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Everything posted by Dynasty

  1. Electric Cars : A Myth ?

    There is an agenda to push on both sides of the electric car debate of whether they are green or not. 3rd world labor practices of mining the metals used in the batteries aside, I think electric cars a pretty sweet.
  2. Trump talk

    There are two schools of thought I can think of off the top of my head. The first is we'll start seeing people held accountable in a "drip drip drip drip drip" fashion leading up to the 2020 election. A steady drumbeat of Dems getting raided, indicted, prosecuted maybe. The second is we will not see any accountability until DJT's second term. But there will be lots of talk of getting to the truth and the origin of the matter from the usual personalities leading up to the election. Scandals and bombshells A-Z being talked about, stuff anyone who's been paying attention to already knew about 3 years ago. What I for-see is the establishment effectively resisting for another 4 years. They'll lose some ground. But come 2024 once again a Yes Man will be in the WH. And not much time will be wasted to take anything lost back. Unless there is some spectacular 4D chess is going on in the background that we're not aware of. Hopefully long term property rights are protected, the US dollar remains stable, and the crazy socialists don't raid our bank accounts and investments to fund their utopia.
  3. The Brexit Thread

    You seem to be under the illusion that politicians on both sides are not owned by the same masters behind the scenes.
  4. Trump talk

    One reason I deleted it is because there are just too many variables and too many possibilities of what and why. The other reason is it is depressing. So I thought I'd just sum it up as a dangerous situation we are in as a country. Both sides are being riled up. Both sides believe they are right. Both sides have contempt for the other side. Nothing appears to be happening, or at a minimum things are happening about as fast as watching paint dry in slow motion.
  5. Trump talk

    What would be the benefit of getting a bunch of people riled up nothing happens? (I wrote a bunch more and deleted it). We are in a very dangerous situation.
  6. Trump talk

    WA state already gives out DL to illegals. And voting is all mail in. Only those who count the votes know who really wins elections there.
  7. Trump talk

    The establishment has to get the black vote somehow. If this is successful and they get the presidency back, it has the additional purpose of keeping black people forever imprisoned and reliant on the state. Although I seriously doubt they'd actually pay out if they were to take power.
  8. Why do YOU think the world is so messed up?

    But this is exactly what has been happening with food aid to Africa for the past 40 years. Every two or three years it seems Africa is starving and needs food aid. But magically their population keeps growing and growing. So it must be the bad guys, using other peoples money, to send food over to populations of the earth that can't figure out how to feed themselves*. *while guilt tripping the weak good guys into going along with it.
  9. Why do YOU think the world is so messed up?

    And also the good guys probably don't want on their consciousness taking lives, even if those are so called bad dudes. And also, there would be the "what if" factor that maybe those weren't the bad guys. The bad guys don't have a consciousness. So they can do bad things and sleep fine at night.
  10. Why do YOU think the world is so messed up?

    Yeah, I suppose people sold into sex trafficking just need to re-write their story.
  11. Why do YOU think the world is so messed up?

    Drill Sergeants
  12. Why do YOU think the world is so messed up?

    Simple really. It's greed. At this point in history, relatively few people have more wealth than has probably ever cumulatively existed for the most of our known history. And since 99.9% of all people have a price, then those with the wealth can control them. Even if someone doesn't have a dollar figure for a price, they still have a lust for something that can be used to control them. So, those who are at the top are absolutely corrupted and are having a good time not only watching the world burn, but orchestrating it. And they are orchestrating it through the FED, foreign policy, NGOs, social causes, war, migration, drug trafficking, legal drugs such as mood stabilizers or opiates, porn, etc. In short, the world is messed up because humans have a natural affinity to stray from the path.
  13. Gut Bacteria and "I"

    During the Great Recession, there was a period of around 4 or 5 months in which I was not fully employed and only had partial employment of maybe 6-16 hours a week of paid work on average. Everyday I had a fairly strict routine. Among other things this included drinking three 8 oz glasses of water kefir a day, and taking a nap around 2:30. It was a combination of factors, notably minimal stress from not working full time, naps, and what I believe the water kefir that took probably 15 years off of my face. I still smoked at this time. I went to the 7-11 to pick up a pack of Camel Lights and the Indian guy asked me for my ID. When he saw my DOB he asked me, "What are you some kind of Dick Clark?" Anyhow, I started full employment again and didn't have the free time to maintain a 24 oz habit of kefir water/day. Within a year the age slowly returned to my face.
  14. Gut Bacteria and "I"

    Was this milk kefir or water kefir? I experimented with milk kefir a long time ago. I got some benefit, but it seemed to aggravate an underlying auto immune condition that milk in general doesn't.
  15. Gut Bacteria and "I"

    Is spirulina really something we want to consider a food? I've had it. It's pretty gross. But I can say that I do prefer Kale to spirulina, but I also do not consider kale fit for human consumption. There are other green foods such as broccoli that taste good.
  16. Transgender Problem

    https://thefederalist.com/2018/02/20/rich-white-men-institutionalizing-transgender-ideology/ It's a bunch of rich people with connections to the medical industry that want to make money off of treatment. It's a new industry. And people who fall for this depravity in the name of tolerance are sick.
  17. Mystical Christian Thread

    That was an interesting interview with the Christian Monk. But I do wonder why/when this element of Christianity was lost/hidden in the Western world? Was it just happenstance or a concerted effort.
  18. Mystical Christian Thread

    I've only studied Christianity for maybe two years now. I don't think I'm to the point of having favorite verses. However, what resonates the most about Christianity with me is the theme that, "The kingdom of God is within you".
  19. Mystical Christian Thread

    I've pondered this verse before there are at least a couple of layers of meaning. One might be, our actions today have a direct bearing on our afterlife. A deeper meaning requires more context. Since this is Jesus speaking, we might be able to interpret that he is saying, "if you believe in me I will give you everlasting life" . I think the rest of the verse may be referring to grace and sin.
  20. Change the world now

    There was a man who moved to Alaska a long time ago. He built a cabin. He hunted, fished, and gathered berries. He even filmed it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYJKd0rkKss
  21. Your Life Has Already Died

    It seems to be acknowledging that all that has ever happened, is happening, and will happen is occurring simultaneously. Therefore nothing in the 'here and now' matters because it's all going to fade away. While this may be true, it can also simultaneously not be true and the here and now would matter very much.
  22. Your Life Has Already Died

    Seems like a depressing view of the world. I don't think this is a healthy perspective.
  23. Evening practice can keep me up

    A simple visualization may be helpful. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet. Hold your attention on a red object. How about a red apple for 30 seconds or so. Let it fade away and then visualize an orange for 30 seconds. Then onto a lemon, a green apple, blueberries, and if you haven't fallen asleep by now an eggplant.
  24. Reiki

    There's a place near me that does free Reiki every Tuesday night. Free as in they don't charge. I'm not quite sure what the catch is. It's at a church, so perhaps they are just volunteering for good karma. I went there tonight, and the reiki woman was fairly strong. Interestingly, noticed my breathing rate dramatically dropped. I was counting up to 25 seconds between breaths. All in all, my mood took a massive turn for the better.