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Everything posted by MegaMind

  1. .

    John provided the best evidence we know of. He also provided us with a practice that anyone can self verify as legitimate by their own effort. No faith in anyone, or anything is required. If we had any way possible to force people to see for themselves we would.
  2. .

    John was investigated by a team of scientists and medical doctors. They stripped him to his undershirt, and underwear. They checked him with a metal detector, to make sure he had no hidden metallic devices. They took him to a random location they chose for a demonstration. This was captured on video. This practice can be self verified with no faith in anyone or anything. All it requires is that the individual dedicate themselves to practice and see for themselves. This really and truly would change the world if we could only force people to see for themselves.
  3. .

    He opens inter-dimensional portals to fight with ancient demons, so obviously he knows what he is talking about. Don't question his wisdom.
  4. .

    I see.
  5. .

    Wow. Can you please tell us more about that?
  6. .

    I will agree opening up interdimensional portals is certainly much more interesting.
  7. .

  8. .

    If you say so.
  9. .

    While Jim was still a student he went further than many Indonesian students.
  10. .

    wanting breatharians to build interdimensional portals I think was a bit worse.
  11. .

    "One thing is certain you do have a mental illness."
  12. .

    My quote was: Some in our group were students of Jim the top western student who went further than many Indonesian students even, other were students of Kosta. We preserve what they brought back from John. We have levels 1, 2a, and 2b. While we would prefer to have the entire system, this is the best option we know of at the moment. If you know of better options, please show us a system with at least as much evidence as John provided behind it.
  13. .

    We feel this is indeed a hostile environment as threads like this repeatedly go to 100+ pages. If by advertisements you mean the links to our FAQ, we were asked by Sean the forum owner to make a FAQ. It would be our preference for a moratorium on all Mo Pai discussion here, so we wouldn't need to be here to defend ourselves, our teachers and our practice. We feel it would be a win-win for everyone involved, but Sean the forum owner disagrees, and that is fine this is his forum not ours.
  14. .

    I don't.
  15. .

    Is liking the Fantastic Four some sort of hate crime now?
  16. .

    I am not the one making the claim, I merely quoted a website.
  17. .

    I don't know where you live, you won't tell me. I picked Latveria specifically because it was a fictional country. I do not know if you live in a third world country or not. I merely stated in most of the developed countries I am aware of video evidence is used in court.
  18. .

    "Video isn't evidence. GSmaster has shown you videos of people performing "miracles" in front of scientists in controlled environments and checked for fraud. You dismiss them but they pass the feeble requirements that you have yourselves put to test the validity of the Chang videos." Links please.
  19. .

    "You insist that you did not mention mopai when you repeatedly referred to your practice before the ad hominem attack thread on Earl Grey. Lie no6 " I mentioned my practice, but I didn't specify which practice.
  20. .

    "The insistence of Magus of Java being what chang said while being the product of two intermediaries and none of you being present and many facts being dismissed by Jim as fiction. Lie no5" If you feel it isn't, write to Kosta and tell him he is lying.
  21. .

    "The statement where you insist that video footage is evidence in general while i told you it is not the case in many countries. Lie no4" Maybe not in Latveria, but in most developed countries video evidence is used in court.
  22. .

    "The statement that video footage is proof in cases of traffic accidents. Lie no3 " People install dash cams to protect themselves from liability in the event of an accident. In many cases the video evidence from a dash cam has shown the driver was not at fault. "Many people are now choosing to install Go-Pro or video recording devices onto their dashboards and rear windows in an effort to better protect themselves in an accident. Dashcam evidence is no doubt the most compelling type of evidence, and itโ€™s vital that you take every chance you can to prove your side of events." "Unlike witness testimony, there is little room for interpreting or impeaching the veracity of video recordings. Dashcams can see whether a motorist swerved and improperly entered the driver's lane. They can see if the driver suddenly applied their brakes, or backed into a motorist's vehicle."
  23. .

    "The statement that video footage is proof in cases of injury. Lie no2 " Please quote me where I make this claim.
  24. .

    Indeed you do.
  25. .

    "The statement that "all men will get prostate cancer?". Lie no1" Yale School of Medicine "yes, the older you become the greater chance you will have prostate cancer. That number, if you live long enough, may be up to 100%." "Essentially all men with circulating androgens will develop microscopic prostate cancer if they live long enough." "all men, if they live long enough, can expect to get the disease." "Most men will get prostate cancer if they live long enough." "The studies suggest that up to 46% of men in their 50s may harbor such cancerous cells; for men in their 70s, it rises as high as 83%. ... most men will develop prostate cancer if they live long enough." "Live long enough, and most men will develop prostate cancer."