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Everything posted by Lukks

  1. Correct tongue position

    So if I want to cultivate yin qi, in any of my qigong practices, I should leave the tongue suspended in the space of the mouth? At the moment I'm using the neutral/balanced position all the time, not only when practicing qigong, does the yin qi tongue position also works when not practicing qigong? I know this may be counterproductive since I may create an imbalance if I'm doing it alone without supervision, but I'm askin just to make sure if I understood the correct way to use the tongue postion if someday I want to try it
  2. Hello everyone! There is something I`ve never fully understood which is the correct tongue position. I always put it right behind the front teeth, but I've seen people saying that it should be on the back of the mouth/soft palate, so which one is the correct posture for everyday life and to create a bridge between ren mai and du mai? Thanks in advance!
  3. What would you do...

    People tend to be more agressive online, they feel safe to say whatever they want. This happens a lot in online games, mainly the competitive ones, the amount of people swearing on others for minimal mistakes is just absurd, but I bet if they were in person the numbers would reverse, so we would have less people swearing and more people trying to cooperate together. If I'm not mistaken there are already studies showing how people tend to be more agressive online because they feel safe behind a computer screen. @liminal_luke It's amazing how we think the same way, I could've wrote your post without removing a single word from it, I also act like that with my family and friends, the same situation
  4. QiGong in public

    How do you guys practice QiGong or meditation in public? There was a very old post about it but that post was about this subject and it was great, if someone finds it please comment it here. I don't have a garden to practice Zhan Zhuang and I really wanted to do it feet on the ground, but the simple idea of people making fun, laughing, recording, taking pics etc.. these things completely wards me off of trying this. Do you think the problem is on me? Should I just do it and don't care about what people will think? Or should I just keep doing it indoors and avoid "trouble"? Where I live this is not common at all, no one does qigong or such things in public, actually, very few know about qigong in the first place Recently I've been meditating on the bus, but I don't cross my legs, I just use the normal seated position with back straight and mudra, I can do it for 10min until I arrive at my destination, and when I finish and open my eyes it's just noticeable people looking at me and trying to figure out what I was doing haha, not the most comfortable situation for a shy person like me I would love to hear your take on this
  5. What would you do...

    I wouldn't argue at all. I would just understand his point of view and I would agree with him, I wouldn't even try to show him my point of view, because as soon as I show that I think different, the other person might start arguing. I won't change his mind, he won't change my mind, so there's nothing to discuss. I won't waste my time and energy trying to prove a point. If someone wants to start a fight, just disagree on one of these: politics, religion, football.
  6. Hello everyone! Has any of you had it or still have, do you know why this happens??? This is something weird, it happened to me in two distinct moments in my life, I can't find any correlations as to what I was doing, so I don't know how to trigger it to happen again and also I have no idea why it stopped happening. It was a great feeling, I literally had to smile with some girls around me, it wasn't all of them but most of them triggered a smile response I can't understand. It was like my face had a life of it's own and decided to smile, it was a good feeling as I said but it was annoying because I often needed to look the other way to hide my smile or just look down to the ground so It don't look like I was hitting on them. It wasn't like the "women attraction" thing that is recurrent in this forum, it was more like they were attracting me and sometimes I couldn't look the other way around because there was people there too so sometimes I ended up directly smiling to some of these girls and I felt so awkward because I didn't want to be smiling at that moment. I don't even remember if they smiled back I was so nervous haha Can anyone explain this?? I think that it can be correlated to the heart centre opening but at the same it doesn't make much sense because in the past weeks I've been practicing Qigong like never before so it should be happening now but it's not, so I'm at a point that I don't even know if this is correlated to qigong, which was the only thing I could think of to trigger this. EDIT: Just to give a little more context, in the first time it happened it lasted for like 2 days and went away, then some months after that it happened again and this time I was aware of what was happening, but it also lasted less than a week, so these were very short but noticeable effects, very weird experience.
  7. QiGong in public

    Okay so no qigong at airports and avoid the bus-top, taking notes
  8. QiGong in public

    Why am I born in a place no one does these things in public, I'm gonna cry Actually I was thinking about just trying it once to see what will happen, not just simple moving qigong or ZZ, I was thinking about starting with something like spontaneous qigong, that would be wild
  9. Resting bitch face everywhere, I would be the coolest guy there
  10. Hello Can someone give me a good source for learning Loving-Kindness Meditation(metta)? I accept books, masters, paid courses, free courses, just give the best you have, let's make this post useful for others who also want to learn it and share love with the world
  11. It's been one and a half years now since I started in a Qigong system(SFQ) and I also do some other meditations when I have time to, like the free healing meditation with Xuan Daoji and ZZ. But I've been meditating and doing similar things for 5 years now. This is very interesting, I'm the opposite, I'm naturally very shy and closed around people, actually if you see me walking around you'll think I'm angry, I have RBF - Restless Bitch Face From the Wikipedia "Resting bitch face (RBF) is a facial expression that unintentionally creates the impression that a person is angry, annoyed, irritated, or contemptuous." It got to a point where I try to counsciously make my face feel more neutral so I don't look angry to the people around, I don't know why I make an angry face for no reason. But back to the topic: So most of the time I'm not smiling around people, but these times were different, I just felt the need to smile it was something that came from inside me, I still don't know if I explained it correctly, I'll give an example: When I'm around attractive women, I have my restless bitch face or neutral face, but those times were noticeably different, I just wanted to smile and it was as if couldn't handle it, it just felt so good for no reason at all
  12. Yes I get your point and I've always been anxious around attractive women, but It was different, I was feeling good at the same time, it was like I needed to smile, talking about it now I kinda remember a good feeling in my chest.
  13. Taoist Daily Practice Hacks?

