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Everything posted by MegaMind

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    We merely preserve what Jim and Kosta brought back without alteration. Nothing more, and nothing less. At the present time this is the best option we have available to us. If you know of a better alternative that has the same type and quality of evidence John provided please let us know, and we will pursue it instead.
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    "You have the information, yes. The understanding? That's questionable. You can't asks questions to a video. " We preserve what Jim and Kosta brought back from John without alteration. Many in our group were students of Jim the top western student going further than many Indonesian students even. Ultimately all teachers were themselves students at one point in their lives.
  3. . Yale School of Medicine "the older you become the greater chance you will have prostate cancer. That number, if you live long enough, may be up to 100%." "Essentially all men with circulating androgens will develop microscopic prostate cancer if they live long enough."
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    Checked with a metal detector, not magnets.
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    Jim was the top western student, going further than many Indonesian students. Many in our group were students of Jim, others of Kosta. We merely preserve what they brought back from John without alteration. Ultimately all teachers were at one point students themselves.
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    The probability you will develop prostate cancer increases drastically as you age to the point is almost certain if you live long enough. If you disagree take it up with Yale School Of Medicine, not me.
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    John was stripped to his underwear and undershirt by a team of scientists and medical doctors. He was checked with a metal detector. He gave a demo in a controlled location the researchers chose. We are not making the case that this is some sort of scientific proof, or that hoaxes and fraud could not have occurred. We do contend this is the best evidence we know of at present. If you know of better evidence please let us know.
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    Ultimately the information is accurate or it is not. Jim and Kosta learned from John, and many in our group were students of either Jim or Kosta. All teachers were at one point students themselves. We preserve what Jim and Kosta brought back from John without alteration.
  9. . Yale School of Medicine "Any man over the age of 50 is considered at risk for prostate cancer." "For the average American male, screening should begin at about 50 and should include a PSA, a rectal examination, and should occur once a year. " "the older you become the greater chance you will have prostate cancer. That number, if you live long enough, may be up to 100%." "Essentially all men with circulating androgens will develop microscopic prostate cancer if they live long enough."
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    There are too many frauds, charlatans and delusional individuals for us without working "third eyes" to tell without such evidence. Kudos on you though for developing such an amazing skill.
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    on John being a Christian: John leaned back and looked at us one by one. “All right,” he said. “Before I went up to the mountain, in my heart of hearts, I did not really believe in God. Oh, I used to go to church every Sunday, for I am nominally a Christian, but I had no faith; I went to church matter-of-factly. When I was up in the mountain, I wanted to expe- rience God for myself, to see if He was real or not. “I prayed and I prayed for weeks, asking God to reveal Himself to me. Finally I sat down in deep meditation and sent my awareness out as before. Every day, every moment, I kept asking, ‘God, please tell me the truth about the afterlife; which religion is correct? Please, Lord, tell me.’ I received no answer, but I kept at it with persistence. “Without warning, one day a voice boomed in the air above me. It was like a thunderclap, and it said to me: “‘Religion is like a walking stick. When you are young, you need help from your parents to walk. When you are old, you need a cane. When you are a healthy adult, you have no need for a cane; if you try to run, it will only hinder you. All religions are like that; touch God directly, and you will have no need of them.’ ... Andreas broke the silence. “Sifu, are you saying that you spoke to God?” “I think so,” John said. “I spoke to an unbelievably powerful sen- tience. Whether it was God or some kind of angel or other spirit, I really don’t know to this day. But something came and answered my questions, and stayed with me for a long time.” The Magus of Java p105
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    Where exactly does this claim that Kosta had cancer come from again? Jims's cancer was due to agent orange exposure. I personally know someone who was exposed to agent orange and developed the same type of cancer and had to have a kidney removed as a result, they have never practised Mo Pai. It is a given that all men will develop prostate cancer if they live long enough. At best it can be argued that Mo Pai at the lower levels doesn't heal cancer. John himself claims to be Christian, which I will post more on in a moment.
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    We do not accept claims as true based solely on personal testimony. We require good objective video evidence, with scientists and medical doctors present to do their best to rule out fraud, before we are interested in pursuing something. We view this as a reasonable and rational approach. We refers to our group who share this mindset.
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    We will gladly move on to another system provided the evidence is of the same type and quality as John provided. We preserve what Jim and Kosta brought back from Java without alteration.
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    Jim and Kosta were taught by John. It was John's wish that this knowledge be kept alive and even come to the west. However the elders of the school disagreed and removed John as head of the school for this heresy.
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    Show us at least as much evidence as John provided and we will all jump ship without question.
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    Ultimately either the information is correct or it is not. There is no such thing as empowerments, or attunements. All such abilities come from having the correct information, and diligent practice.
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    Even at level 2b, it is the most advanced system we as a group are aware of. Until something better comes along, we will continue to pursue it.
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    Some in our group were students of Jim, others of Kosta. Ultimately this is how knowledge is passed on, from teacher to student. At one point all teachers were themselves students.
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    It was in response to: "Interesting, I'd like to know where you got the reference for that statement? " The quote came from the Magus Of Java. That is what John told Kosta, but we have no way of knowing if it is true or false.
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    This is a quote from the magus of java written by Kosta.
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    It is not a bible, nor do we regard it as absolute truth. This is just what John told Kosta, if it is true or false we have no way of knowing.
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    “You know,” John said, “in the entire history of China, there have only been two people who have made it all the way up to Level Seventy-Two. One was Tamo, or Bodhidharma, who taught the monks at Shaolin. The other was Chang San Feng of the Wutang- Pai, who was also one of the Headmasters in our school’s lineage. ... “Sifu,” I asked slowly, “when do you think that Chang San Feng lived?” ... “Almost a thousand years ago,” he replied. “Why?” ... “Some say that he lived to be five hundred years old. Others say that he is still alive today, that he never died.” ... John was silent. “He was Level Seventy-Two,” he said simply. “Could he still be alive?” “No. He lived to be two hundred and died like any man. So did Bodhidharma.” The Magus Of Java page 108
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