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Dao Bum
Sex is a powerful energy exchange, it is detrimental to treat your life force as something casual.
Lol. Clearly you don't understand the Spiritual damage you're doing to yourself by engaging in this. It's not sexual repression if you're cultivating it and doing it with virtue/love and the balance of one individual where your energy and life force isnt being linked all over the place. You're mixing and giving your essence away all over the place with casual sex. Keep being whores though. Be my guest. Lol.
I'd like to discuss the topic of casual sex and get to the absolute truth of it. Is this type of sexual behavior truly right for the soul. Lusting and wanting to have sex solely for the fleeting physical sensation with no regard for having any virtue around that when sharing your body, or even having the self control to stop yourself from doing it, isn't this type of sexual behavior selfish in essence as well as self degrading? To reduce an act of dispersing your life force to something casual..... Where you are creating multiple links energetically/spiritually to different people as well, so physically it may feel pleasurable but at what cost. Wouldn't that drain you and take away from your essence? We all know sex is pleasurable, but would you really feel good after? Knowing you are operating primarily in the motive of lust rather than cultivating a true bond where you value yourself for that and therefore reserve that Part of you for the sake of being virtuous.
Wow. I had no idea pplon here would be so smart. Jesus Christ you fuckers Are intellectuals.... I have a question. Does the subconscious pick up everything? Regardless of a state of meditation. In other words, can I communicate with my subconscious directly in a waking state. There are some ppl that say your subconscious doesn't pick up sensory input unless in a certain brainwave or shutting out your outer senses in meditation. But if that's true, why do I have dreams about things I experience consciously. Where did this idea come from that the subconscious is "locked" away or Must be unlocked, or there's some special technique required to communicate with it. Aren't the conscious and subconscious minds ALWAYS communicating at all times?
Hello, can an experienced meditator/cultivator, be so kind, as to explain the process of sexual transmutation and getting the energy to flow to the Dantian. How is it done? Do you just have to get in a state of meditation and focus your intent on the testicles and the energy flowing up?
I definitely wish more people would chime in. It's basically theorized in this light. Sound vibration is physical energy. Thought energy is non physical. So it takes longer for thought energy alone to build up within the vortex of the subconscious, usually people have trouble manifesting with mere thought in general because they're not in a state (theta conscious) for their thoughts to effectively plant within the subconscious. Not saying a thought couldn't root in a normal waking state but if it does it usually will take a very long period of time and there's no guarantee that the subconscious will actually pick up those thought vibrations. Theta is different because you communicate directly with the subconscious, so the idea is.... That if you can put yourself in the state of communication with the subconscious where it directly picks up your vibration, you can reprogram, and although thought energy can be powerful and can build up within this vortex, it can take a while before this energy has enough power/flux to translate over to physical reality. Sound, in essence is different in the sense that you are communicating physical energy directly into the subconscious. Physical energy to manifest a physical reality, there's no need to wait for the energy built to be translated/transmuted in the way it takes for thought to descend from the higher sphere and plane it exist on and finally to the physical, and there's no need to wait because the sound energy is a.l.r.e.a.d.y direct physical energy. In my opinion, I'm going to have to go with sound vibration in the theta state as probably the most effective means of communicating and gathering energy for manifestation and deliberate creation. I believe this theory. There were times i didn't manifest thinking alone and when I spoke.... It literally came faster than ever.
Is silent concentrated thought upon the subconscious the most potent way to manifest? Or thought in combination with sound vibration (spoken word) Ive seen some state that spoken word coupled with intent is more powerful than thought alone because you're sending physical energy with sound which is more powerful for manifesting than non physical energy which takes time to translate into physical reality (thought) and on the contrary, Ive seen individuals argue that silent thought is most potent because thought energy travels the fastest. I'd like to know what the intellectuals and deep thinkers here have to say on the matter. Shall we have tea? 👁️
I meant to post this in the occult section. My apologies
Is silent concentrated thought upon the subconscious the most potent way to manifest? Or thought in combination with sound vibration (spoken word) Ive seen some state that spoken word coupled with intent is more powerful than thought alone because you're sending physical energy with sound which is more powerful for manifesting than non physical energy which takes time to translate into physical reality (thought) and on the contrary, Ive seen individuals argue that silent thought is most potent because thought energy travels the fastest. I'd like to know what the intellectuals and deep thinkers here have to say on the matter. Shall we have tea? 👁️
It's interesting. Bruce Lee had a theory. Emotional content, not anger. I think it's possible to exert force, power and assert strength without contracting that anger. Though mastery and control of emotion is definitely a must. It takes a master level of discipline in my opinion. Anger definitely does weaken you. You guys are right.
Even though anger/hate is toxic vibration. Can it also be empowering if forced upon you? For example someone projecting this hate and anger to force you to fight. Can anger be empowering in these moments?
Anger drains vital energy. But what about in situations where you are literally being forced to fight because others force that hate and anger your way. Can anger can be vibrationally empowering if it means self defense?
As a welcome, I'd like to say that I enjoy learning about energy and manifestation. I'm a chill easy going person. And I'm simply here to gain insight. I have a starting off question regarding thought . In meditation to communicate with the subconscious, between the spoken word and pure concentrated thought alone, which is more powerful? I think speaking maybe more powerful because sound vibration? Id like to hear others thoughts on this.