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Everything posted by welkin

  1. Some more advice needed on practice

    agreed. can't say i haven't done that before
  2. Some more advice needed on practice

    And yet if you look at your profile picture, you are identified by everything you're saying. Including doing all of it with no head on your shoulders, but a face on your body.
  3. Some more advice needed on practice

    Why does one need to speak to create malice. do you think enslavement has a voice. Do you think it is identified by any single action. do you think it's identified by words. I can't care about someone even if i don't know them? then why tf should i care about nature either. I don't know them, yet they are living. Oh right, they need to earn my respect. smh great logic taught generation after generation. Like i said, the light is the playing ground where you learn to identify the shadows. unfortunately, some dork believes that the idea of shadow and light was invented in a movie. i guarantee you most don't even know what that means even if they studied hours of it. It actually has 2-3 layers deeper than what is being indoctrinated to everyone. Basically, there's a shadow within the shadow, which is then light. you can't read about this, you need to see it with unclouded eyes. Kali Yuga is in full effect. What people think is coming is already here. Which is why i'm guessing time is moving very very quickly. Something is boiling ready to erupt. As far as my credentials. Don't have any. Here's what i can do though: restructuring face, moving jawline. in case of imbalance or trauma, realign spine in different parts vertically, reattach nerves, re-balance left and right side brain, balance left and right vision, move muscles to more optimal positions, send electricity to water, feel electricity from very strong street lights, heal. realign feet, aligning teeth, align leg, pelvis, etc etc etc. All of it has to do with how the different parts of the body connects to each other. I must not know shit still huh. Not even going to begin to explain how i communicated with spirit before i got into any tao, found ancestor identities, heal myself during sleep, read and put thoughts in people's minds. And all this without really trying to expand any powers. All i wanted was to get my life back which was impacted physically and mentally. Finding, core physical issues that happened when i was 7, which was mistreated by American medicine... And failed my growing up. Proven by having followed everything told to me, and yet finding opposite solutions now. Be a servant of the world, love yourself mightily to where you want your body to be perfect. I promise, your purpose, servitude, and love will get you more powers than you need to help the world. But the only one/thing who can answer your sincerity and if you deserve the calling is within yourself. You can't prove it to anyone else. In fact, the life of proving to others your worth is the lack of intuition and power. This alone has been given into by most of the population. Truth no longer matters. It's about what 'works' Let's see how far people get with simply sounding intelligent and memorizing things. All the ideas you are hearing i've seen in the multiple different industries I've been a part of and excelled at. Whether in sports, business, marketing, jobs, etc. etc. You see the same pattern of thinking in every step of the process from beginning to expertt.. Being daoist doesn't escape you from that. And i see it here too. And yet, i'm not saying Dao is incorrect. I'm just saying being trying to be dao doesn't make you correct. edit: sorry for all the grammatical errors.
  4. Some more advice needed on practice

    It's over. Don't argue against anyone, there's nothing to fight for here. Be/act whomever, whatever you need to be to get what you need. The real fight is in the shadows where both sides of the coin exist. In the light it's difficult to distinguish what is what, unless you cast the shadow. In which case you may not like what you see, and many may not like what you are able to see. Play in the light, see with eyes unclouded, keep your knife and arrow dull, but sharpen your awareness, strengthen your resilience and truth. Sharpening a dull arrow or knife takes less than a day. Better yet, sharpen your arrow and sword, but just cover it in mud. Everything in the light is something to learn from. And if observed enough times with unclouded eyes, you might catch the shadows. Nothing to fight here specifically, only learn.
  5. Some more advice needed on practice

    thanks for the entertainment clown. now go back to the drain which you came from
  6. Some more advice needed on practice

