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Everything posted by MegaMind

  1. Continuation

    I realize this was made as a joke, but I genuinely believe a lot of people here intentionally fan the flames of anti-mo-pai side of the debate because they enjoy the conflict, drama, and chaos it causes.
  2. Continuation

    As far as false info goes, our info comes straight from the horses mouth. That is as good as we can do.
  3. Continuation

    Hi Zork that is an interesting way to look at it. Our perspective is in the past when we tried to discuss these blueprints, it did nothing but cause endless 100+ page, 1000+ comment flame wars that spanned months, sometimes years. We don't feel we can talk shop here without a war ensuing. We however do look for like minded people, and bring them in to the shop to let drive it for themselves and verify the claims for themselves. That is the best we can do. I hope that makes sense. Also there is no such thing as western mo pai, the practices are the same.
  4. Continuation

    I see what you did there.
  5. Mixing systems

    My advice is find one thing, and stick with it.
  6. Continuation

    Before you turn this into a race issue my point that he went further than many Asian students is only made because of the criticism that he misunderstood the teachings and the Asian students were the only ones to comprehend them. Obviously he did well, better than many others even. I am not trying to say Western people are better at neikung than Asians.
  7. Continuation

    It is a true statement.
  8. Continuation

    When I refer to the elders intervening I mean physically, not in dreams. Our teachers last exam was captured on video, and he passed with "flying" colors. Many Asian students could not pass that test. This fact was confirmed in a letter to him from his teacher. Our teacher was instructed to use a special breathing technique, however for whatever reason he did not do it. He still passed level one even breathing normally, and we still provide the original instruction to breath as he was originally instructed to do. The problem I think you are referring to is that while his teacher was on retreat in jungle in Borneo, he sought out a qigong master for advice on what to do next, and was told to do MCO. When he finally caught up his teacher after he was back from retreat, he was furious with him, and made him choose MCO or our practice but not both. He had to start over to undo the effects of MCO and this did set him back some. As to him being flattered, right after his test ended he went to the bathroom and recreated the effects of his test to prove to himself it was not his teacher playing a trick on him.
  9. Continuation

    In private with like minded people wonderful discussions can be had.
  10. Continuation

    Part 1 The history goes back for many years while you were gone. Any time the topic of Mo Pai comes up, it becomes a war zone. I suspect it has become a cultural phenomenon or past time for a large number of thedaobums members. Grab the popcorn we going to have another public stoning! They seem to enjoy doing whatever they can, whenever they can, however they can to disrupt any conversation that occurs on the topic, and discredit and humiliate anyone associated with it. There is nothing causing an escalation other than that, I suspect it is just entertainment for them. Threads on the topic continue to rage on exactly like the right wing political threads, and the behavior is the same. I wish more than anything we could convince you to place a moratorium on Mo Pai discussion here so we didn't have to deal with this nonsense. PLEASE. Part 2 How this thread got started. There was a thread located here: In the thread TaoMeow created there is a video. The video shows people doing a group exercise playing a game of telephone or "Chinese Whispers". The first person pretends to crank and ride a motorcycle, and relays that to the next person. Over time this degrades into a motion like someone washing a window. I made a comment which I shouldn't have because any time any one who has outed themselves as a member of our group says anything it becomes a flame war. Here is what I said: To this there was a reply that keyboard warriors can only learn things from video, and anything can be faked. I replied: Another person said that it was very difficult to precisely emulate our teachers as the cause for the corruption of transmitted information to which I replied: Then they said it is not possible to learn such things via video to which I replied: Then someone said there was more to having a teacher than just an exchange of information. I expressed how I do not believe in attunements or transmissions, only in correct information, and hard work. Many people disagreed. I made the point that if the people in the original video all saw the original source of the information, rather than having it slightly altered each time and then re-transmitted, this effect of the telephone Chinese whisper game would not manifest. Someone argued you cannot learn things from video and I gave examples of people getting their PhD.s in higher mathematics and physics online by watching videos and other examples. Liminal Luke then brought up Mo Pai and the blood was in the water at that point. I was accused of derailing the thread so I created this one here since I don't have a PPD to do it in. My hope was that Earl and I could hash this out without another mo pai flame war starting. That did not happen unfortunately. In this thread I initially tried to keep to specific examples on how learning from video and audio do work well for many people, and they are able to master some of our most challenging subjects this way. I explained how I had better experiences with video learning done by teachers who care, than real life classroom time with teachers that didn't. Earl said " Iā€™m not sure why it seems so important for you" To which I replied I know it to be true first hand, and in the past the we only watch videos and read books etc has been used as an attack on our practice (this is besides the fact many were actual students of the top Western Student). So I feel the need to defend against this. For whatever reason this offended Earl greatly and he demanded an apology from me. Pictures of people with genitals on their face get posted directed at me. And the rest you can probably follow by skimming my responses in this thread. That was the best job at ELI5 I can do for you.
  11. Continuation

