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Everything posted by MegaMind

  1. Mo Pai Alternatives?

    Imagine you were put under for general anesthesia, or fell into a deep dreamless sleep. You do not cease to exist, and then pop back into existence upon waking up. However your ability to actively think and interact with the environment is non existent. Something continues to exist during these times, but that something is not like an active thinking human mind.
  2. Mo Pai Alternatives?

    I only believe what I have seen myself and confirmed.
  3. Mo Pai Alternatives?

    It just is.
  4. Mo Pai Alternatives?

    John explained what becomes of a human mind post mortem quite well. If you think he misunderstood then perhaps you could pursue training in the system and see the reality of it for yourself?
  5. Mo Pai Alternatives?

    What I am saying is there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of deluded hippies. There are not millions of living Buddhas. Even in the Mo Pai lineage only Bodhidharma and Zhang Sanfeng reached the summit.
  6. Mo Pai Alternatives?

    That doesn't happen.
  7. Mo Pai Alternatives?

    Well what you see and observe is meaningful to you, but not so much other people. For instance if you saw real aliens, and you tried to tell people about it that experience you had, that first hand knowledge cannot be transferred to them. You will just be a rambling crazy person to most. It would take them actually seeing the same aliens first hand to be able to know it was true.
  8. Mo Pai Alternatives?

    Unless you are a figment of my imagination, it's your world as well.
  9. Mo Pai is Bullshit

    Well the glass coke bottles here in the USA are much thicker glass than a corona bottle. I will be happy to mail you one if you want, but I am still interested to see what you can do.
  10. Mo Pai Alternatives?

    Not me personally. We have a lot of guys like that, as in those are the most common sorts of people pursuing spiritual traditions.
  11. Mo Pai Alternatives?

    If we can't quantify it and measure it, then really all we have is personal testimony that it actually does something. Just eat this communion wafer, and drink this grape juice, and magically it turns into demi-god/human flesh and blood in your stomach. Just accept Jesus as your personal savior and you go to heaven. It's true! Walk by faith and not by sight! A better approach to this is finding a system that can be quantified, and you can explore yourself first hand. It is better to base your beliefs on objective evidence and self observation than faith and personal testimony.
  12. Mo Pai Alternatives?

    We have lots of guys like this:
  13. Mo Pai Alternatives?

    If that were true I would think there would be hundreds of thousands if not millions of living Buddhas.
  14. Mo Pai Alternatives?

    It's not unreasonable to want to verify a practice actually does something before dedicating your life to it.
  15. Mo Pai Alternatives?

    There are lots of Christian monks that are willing to teach you how to dedicate your life to Jesus. That doesn't mean their teachings actually produce results you can quantify.
  16. Mo Pai Alternatives?

    According to John there are approximately 10 others living on earth that have fused yin and yang. There are none in Tibet, or India, according to him they are all in China.
  17. .

  18. Mo Pai is Bullshit

    I am certain they don't drink beer out of plastic bottles in Ecuador. Go grab yourself a Corona.
  19. Mo Pai is Bullshit

    Right so if it's simple physics and easy to do as you state it is, I will be willing to pay you to do it. How much do you want for such a demonstration?
  20. Mo Pai is Bullshit

    How is that demonstration with you breaking a full sealed glass soda bottle with a palm strike going? You mentioned it was easier to do this if it was full of liquid and sealed than an open bottle. I mean since Mo Pai is BS and all.
  21. Levitation and possibly flight?

    Don't worry he will be back.
  22. How to connect

    I really enjoyed this post.
  23. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    Amazing! You already can teleport, and travel faster than the speed of light, shoot eye lasers, open portals to different dimensions and fight ancient 100,000 year old Naga demons, and have sex with harems made up purely of goddesses. I am curious what new powers you have awakened with this new higher state of consciousness you have now reached.
  24. How to connect

    Иногда куриный сэндвич. Иногда я езжу на осле. Только тогда, когда трава фиолетовая.