    i think the way you've handled things so far are very respectable. So kudos to you. your reading of some people are fairly accurate though not complete. One of them, completely inflated ego, and will be bothered by anyone who progresses in any other way than the way they were taught. On top of that, there are very subtle things you'll pick up on that are incredibly childish. jealosy being an example. if you want my advice, simply ignore. there's nothing positive out of it. The other person, actually does want to help but they're also slightly stuck in dogmatic and old (possibly limited) ways of thinking. though that's they're choice and it's ok. Either way there's multiple ways to get to the top of the mountain. Each person has their path, not to mention the many side routes one will need to take as well. Don't be rigid. From this thread you're going to carry out that dumb energy you'll have picked up from a couple in here. Those things being fear, anger, confusion, doubt. I do have advice in regards to practice, but you've gotten some good enough already. My advice on the side would be more like don't be fearful, but don't be stupid either. Be cautious but be brave. Confusion is okay. the the thread already shows some caution. Don't do something as a result of dumb energy you may take from here. Let it all go, as this is your own journey. From how you seem to perceive things and communicate, you have more than enough to get started on your own. Though getting an instructor i would definitely recommend, and this is coming from someone who doesn't have one. That being said, i have been okay on my own journey thus far. But have had to learn certain things the hard way due to experimenting and what not. (only recommended with safety measures in place). If you're going solely off instruction and precaution, you should be fine. T be honest, there's so much information out there and here that would be more than enough to keep you safe, as long as you're not too crazy or impatient. Things you would research for safety are things like: - sex, masturbation - exercise - posture - physical limitations not aware of yet - body anatomy - breathing - balance between left and right, front and abck - drugs - when to practice - eating - being in full focus I want to address again, don't do anything out of fear. Fear itself is what kills. Which is why i despise dumb, egotistical advice. They manifest the very warnings or cautions they give to others. Bc you don't want to do what they say, they want to manifest it by sending you that energy. Don't let it, hence the beginning of my post. I want to address again as well, be cautious, patient, focused, and keep your heart pure. Never settle for dogma or even the most traditional ways of thinking, even proven. always look for truth. Traditional ways of thinking do have truth. But not all of it is. Find those truths, and find the faults. Remember, someone had to create these arts right? People like you and I. Everyone has that same potential, the difference is we are lucky enough that someone else paved the way with information. But focus on information and forget where all that knowledge truly came from, is as big if not more of a stupidity as not utilizing information. Because that's the reason why you're doing this in the first place. To reconnect to the source, not to memorize books and quotes to show off to everyone or any one. I promise you, pureness and sincerity is the shortcut. Not the information or the studying.
  7. For some, if not most of you have noticed. There seems to be a disease spreading around by the illumi-naughty. It seems like this disease spreads by having conversations with individuals who unknownlingly have it. It is incredibly deadly and works in phases: 1. You begin speaking about literally anything. New ideas, epiphanies, emotions, spirit, journey. 2. Then this disease is somehow able to identify this and latches on almost as if to suck the life force out of it. My theory is that old 'life' need new blood. 3. From there, the host is slightly confused but continually functioning trying to figure out their physical and spiritual questions. But now it seems that there is a new problem that has risen that seems unidentifiable, but they remain hopeful. 4. Again, they find more answers to their life's questions, and yet the virus seems to identify it from nearly anywhere. It's as if one's questions seem to attract this energy. 5. The same as the previous cycle happens again. Only this time, you feel even more confused. Because though what you've found has improved your life, this disease is causing you to feel like it's not better. 6. Eventually, you leave and realize. HOLY SHIT. I feel way better not having had to speak about this to those with that virus. And now i'm improving dramatically connecting the pieces speaking with those who care about me, love me, guide me, and have no selfish intention with it. As a result the community becomes stronger. Sound familiar to anyone? I don't care if it means something to even just 1 person. Let's converse openly. Juicy parts: So more recently with November energies, i seem to have gone through another phase of transformation. It was everything from frightening, conflicting, confusing, hating, hurting, running to beauty, love, hope, answers, energy, connectedness, illumination. There's a lot that happened. To start off though, it started with me having a seizure in late October or early November. My friend who lives with me, told me i had the seizure while