ben kaf

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Everything posted by ben kaf

  1. New arrival

    Hi Moog, I'm a total beginner here but I think what you need is a meditation that help you feel your bodily sensation. There is no such thing is chi deaf. You definitely do have sensations. Focusing on this bodily sensations (sensations like warm, cold, scratching, pulsation, etc) is first step then when your meditation goes deeper you can sense subtler and sublter sensations until finally you can feel chi. but it doesn't happen overnight. Have you ever heard about vipassana? It could be a great help for feeling chi and bodily sensations..
  2. Hello

    Hello, welcome to the forum
  3. No More Mister Nice Guy, NMMNG

    Not to dismiss your/writer's idea, just my two cents: I don't think there is any real being versus false being. Even what people consider their true being is actually a conditioned being on some deeper level. Moreover being a nice guy sometimes can make us and others happier than getting what we want
  4. Taobums Q&A with Kosta Danaos

    This file is expired and cannot be download now. Is it possible to recover it again? got it!
  5. Internal Alchemy - Where and How to start?

    Why's that? 'cause you know, I have a few books on this subject and I have heard sex is very potent in internal alchemy
  6. Internal Alchemy - Where and How to start?

    What are some authentic masters you would suggest? I know Mantak Chia, Master Yang (YMAA founder), wu dang chen (he has a website same as his name) and Damo mitchel. Also michale Winn. I also have another question. is it ok to start with chi kong or it's better to start with tai chi. I practiced tai chi for a few months before but I did't have much success
  7. Internal Alchemy - Where and How to start?

    Interestingly I had this book of Eva wong I borrowed it from Archive website so I guess I can start with it. The other list is fairly intimidating. Do I really need a huge amount of knowledge before I start the actual practice?
  8. Internal Alchemy - Where and How to start?

    Thanks for the answer. I know the best choice is always finding a teacher. But I live in .... and because of all the sanctions and stuff it's near impossible to travel to America and I could find any teacher here. so maybe next best option is either online classes or books. I think I should start with some books and read more discussions here and see where the road take me. Thank you all
  9. Internal Alchemy - Where and How to start?

    I had various mystical experiences which lead me to the understanding that I'm not this body and limited self. Specially in Kundalini yoga I discovered an immense energy and different mode of consciousness but after a few years of practice, I would say I reached a plateau. So I start searching again and based on my own experience and what I heard about nei gong I realized this is very close to what I experienced/practiced and it can help me advance more in my path. Also, I have a strong intuition that Taoism is really suitable for me.
  10. Internal Alchemy - Where and How to start?

    Thanks for approving my post. I'll read the rules and start searching the forum and I hope I can contribute to the forum as well.