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Everything posted by MegaMind

  1. .

  2. Just humoring him. Also doing as you suggest would be a violation of the no personal attack / insult policy.
  3. That is not a claim I am making. I am just merely curious about the claims gsmaster is making.
  4. So you have reached the level of spiritual immortality where you will keep your memories and personality upon reincarnation?
  5. .

    We have not achieved anything more than Jim McMillan did at level 2b, but that is not to say we have not achieved anything period. It is possible for anyone with the determination to stick with the practice and see for themselves. Openly that is all that can be said.
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    The point of the Mo Pai system should be crystal clear if you've read the Magus of Java.
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    Jim got sick from exposure to agent orange. Kostas has never been confirmed to have cancer, only rumours. John claims his level 40+ teacher could heal cancer, but he cannot.
  9. .

    Even a level 72 in Mo Pai would grow sick and die eventually.
  10. .

    Well you brought it up, I was just curious what abilities you had developed.
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    A large number of individuals here on this forum seek to discredit it and all associated with it.
  12. .

    That is wonderful, could you go over your 40+ abilities?
  13. .

    It is not our intention to Troll, we are here merely to defend ourselves, our teachers, and our practice.
  14. .

    Can you go into more detail about this ability? What other abilities have you developed?
  15. .

    I think mostly we stick to threads others create. Under the previous administration it was necessary to for members to create threads in their personal practice journal just to reply, as they refused to allow any replies in threads about Mo Pai from members of our group.
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    Jim McMillan was the top western student in Mo Pai before his death, and we preserve without alteration what he brought back from Indonesia. Some in our group were students of Jim, others of Kosta.
  17. .

    If you say so...
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    What stuff are you doing nobody ever did before?
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    Which thread did we create?
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    If you have read the Magus of Java you should already clearly know what the point of the system is. I do agree that most want to become Son Goku and shoot fireballs, but that is not why Mo Pai exists. We do not devote our time to practice to develop abilities.
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    Please see the first question on page 1 of the FAQ.
  22. .

    Well then I guess the only alternative is to give up, or go find some placebo art to keep yourself entertained.
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    You asked to see a video you had already seen? Which abilities does he have which contradict our "narrative", and how do they do so? We don't discuss our own experiences, but encourage others to see for themselves. Yes a private forum.
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    The end goal is not abilities. John's ability to move objects does not involve using his mind, it is storing and releasing qi.