
Junior Bum
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About Hattaway

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    Dao Bum
  1. Amature needs help! Dan tien tips?

    Thanks so much for your imput! Il have to check out stillness movement gi gong and li pings book. what does your Dan tien feel like to you personally?
  2. Amature needs help! Dan tien tips?

    To be fair im not really practicing any actual form I'm more so using my own intuition and grabbing useful information where I can. I usually start by holding my hand an inch or two above my dantien and focus on creating warm magnetic energy between my stomach and hand there's a certain spot on my palm just below my pinky and also in the center of my palm that seems to conect to the area of my dantien like an invisible chord I'm assuming these are small chakras/energy points? I had previously learnt my palms could connect to each other if I faced them together. sometimes I make the invisible chord between them slowly spin like a skipping rope annnyway After focusing on this connection my belly will start to get very hot also sometimes warm. the warm heat feels very blissful lately most of the hot heat subsides and il be left with the warm heat which is good because I usually have a more intense session with the warm heat. Also Lately I've noticed my stomach will stay hot hours after practicing I'm kinda improvising with breathing techniques to help me focus and intensify the warmth or heavy Ness of the dantien/dantien area Last night focusing on my dantien i felt a hard ball that moved round my lower stomach the sensation felt a bit awkward but I continued focusing on it until it settled back to my Dan tian area where it stayed put and turned to a very relaxing warmth that seemed to have a bit of movement to it Im pretty convinced I'm starting to feel my Dan tian now but it'd be great to feel it every session also I haven't felt any major physical benefits as of yet. I'm hungry for more techniques to try if any one has any also if you have any books you'd recommend. I'm reading the master key by Robert peng atm which has some proper techniques which il start once I'm done reading it 🙂 BTW sorry I hope this write up is easy enough to understand my brain has turned to mush trying to type on my phone 😅
  3. Any good tips for awakening the lower Dan tien I've only managed to feel my Dan tien properly once it felt like a perfectly warm ball sinking slowly into to my stomach (say if my stomach was a block of butter the Dan tien would be a warm ball bearing slowly melting its way deeper into the block) . That's Probly an odd description haha buuut anyway.. Lately when I try to feel my Dan tien all I get is a major amount of heat that seems to mostly gather on the surface of my stomach I was wondering Is this heat still beneficial? And if I continue to practice and play with this heat will I eventually feel my Dan tien?. If anyone has any tips or has found them self stuck in a similar situation it'd be great to hear your input Thanks
  4. Magnet hands

    Hey man thanks for the link I found that article very relevant to my experiences 👍
  5. Magnet hands

    A few years back when I was around sixteen I discovered I could feel magnetic energy off each of my hands I spent the whole day playing with magnets and rolling marbles around in my palms as the day went on I could feel this energy stronger and stronger almost as strong as using actual magnets anything I held against my palms would naturally want to repell or if I rolled a marble in my hands it felt glued to my hand also holding two items apart from each other I could feel an intense magnetic tension between them and it'd get stronger the closer I brought the items together. After practicing for hours my whole body felt lighter I could jump off the floor the highest I've ever jumped effortlessly even when lifting my arms I could feel a force helping they would float up effortlessly especially above items like my phone. Today I can always still feel this energy but no where near as strong I've been trying off and on for years now waiting for another experience like that. anyways I thought here would be an appropriate place to disscuss my experience with other people can anyone else feel the same energy? Or maybe you could try holding a magnet in front of your palms for some fun 🙂