Scott Joly

Junior Bum
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About Scott Joly

  • Rank
    Dao Bum
  1. new student

    My spiritual journey started with a profound love for trail running, and during my runs I could find a place of deep connection to the world, and real transcendence of the ego. I was for a long time, a strict materialist, and accounted for the experience with ideas of hormones and neurotransmitters, but have come to appreciate that there's a deeper truth, and that I was able to touch in a small way something more universal. Ayahuasca ceremony helped lead me to a place of more formal commitment to the path, and now I'm in school for psychology, as well as studying religion, and having a spiritual practice. I find a lot of relief in being a student, as in much of my life before I had placed on myself an expectation of leadership. I find I'm still a bit unfocused, not sure on the right practice, the right priorities, the right action. Right now I feel the need for guidance, and so I find myself on this forum, to hopefully find some truth in the conversations.