Eclair Blanc
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About Eclair Blanc
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Greetings, In the past, they offered courses by sending CDs with a small card empowered by Master Ou. Have you noticed any differences between the two methods of transmission? I ask because this is a qigong with some sort of empowerment.
Yes I'm interested in Siddha Yoga as a whole since longtime and this one seems to be one of the very few genuine lineage. However this Siddha Yoga has very special features : -There is only one Sadguru ( Guru Siyag) -He is considered as Kalki Avatar -He has special siddhis -This Guru has passed away but the Shaktipat is still available ( and working) through his recordings especially the sound of his voice and the pictures. In other Siddha Yoga this is very different as the Shaktipat and Deeksha are usually performed by living Guru of the lineage. For example in the Mahayoga lineage you can receive shaktipat remotely ( free of charge) by a living Shaktipat Guru.
According to the story of Guru Siyag, he has attained light body because he has attained Gayatri Siddhi by himself and Krishna Siddhi through the Deeksha from Baba Gangainathji ( Form and Formless God). Followers believe he is Kalki avatar other see it as an enlightened siddha yogi.
To start this quest I advice to read 3 books from William Bodri one is Arhat Yoga, Neijia Yoga and Nyasa Yoga. This is pretty good stuff. The cultivation outlined encompass many practices so this is not for anyone.
Greetings, I have studied various system of Tenaga Dalam and Tumo among other things. As vajra master I'm not agree with the fact that Sathya Tumo is not accurate. Someone has said the mantras are not correct but in Indonesia the lineage and teachings about Tumo are different from other tradition as the lineage has merged the teachings from many eastern traditions / islamic ones since the wali songo... The lineage from Hari Winarso is genuine he has received Vajradhara physically during the year 2003 from Oguen Trinley Dorje, Vajrayogini transmission physically from Sakya Trizin, Mahamudra from Gyalwa Karma XVII, Gtummo Dalai Lama from Vajra Master I Gusti Ngurah Agung Suryaputra among many other ancient or modern systems. He has also received javanese esoteric system from various masters and currently the only one who allow some of these teaching to be available to the western world. It is a pity to see that so many new age teacher are selling them without proper personal practice so it is not a surprise to see people being disappointed by these system. It is better to receive from a true practicer. Most people would be surprised by the abilities of a genuine Sathya Tumo disciple who have done all the workings on daily basis. I know 2 Masters who can stop Inner Power by using higher level of this Tumo and who can access many other occult powers...
I will quote Gurudev as many followers of Guru Siyag and other Siddhas Guru have many expectations when they start the path and even later :
Yes is exactly that what the student is ready to receive. Also seekers with a deep thirst for spiritual experience ( Anubhutis) read many books about the subject of yoga and when they start their practice of Siddha Yoga from Gurudev or even other Siddha Guru they begin to have high expectation of what they must experience. However according to the yogic tradition it is good to remember that such experiences are results of previous sadhana done during past lives. The spiritual experience doesn't follow a specific pattern and are different for each individual. That's why you can see someone having many kriyas, doing automatic pranayama/kechari mudras/asanas without have knowledge about them and other one don't have any of these experiences. This is the same for the energetic experience someone will feel tremendous energy current through the body and other one will not feel anything special at least during the first stages of the practices ( I think first month or year of daily practice) as pathway have to be clean before to be able to handle the kundalini. Siddha tradition is all about Kundalini and the different way to awaken and raise it into the narrow channel some path are based on difficult penance and exercise other are much more based on surrendering on the Guru and/or the Shakti within. The key of success is daily practice without expectation, only surrendering to the Guru without/within and soon or later you will feel a sudden unlocking of consciousness and other positive effect. It is just my thought about the Guru Siyag path and other Siddha Yoga from different lineage like those from Muktananda.
