which absolutely is not true, as we have people getting their PhD in mathematics and physics online, and those are some our most challenging subjects. You asked why this was such a big deal and I explained that this has been something used to attack our group in the past, so it needed to be defended against. Somehow this offended you greatly, because here we are nearly 4 months later still going over it. To the best of my knowledge I referred to my practice, but did not specify which practice. I sincerely hope that in the coming years there will be a point at which you let this go and move on.
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    Just curious when you fight with the ancient Naga demons, do you use fists, or guns, or any special abilities?
  20. .

    Sounds like a plan.
  21. .

    Will do! Thanks.
  22. .

    Well I mean memory, focus, reading, and fighting ancient demons and inter-dimensional portals too. That is pretty awesome! Keep up the good work!
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    Which skills?
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    WOW! In addition to helping you fight demons, and memory, reading and focus, what other abilities have you gained?
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    You guys and your conspiracy theories are just too much.