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Everything posted by MegaMind

  1. I would love to help, but not in public as such a discussion cannot be had openly.
  2. I will try and be older and wiser next time
  3. Lesson learned, next time I encounter fake outrage about derailing a thread I won't bother to create a new thread because that seems to create even more fake outrage.
  4. People mix and match practices, then blame mo pai when they get injured and sick.
  5. You and Zork were complaining about the thread being derailed, and I was told to create a new thread. Darned if you do, darned if you don't.
  6. .
  7. .

    "Western Mo Pai promoters say while advertising their forum here." The link in my signature was added because Sean the forum owner asked us to do a FAQ. We did as he instructed us to do, and the FAQ wasn't something any of us wanted. It is not a forum you can join, it exists merely to host the FAQ. "The only thing that was altered is that the online pictures which came with the instructions" As just one example among many many many others, grounding was one thing Jim stressed was absolutely critical. The documents and videos Jim left to us are radically different from what you posted. Your instructions omitting the requirement to be grounded is just one example. If you think we are making this up, please see Jim's book as a reference: He told me I needed to be sitting on the ground; he could tell because I didn't have enough “yin” in me when he checked me out. I had been practicing inside a mobile home I was living in temporarily next to the house I was building. It was about three feet above the ground. He explained to me, “Your yin comes from the earth and you need to be connected to it.” He said I have to sit outside on the ground. This was somewhat troubling because where I live it snows about twice a year and rains a lot, so while he was telling me this I was trying to figure how I was going to be able to do it. He also told me yang comes from the air and enters the energy point on the top of your head. And it needs to be equally balanced with my yin which enters another energy point at the area of your perineum. -Seeking The Master Of Mo Pai Jim McMillan
  8. .

    I would like to caution people from attempting to practice altered instructions. All the most important details of training have been removed from the material in the above post.
  9. Energy rich guy seeking advice on choosing a method

    There is no such thing as WMP, only MP. There is no recruitment drive here, just general advice.
  10. Energy rich guy seeking advice on choosing a method

    To the best of my knowledge Jed doesn't do youtube, or martial arts.
  11. Energy rich guy seeking advice on choosing a method

    "How long has your guru been teaching?" "Well, uh, over thirty years." "And how many of his students have achieved enlightenment?" "Well, uh..." "That you know of personally?" "Well, uh, I never..." "That you've heard of?" "It's not" "That there were rumors of?" "I don't think..." "What is it they're doing, Martin? The recipe for enlightenment they're promoting - what is it?" "Uh, well, meditation and knowledge, basically." "And in thirty years they've never held someone up and said, 'Look at this guy! He's enlightened and we got him there!' In thirty years, they don't have one? Don't you think they should have, like, an entire army of enlightened guys to show off by now?" "Well, it's not..." "After thirty years they should have a few dozen generations of enlightened people. Even with only a quarter of them becoming teachers, they should have flooded the world by now, mathematically speaking, don't you think? I'm not asking all this as a teacher myself, mind you. I'm just asking as a consumer, or a consumer's advocate. Don't you think it's reasonable to ask to know a teacher's success rate? The proof is in the pudding, right? Didn't you ask them about the fruit of their teachings when you started with them?" "Well, that's not..." "Don't you think it's reasonable to ask? They're in the enlightenment business, aren't they? Or did I misunderstand you? Do they have something else going?" "Nooo, but they..." "If Consumer Reports magazine did a report on which spiritual organizations delivered as promised, don't you suppose that the first statistic listed under each organization would be success rating? Like, here are a hundred randomly selected people who started with the organization five years ago and here's where they are today. For instance, thirty-one have moved up in the organization, twenty-seven have moved on, thirty-nine are still with it but not deeply committed and three have entered abiding non-dual awareness. Okay, three percent - that's a number you can compare. But this organization of yours would have big fat goose egg, wouldn't they? And not just out of a hundred, but out of hundreds of thousands - millions, probably. Am I wrong? - Jed McKenna - 'Spiritual Enlightenment:The Damnedest Thing'
  12. Energy rich guy seeking advice on choosing a method

    I am seeking advice on selecting a method of practice. My question is what type of Qigong or Tai Chi should I choose? Anyway any advice would be much appreciated. Here is some advice. There are millions of practices and teachers out there. Very few do anything more than placebo. Just because a teacher sells lots of videos, books, seminars and has a huge following of students doesn't mean what they teach actually does anything, it just means they are good at marketing. If you want something real it is best to demand good evidence that the practice actually does something, the personal testimony of thousands of people is not good enough. Hundreds of thousands of people believe that magnetic and copper bracelets help their arthritis pain, when studies have conclusively shown they have no more effect than a placebo.
  13. What would be your superpower?

    A friend and I were just having this conversation. We agreed the ultimate superpower would be the ability to project your consciousness back in time. Sort of like a "groundhog day" you were in control of.
  14. Is the world getting better or not?

    Technology is getting better, people are getting worse.
  15. change name request

    You rock! Thanks!
  16. change name request

    How about MegaMind?
  17. change name request

    Hi Sean, Could I request a name change to: Tai_Chi_Chai_Tea
  18. Mo Pai and unwellness

    "Jim McMillan also got cancer from practicing" While Jim was serving in Vietnam he was doused in agent orange. Jim developed a specific form of very aggressive cancer, it was linked to that exposure. "A 2013 study conducted at the Portland VA Medical Center and Oregon Health and Science University found that Veterans exposed to Agent Orange are not only at higher risk for prostate cancer, but they are more likely to have aggressive forms of the disease. Read the abstract for the publication, Agent Orange as a risk factor for high-grade prostate cancer." A study of 1,495 veterans who underwent radical prostatectomy to remove their cancerous prostates showed that the 206 exposed to Agent Orange had nearly a 50 percent increased risk of their cancer recurring despite the fact that their cancer seemed relatively nonaggressive at the time of surgery. Agent Orange as a risk factor for high-grade prostate cancer. 52% increase in overall risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer. Prostate Cancer Foundation Worse, “the men who were exposed to Agent Orange and other battlefield chemicals often present with more aggressive prostate cancer,” says Jeffrey Jones, M.D., Chief of Urology at the Michael E. DeBakey Veteran Affairs Medical Center (MEDVAMC). Agent Orange tied to aggressive prostate cancer risk Agent Orange exposure increases veterans' risk of aggressive recurrence of prostate cancer Also according to Dr. Lawrence Blair as of September 12, 2019 John in his 80s and close to level 20 in Mo Pai has cancer himself. It is also important to note that most men will develop prostate cancer if they live long enough, it is a natural part of aging. At best it can be argued that lower levels of Mo Pai do not provide the ability needed to heal cancer. John stated that his teacher however could heal cancer, so at higher levels this would be possible.
  19. Please submit your questions for the Mo Pai FAQ

    Forging is the best analogy I can think of. There is a Kung Fu system associated with Mo Pai it is called Pa Lei Chuan (eight ways thunder boxing). No one in our group however pursues this for the martial arts aspect, we pursue it for the "forging" aspect. As to us advertising for the FAQ, this was not my idea and I am only doing it because Sean the forum owner requested I do it.