    You can't have a discussion when you have a small army of people who are determined to disrupt every sentence, and attempt to discredit everything and everyone associated with it. I just is not possible.
  12. Continuation

    Worked well for the right wing political garbage.
  13. Continuation

    It would reach trump discussion level absurdity as it always does. Please feel free to PM me.
  14. Continuation

    A moratorium on Mo Pai discussion would work just fine.
  15. Continuation

    We took a long break from the forum, after another member was banned after complaining about the behavior of moderator who absolutely hated Mo Pai and our group, and how doing exactly as instructed resulted in punishment. During this break the Mo Pai wars continued, albeit with a lot more disinformation about the practice.
  16. Continuation

    Oh I can answer this one, and I can explain it quite well. However I cannot do it here publicly without dumping a truckload of gasoline on this fire. Feel free to send me a PM if you like.
  17. Continuation

    Please see this post: About us wanting drama, if we had millions of dollars, we would buy this forum from Sean, and we would impose a moratoium on all Mo Pai discussion. There would be zero drama from Mo Pai discussion at least here if we were in control.
  18. Continuation

    In the past people mentioned using a grounding wire, and that became a mantra of we stick wires up our butts. In the past someone mentioned our teacher passed away with cancer with it's genome linked to agent orange exposure, and poof suddenly he practiced incorrectly and caused his own cancer and deserved it HAHAHAHAH! In the past one member mentioned they personally used melatonin, and chamomile tea to aid in meditation and poof we have to drug ourselves or we give instructions to use drugs for meditation. These are just a few examples but I could fill up pages with more. It is best not to attempt to share anything in such an environment it is like throwing gasoline on a fire we are trying to put out.
  19. Continuation

    Hi Zork, I do not have a PPD, otherwise I would have posted in there. My hope was that Earl and I could hash this out without continuing to derail TaoMeow''s thread located here: In the past a common attack on our practice is that we only learn from books, or videos and have no real teachers. Many in our group were students of the top western student, so that is not true but it still has a been a point of attack in the past. I will have to disagree on the not being hostile bit. Also our system is a system of neigong, not qigong.
  20. Continuation

    Hi Sean, Sometimes it's best not to respond to specific points rather than be stuck in a 100 page flamewar.
  21. Continuation

    Hi Sean, I've looked back at every post I've made and I don't see any reason whatsoever for Earl to be upset. I sincerely have no clue what is causing him to be so angry, other than he lost an argument.
  22. Continuation

    There is no such thing as WMP, only MP. MP is a system of neikung. In the past whenever we do share it has resulted in flame wars which go for 100+ pages and last for months if not years. Later anything and everything said is dredged up to use as ammunition to attack us with in later threads. Unless someone in our group wins the lottery or invests in the next big crypto currency and can buy this forum from Sean, we can't stop the trolling so it's better just remain as quiet as is possible.
  23. Continuation

    We don't discuss things to prevent drama here.
  24. Continuation

    We would love to share openly, however anytime we share even the slightest things it is used as ammunition to attack us with. We keep to our private forum to prevent such drama, though if it were possible to share here we would. Also we are an ANTI-CULT. No one accepts anything on personal testimony, or because a book says so. No one accepts anything as true on faith. We believe in basing our beliefs on our own first hand observations, and what we consider the best evidence available to us . We are a group of rational, reasonable free thinkers. There is no kool-aid to drink. We don't worship any gods, demons, spirits, humans or demi-humans. We don't live in a commune. No one is charged any money, ever. There is no one leader to the group, just like minded individuals. I hope that addresses your concerns.