i was asleep and it lasted for about 20-30 seconds. I remember being so scared, but oddly enough felt like somehow long straining issues i've had for years were slowly going away. u had to rewind and see what had happened. As the days went by it was epiphany after epiphany for fixing my physical body. No qigong used, little meditation and yoga. (TRIGGER ALERT for punies). Lots of it being done through moving energy with mind. Though I'm starting to see that at the beginning is a very narrow perceived difference between mind and your being. Lots more to talk about. But i will say, that there are many incredible connections and patterns i have witnessed. Patterns that i would not doubt the great yogis and qigong practitioners wrote down in their notes to remember. At a certain point they use all that they know into every single movement. I may have not gone down the traditional methods of discovering these patterns, but i am now in the process of utilizing the findings with my qigong practice. My first 10 practice i had was quite powerful to say the least. MORE IS NOT MORE. WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER. This applies to spirituality too...... Except that the "SMARTER" and "HARDER" mean different things in this side of life. Too many people talking about how long they practice. It's sad, because it's truly more simple than just the amount of time put in. It's what you do within that time. And how you do what you do within that time. And how you are with what you do while you're doing it within that time. And why you're doing the how of what you do within that time. intention is not to confuse, but for me to help see. Your intention comes first. The Universe/World/God provides assistance to those who's hearts and intentions deserve it. You know what's more important than healing yourself or gaining knowledge or power? Having the intention of letting someone else know/feel they exist. Something some here seem to have lacked so much, they've created another identity. And i feel for them, if it's been a very long time of this. This is true power. See power doesn't come from elsewhere. It arises from within. But it only rises if it there is a need or an intention to. How has your November practice gone? Would love to learn and converse.
  8. That's a very transformative experience for sure. I had a similar experience early this year and been trying to get there ever since, as Jim Carrey would say. Though, the snowflakes falling idea is different i believe. It is not quite literal or literal in whichever way you want to see it. It's both. I'm not saying I'm experiencing the same as what the thread was speaking about a while back, because i just don't know. Hence wishing the posters were still in this forum. But, i've gone through a fairly transcendental experience this month. One could call it the 'second awakening'. And that's why i say it's quite literal in every sense of the word. A lot of what the poster on this thread was describing resonated a lot. One is able to see very small specs all around. It's like the vision sees everything now. You also see patterns in everything. You almost feel like the world has been setting up messages for you in every single thing (that varies from person to person, so this doesn't make any point but describe my experience). You learn to not to only read or interpret the words and sentences in books, articles. You see subtle patterns and possibly hidden codes, depending on what you're reading (this means piecing together information in everything you read for the ultimate goal of whatever it is you're trying to do. Though, it's not as simple as it sounds. it takes time, but nonetheless it's what's happening). Everything becomes easy to solve. And that being said, the only thing that doesn't and should never become easy is the control of one's ability, opportunity, freedom to choose what to do feel. Sometimes choice is the hardest part of all and worth the journey. The proof of all this is that i am able to attain supernatural abilities without really trying at this point. Which is why i refrain from training anything, because i'm not ready to take on that journey unless there is a sure purpose. What's funny is that the most powerful message i have gotten so far is "Never forget". It's as if we've forgotten who we are, which is why we think all these things are so difficult. If we can remember who we are, it's almost as if these things that are innate in us, awaken. It's not necessarily about trying hard, it's about remembering. That's it. Though, trying hard is important, in order to prove one is worthy. I also think a lot of people around the world are attaining these things trying even less than i am too. So it has to be the age we're transitioning into. Also, it seems 'remembering' and making one's body 'perfect' can be synonymous.
  9. Origin story of christianity, similar to sumerian myth Spoken about in Japanese folklore, specifically Takeminakata and in some stories relating to amaterasu the list goes on Not to mention that story seems to flip between man and woman depending on time period and who wrote it. From the many stories it really doesn't seem like these ideas were created through natural evolution. There always seems to be a deity or an advanced group of people, involved with the creating of these stories. So it's difficult to say whether any of the perspectives, ideas, or opinions are natural occuring ones, or ficticious stories to keep our minds enslaved.
  10. Theory by Bruce Lee

