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Everything posted by EFreethought

  1. Bagua, nei gong, meditation etc

    "Crazy wisdom" is BS. It's a term assholes use to justify their behavior. People should not fall for it.
  2. Transgender Q&A

    He pardoned all the Jan 6 crazies (on top of the fact that he has never offered any evidence that the 2020 election was stolen). I think the real issue is that Trump is a signal to all the crazy people that it is okay to hurt people. I recently bought a gun and took a few lessons and got a membership at a local range just in case I need a gun. I also bought a few other handheld weapons recently.
  3. Wang Liping Low Level?

    I was not around for the mopai wars either. In the past year a now-banned member accused another member's wife of being a prostitute (simply based on her country of origin) and that second member threatened legal action. That was pretty interesting. I wonder what happened with that.
  4. So if someone is past their 30s, is Five Dragons off limits?
  5. Xiang Gong - Fragrant Qigong

    Thanks for the info. Another question: How did you learn it? Did you get the DVDs from John Dolic's website? Or did you do a video conference?
  6. Xiang Gong - Fragrant Qigong

    So what changes have you seen from 100 days of Level 1?
  7. I have a couple of questions: 1. How much physical space is needed for Tao Tan Pai Kung Fu? 2. Can Tao Tan Pai Kung Fu be done by itself, or is learning/knowing Flying Phoenix a requirement?
  8. Are there any bagua practitioners on the forum? I would like some opinions on a local baguazhang instructor whose website I recently came across. https://baguakungfu.com/baguazhang/ https://baguakungfu.com/online-training/
  9. Wang Liping Contact

    Hire a secretary to do this stuff for you.
  10. Wang Liping Contact

    New to this topic, but: Starting responses/sentences with "Dude" or "Bro" just gives off a hostile, condescending vibe.
  11. Do you have a blog or a website?

    Does anyone know what happened to this site?
  12. Here is an idea: ask questions about christianity on a christian forum and talk about Daoism on a Daoist forum.
  13. Teaching authentic neigong

    Also ask if you could post his reply here. I would be interested in what he has to say.
  14. The Height of Idiocy

    He seems more than a little high on himself.
  15. Current Events Discussion

    I would like access to the Current Events section in the Rabbit Hole.
  16. How not to lose qigong energy? How do I stop the leak?

    Is there anything more to the exercise than "exercise consisted of imagining white energy forming under my navel when I breathed in, and spreading out when I breathed out."? Or is that it?
  17. Yi Jin Jing/ Tendon-Muscle Strengthening Exercises

    Robert Peng has an online course on Yi Jin Jing. If you sign up in the next day you can get a discount. I might sign up for it. A few people on this forum over the years have said good things about it.
  18. Check out Tasshin. He loves the whole universe. https://tasshin.com/
  19. Falun Dafa/Falun Gong

    Sounds like TM. I wonder if there are (or will be) groups that split off and do the method without all the weirdness, as happened with TM.
  20. Any religion spread by force got nothing to offer

    OT, but here is a joke I read recently: Why were the Star Wars trilogies release out of order? In charge of the schedule Yoda was.
  21. Wim Hof, some less savoury details

    I followed along a few WHM breathing videos, but I could not get past a 2:00 hold. It never got easier. I did not push the tension into my head in the 15-second hold after the main holds. Now I am doing o2 and co2 tables from freediving. I breathe deeply during the breathing part, and only about 10 seconds of hyperventilation before the holds. I do feel like my baseline energy is higher, but not like the immediate boost that a lot of WHM people talk about. Hopefully I am not using any core qi or jing. My instructor has said positive things about WHM and breathwork in general. But he does not think pushing the tension into the head as they do in WHM is a good idea.
  22. Wim Hof, some less savoury details

    Were your issues from the cold baths or from the breathing? When people say "Wim Hof Method", they could be referring to the cold, the breathing, or both.
  23. Even on a Daoist forum I can't get away from christians.
  24. Greetings and Thank You for Accepting My Membership

    I also live in ATX. What taichi group do you practice with?