In this trouble time people can try this meditation and see by themselves if this work or not, the Sanjeevani mantra given by Guru Siyag can help. There is no claim just try for example for 2 or 3 month and see what happen or not. But as I said in this tradition faith is very important as this is the key who open the door of the Guru inside. In the Case of Guru Siyag his form is just human body and this body has passed away however the Sadguru is eternal. In my case I have done meditation under the guidance of many Guru before to learn the Guru Siyag system, I had a lot of negativity towards him as I was not able to understand how such simple method is able to produce amazing result into the body first and then later on the spiritual level. Sometimes it can take time to see result saying 1 to 3 month depending on mental block, health issues and so on. After the gross part of the vehicle is balanced you start to have spiritual experience and at this stage the faith become bigger. The first obstacle is to listen the mental who says this is too simple it will not give result or to feel anything rating few weeks. Faith, devotion, and persistence are the key.
Zhuan Falun (Turning The Law Wheel)
Eclair Blanc replied to EnergyGem's topic in Systems and Teachers of
Some point that I have observed : -The number of Falun Gong members exceeded the number of members of the Communist Party, which is considerable and therefore represents a danger for the totalitarian political authorities in place who accept no contradiction. -It is a movement without structure and therefore not subject to a hierarchy, administrative or otherwise, and devoid of financial contributions. When you usually go to a Qigong seminar you have to pay fee but no fee for Falun Gong teaching all are free and available. -The teaching of Falun Gong is fully available, everything is given, most of the other spiritual or high Qigong teacher only give one or two level to public. -For a practicer of other tradition it is easy to know that many deep teaching are into Falun Gong for example some teaching are link to the most deep Buddhist initiatory secret. -Practicer can confirm the presence of the wheel into the lower abdomen and the deep supernatural working of this wheel for their health, spiritual and material life. BUT Li Hongzhi has very controversial ideas and teachings for example about medicine and Extraterrestrial beings...Li Hongzhi also doesn't allow his student to practicer anything else than Falun Gong and to avoid alchemy. -
Zhuan Falun (Turning The Law Wheel)
Eclair Blanc replied to EnergyGem's topic in Systems and Teachers of
Ok I understand better your point of view, thank you for these quotes. I'm not a practicer of Falun Gong but interested by it. -
Zhuan Falun (Turning The Law Wheel)
Eclair Blanc replied to EnergyGem's topic in Systems and Teachers of
Yes Spiritual cultivation is about rgitheousness and humanity among other things. When I read the books everything is focused on Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Why the founder and Falun Gong are wrong for you? Some pepple think that Li Hongzhi is crazy for his insights and uncommon teaching, at the end only the personal experience of these teaching can give the answer. Spiritual cultivation must give result if done correctly according to the teaching or this is a waste of time. Everyone (excepted masters) on this forum seek truth a about qiqong, daoist teaching and masters, Guru and so on to avoid lost of time and efforts. Powers are just steps on the road to know that something has been attained not the final purpose. They can be used to help spiritual cultivation or they can be big obstacle it depends on the maturity of the practicer... -
Zhuan Falun (Turning The Law Wheel)
Eclair Blanc replied to EnergyGem's topic in Systems and Teachers of
Have you read the teaching and practiced this system? As I have said into another post the founder claim that someone with strong determination and regular practice will get healing of any ailments, protection against harmful influence, third eye opening, occult powers and ultimately immortal body. I dont have the quotes but you can find them on their website. This is very high claim and I would like to know what a true practicer have really gain from his Falung Gong practice because this is easy to be trapped into illusion for spiritual seeker who dont want only better health and energy but true spiritual evolution. I do some research about the subtle body creation so I have some interest about Falun Dafa. Vajra Fist have done this path during 10 years so his testimony has meaning for me. Thanks -
See that, this guy seems to have some high level but I can be wrong. Let me know what do you think. He has several videos.
Zhuan Falun (Turning The Law Wheel)
Eclair Blanc replied to EnergyGem's topic in Systems and Teachers of
I have only one question for you: what is the true purpose of the Master Li Hongzhi? Make disciple or true enlightened being? -
What are the true benefits of the Falung Gong cultivation method ? I know that many claim are made much more than any other Qigong method as it it said that Falun Dafa help to attain occult powers and create the Immortal body. Also each practicer who genuinely do the practice is link to Li Hongzhi About the wheel(s):