    I'm sorry dude. I am going to say this in the kindest of ways. You are a snake oil salessnake. I don't know how else to put it. I feel like you slither around with your ideas. Why do you still not debate any ideas. you only criticize.
  11. Theory by Bruce Lee

    I can definitely see what you're saying. makes a lot a lot of sense. Is a pure heart something that can be developed or is it something only those born with will have? This is a big question i've had my whole life. I feel like the potential will always be different. But one can develop a certain purity that would be further conducive to ones practice. As receptiveness opens up, and knowledge from the source comes in. Just to clarify, i'm well aware pure hearts do cause harm and do wrong things. So for all those sensitive people out there who critcize and want to judge what that pure heart means. It's not as simple as looking at the words.
  12. Theory by Bruce Lee

    I actually study a lot. Probably more than you currently at least. Which i don't take pride in. I'm just simply letting you know the truth. Someone close to me told me, "why do you sell yourself short in telling them that you don't read if it's not true". The truth is i do read. I just don't remember things in the same manner other people do to explain it as if i remember the text how it is written. Because that means you don't understand it. You simply memorized it. I understand it and decipher it in a strange unconscious way, but then try to explain it in a more utilizable sense after deciphering. Because the meaning of the texts have way more meaning than just interpreting letters and words with the logical mind. Which is what i first off, criticized you for. Yet you are turning the criticism on to me. I just don't know why. if it's not true. But don't worry, i'm reading the Tao right now. And i agree with a lot of it so far. And yet, my ideas don't get argued....... I guess a human didn't write the Tao huh. Therefore no one else could come up with similar ideas. And yet, to counter that there are similar ideas in practically every ancient teaching out there. And as for your last statement. Can anyone tell me when i said that "they don't know anything"? You are literally putting words in my mouth... Again, What idea do you disagree with??? Also, just to clarify. I'm not categorizing everyone in the forum by anything. It's a specific group in here, you included that i don't know why but i get the feeling of a lot of deception. But i think it's really ego more than deception. it's deception as a result of ego. Just saying.... Also not to be petty like you, and your little gangbanger crew. And also not meaning to include Starjumper in this. But you will be disagreeing with him, in case he does agree with some of my ideas. Which is okay too . Just saying your gangmember crew seems to be the only ones policing and disagreeing.
  13. Theory by Bruce Lee

    I agree with you. Thanks for making me aware of this. I do struggle with it. The beauty of life is that we're all human, and therefore should not be judged only by how we may appear sometimes based off emotions. As sometimes it gets in the way of the main message. That being said, i don't believe i created that type of energy in this specific thread, which seems that you are accusing me of. So thank you for that. This was a good Moment of thought
  14. Theory by Bruce Lee

    Why does what you say invalidate my ideas? All you're claiming is, "don't listen to that guy." Is that not all you're doing?
  15. Theory by Bruce Lee

    What's your opinion on that Starjumper? "Take the best from each system and leave the rest" I wouldn't say Bruce Lee wasn't wise though. Just listening one can know. Edit: Nvm i think you did state your opinion. Would you agree with the testing aspects? It's not quite as obvious as it may seem right? It's a tricky process to figure out truths.
  16. Theory by Bruce Lee

    Why were non of the ideas argued again. I just don't get it.
  17. Theory by Bruce Lee

    You guys reflect nothing of the above. SMFH
  18. Theory by Bruce Lee

    Cool. Another part of The Tao Te Ching that just happens to coincide with something i mentieoned: "The work is done, but how no one can see; 'Tis this that makes the power not cease to be." "He constantly (tries to) keep them without knowledge and without desire, and where there are those who have knowledge, to keep them from presuming to act (on it). When there is this abstinence from action, good order is universal." "We should blunt our sharp points, and unravel the complications of things; we should attemper our brightness, and bring ourselves into agreement with the obscurity of others. How pure and still the Tao is, as if it would ever so continue!"
  19. Theory by Bruce Lee

    And yet Earl Gray, still fails to debate or argue any specific idea spoken about. Which is my very first point. You don't debate anything really. Also since you think that reading means that you somehow know more. Why don't you debate any one of my points, as you should be able to deconstruct and prove them wrong. Still Waiting....
  20. Theory by Bruce Lee

    What's funny about both you knuckle heads is that if you look at your arguments, you repeat the exact same ideas i've convicted you guys from several months, weeks, days ago. And you impose that on me, as if i'm a victim of those fallacies.
  21. Theory by Bruce Lee

    no my response proves, that people like you judge and study based off ignorance. I can't even imagine how long it takes you to make improvements. Such a closed mind. Do you know what Tesla meant by understanding the numbers 3,6,9? Of course you don't, don't feel bad. Most don't You know about Kabbalah right? Do you know what these represent and how it connects to us? Of course you don't. If you did you'd realize how this is what represents us. I don't only understand what those this is, i've felt it. Keep practicing, weak minded monkey.
  22. Theory by Bruce Lee

    But your quote reflects yourself more than it does me.