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Everything posted by Giles

  1. It's an unfathomable Mystery, Tommy. ❀
  2. What are you listening to?
  3. What are you listening to?
  4. The Neidan Direct

    I didn't listen to the last part of the interview, so I missed that bit. I'll certainly revisit it later, because I'd like to hear his view on them from his Taoist perspective.
  5. The Neidan Direct

    It will be a while before I work my way through the book, so, in the interim, I'm posting this link* to an interview with Professor Guolong's translator's interview on the Science and Nonduality blog (#83), which covers it well, I feel. The translator also makes some extremely salient points about the futility of arguing with the ignorant, from a Taoist perspective, which I consider to be highly relevant to the subject of Taoist Inner Alchemy. *
  6. The Neidan Direct

    Thanks Brother! πŸ™πŸ» Picked up a copy already and started reading it last night. 😊 So far, so good. πŸ‘πŸ»β€οΈ Thanks again, @Taoist Texts & @Chang dao ling. πŸ™πŸ» This thread's is quite a nice example of how this forum could & should operate (e.g. mutual co-operation). 😊
  7. The Neidan Direct

    Am liking this approach a lot ATM. πŸ™πŸ» Just googled: and located this hit: Would you recommend watching it?
  8. The Neidan Direct

    Thank you. πŸ™πŸ»
  9. Asking for testimony about Neidan

    Namaste TT. πŸ™πŸ» On a serious note, I'm actually extremely interested in comparing notes with you. Would you mind starting a new topic (something along the lines of Neidan for Dummies perhaps) in the Teachers & Systems section so that we can, hopefully, dispelled some of that confusion? πŸ™πŸ»
  10. Asking for testimony about Neidan

    TFFT. πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈπŸ˜Š
  11. QiGong in public

    Unfortunately, such videos don't exist. However, I can assure you that William has no knee issues whatsoever and neither do I (although I only started practicing Lam-style Chi Kung in the mid-90s,.so perhaps I'll pay a price for ignoring your advice eventually 🀣).
  12. QiGong in public

    No, but I'm sure that your warning will ring all the right bells anyway... 😊 Incidentally, here's a video of one of Sifu Lam's students practicing Lam-style Tai Chi just in case you'd like to take it upon yourself critique that, as well. 😊
  13. QiGong in public

    So, if I understood you correctly, this has nothing to do with the brief Chi Kung warm-up exercises, taught by Sifu Lam but instead it relates to the improper practice of Tai Chi?
  14. Asking for testimony about Neidan

    My personal experience of neidan is that it's a waste of time and energy and that it leads to considerable damage in most, if not all cases. Hope that helps?
  15. QiGong in public

    So you consider that Lam Kam Chuen is "crap" and a "clown", do you?
  16. QiGong in public

    Thanks. πŸ™πŸ» What's your source?
  17. One of the benefits of this practice, according to Sharon Salzberg, is that it would easy to evaluate your progress because the Buddha apparently listed the "siddhis" that you'd develop as side-effects if you're practicing it correctly.
  18. Asking for testimony about Neidan

    And, entirely unexpectedly, TT hooks him again.
  19. Asking for testimony about Neidan

    Yes, you made a spelling mistake.