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Everything posted by MegaMind

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    What worries me is people who practice what you have posted will not be following correct instructions, and will hurt themselves and blame Mo Pai as a result.
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    The FAQ was not our idea at all, we made it because we were asked to do so by Sean the forum owner. Jim was the top western student and many in our group were his students.
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    It is not our intention to troll, only to defend ourselves, our teachers and our practice. The attacks on us do not change, neither do the rebuttals against them.
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    You make me and the rest of our group out to be the aggressors here, we aren't. We are merely playing defence. We are here merely to defend ourselves, our teachers, and our practice. The benefits of our practice are that you can experience something that almost no one else on earth does, most people are born ignorant of this and die ignorant of it. It isn't something based on faith or belief, but rather first hand observation. It is something that would truly change our world if we could only get people to come see for themselves. We can merely present the best evidence we have, and hope others are willing to put in the effort to come see for themselves. If we could force them to practice and see for themselves we would, but unfortunately we can't. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
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    I am in another dimension fighting an ancient demon, and the breatharian portal builders are holding the portal open for me so I will have to be brief! As far as I know Jim never had any plastic surgery. Maybe next week he will have had a dolphinoplasty, with an extra large blowhole for the grounding wire. I wonder where this stuff ends really.
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    I have no clue where you live, because you won't tell me. I used Latveria specifically because it is a fictional country. In most developed countries that I am aware of they use video evidence in court.
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    1. People claiming all we have is video and you can't learn from video has been used as an attack upon our group in the past. If that was your intention or not I do not know, but I explained why it was important for us to defend against it, because you asked why it was so important to defend. There is no reason you should take this personally. 2. If could go back in time and NOT create a new thread, I would. Had I known trying to stop the derailment in Taomewo's thread to appease the people complaining about that would have caused this much bellyaching, I would have simply NOT created a new thread. My hope was that you and I could continue our conversation. 3. I believe I referred to it as the art I practice, and I was not the first one to mention it by name. 4. ? 5. I don't understand why you are upset, and I don't see anything here that needs to be apologized for. From my perspective I created a new thread because of complaints TaoMeow's thread was being derailed. You seemed like the core individual to respond to, so I hoped maybe we could finish our discussion outside TaoMeow's thread. I don't have a PPD so I created a new thread where we could finish things up. You asked why it was so important to defend that point of view, and I explained it was because it was point of contention against our practice. You complained about the thread title, so I changed it to try and make you happy. It's been nearly 4 months, at some point I hope that you can move on.
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    What is it you want an apology for again?
  15. . "A 2013 study conducted at the Portland VA Medical Center and Oregon Health and Science University found that Veterans exposed to Agent Orange are not only at higher risk for prostate cancer, but they are more likely to have aggressive forms of the disease. Read the abstract for the publication, Agent Orange as a risk factor for high-grade prostate cancer." A study of 1,495 veterans who underwent radical prostatectomy to remove their cancerous prostates showed that the 206 exposed to Agent Orange had nearly a 50 percent increased risk of their cancer recurring despite the fact that their cancer seemed relatively nonaggressive at the time of surgery. Agent Orange as a risk factor for high-grade prostate cancer. 52% increase in overall risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer. Prostate Cancer Foundation Worse, β€œthe men who were exposed to Agent Orange and other battlefield chemicals often present with more aggressive prostate cancer,” says Jeffrey Jones, M.D., Chief of Urology at the Michael E. DeBakey Veteran Affairs Medical Center (MEDVAMC). Agent Orange tied to aggressive prostate cancer risk Agent Orange exposure increases veterans' risk of aggressive recurrence of prostate cancer
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    Jim was exposed to agent orange and developed an aggressive form of cancer directly linked to that exposure. I know another person who was exposed and lost their kidney due to it, yet they never practised Mo Pai. Tummo is the only other art we are aware of with any good objective evidence behind it, with scientists and medical doctors present to rule out fraud. Kosta has recommended some things, but we at this point have seen no other paths with such evidence backing them. If it were within our power to buy this forum from Sean, we would and we would place a moratorium on all Mo Pai discussion. Mostly we are here just to defend ourselves, our teachers and our practice. It is not our intention to "dis other arts".
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    This is something that has to be directly observed first hand to truly understand. This is something real, and anyone willing to devote the time and effort can see for themselves. If we had the ability to force people to see for themselves, we would.
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    We practice what Jim and Kosta brought back from John. If another system like Mo Pai became available to us then we would migrate to that to continue our training.
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    We have reached out to this individual.
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    Some people care, not many but some.
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    Imagine a society that doesn't believe in the existence of fire, and thinks claims of people rubbing sticks together to make fire are just tall tales of sorcerers and magick. Now imagine you understand the truth, that anyone with enough dedication can build a fire by rubbing sticks together, and it isn't sorcery or magick, but rather just a technology. This would change everything. If we had the power to force people to see this for themselves, absolutely we would do so without question.
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    There is no question about the results we are seeing. I wish more than anything we could force others to see for themselves.
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    John wrote a letter to Jim confirming this. We do not use the books as bibles. They are merely records of what John said, if what is said is true or false we have no way of knowing.
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    Very few care enough to come see for themselves, that is true.
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    What I am talking about is forcing people to dedicate themselves to this practice, and see the reality of it for themselves first hand. The evidence John provided is the best we know of, but what is required is to actually see first hand by your own effort. The point of the practice is not developing "powers".