    How do you do that? You close your eyes? I've been doing that but when I open my eyes some people are randomly staring at me like "bruh was he sleeping?" lmao I actually think I'll create a post about this subject, I've found a post about it some time ago and it was great but I can't find it now
  14. Spring Forest Qigong, among other benefits, is also known for helping people feel their Qi early on.
  15. Also the same movement in Damo Mitchell's Wu Xing QiGong(5 elements), this movement he uses for the Lungs, just a little different with the "visualization" thing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "But the question is is there any benefit to doing this, like just holding it in place for awhile. Does it build Qi?" -Klinsly In SFQ level one, after the above movement, you have another one which you roll the ball with your hands, Chunyi Lin says that it builds energy in the LDT.
  16. Hello everyone, I want to know why can't we just eat the herbs? Like Goji Berries, Black Sesame Seeds, all of these can be eaten to get the same benefits as a herbal tea or it's not the same? I can't find this information anywhere
  17. broo this book hahaha I bought it like 6 years ago after all those 5star reviews on amazon, tested it a few times but had no result, maybe it can work for you I'm just sharing my experience with it. About your questions, i think it's super safe because I can't see the energy work there, it's more about suggesting yourself to move in a certain way and the tapping shouldn't do you harm, it's actually used in some systems to bring the energy down after QiGong. About the karma thing, if you use it for doing good things for others I don't think it can hurt you, if you do good you will receive a good karma. I've read a book on Taoist Talisman Crafting and there's a part they say that you sould be careful whe helping someone because this energy can backfire to you, their explanation is "the energy is never destroyed it's just redirected so if you help someone and take that energy out this energy needs to go somewhere else". Just giving you another point of view on this subject, this could actually be a whole new thread. Also there's a thread here in TDB where someone asks help for someone else and people have an argument on these lines. But personally I don't buy it, if you do good deeds, you receive good karma, simple as this.
  18. How long does a Tao bum sleep?

    genius move In my own experience, the more energy I have the less I need to sleep There were times when I had to sleep like 10hours to feel revigorated, when i was just wasting my energy all day long, with heavy training in the gym, sexual misconduct, too much worries, in the end of the day I just felt drained. And there were moments in my life when I did more QiGong, conserved my energy and I was sleeping like 7h every night, actually there was so much energy that it was hard to sleep in the first place so I probably slept less than that. What I'm tying to say is that maybe it all depends on how much depleted you are on you energy level, at least that's what happens to me. REMEMBER: This is my experience, not a rule, maybe it's different for you.
  19. change name request

    Hello! I want to change my name to: Luks If it's already taken, change it to: Lukks If it's also already taken, tell me and I'll think of something different haha
  20. TCM Herbs - Why make a tea?

    Hmm got it, thanks, that makes a lot more sense Thanks! I'm still a beginner in this topic
  21. Well, if there's something I learnt since I joined TTB is "Stay away from Mantak Chia if you don't know what your doing" His teachings through a book can lead one to serious damage if done wrong, don't mess with sexual energy.
  22. TCM Herbs - Why make a tea?

    lmao haha I asked because I've read somewhere that alcohol is the best thing for transportation in TCM so I tought you meant something like that when you mentioned "vodka" haha Ok that makes sense, now I understand it, thx everyone Just another question: Once I read here in TTB but I don't remember who wrote it, but it was something like this: "Young people shouldn't use tonic herbs(Panax Ginseng as an example) because since you don't need to tonify Qi when your young you will just be adding more fuel to the fire and burn your Jing faster instead of building more of it" I don't know if I got this right but it doesn't make much sense too me, why would I be burning my jing faster with tonic herbs since they tonify, shouldn't I have EXTRA jing????
  23. TCM Herbs - Why make a tea?

    What about Goji Berries, do you think ppl get the same benefits eating them? Wait, is this serious? What does it works for?
  24. Hey Xuan , good night! I was able to practice almost everyday last week, some of the things that I felt: - A deep blue light would show sometimes(eyes closed), sometimes it felt like the colour would change but I can't confirm it, maybe it were just different shades of blue but these weren't as visible as the deep blue which I'm sure I saw - Lots of shaking, vibrations and stretches, most of them very strong and it hurt, but it helped my overall flexibility - Sometimes I would sing, one day I sang as if I was in a Opera, I'm glad I was home alone haha - Sometimes I speak in a different language, I have no idea what I was talking, it felt like something more Korean, Chinese or Japanese, I don't know, and I spoke as if I was angry or upset at something Thank you!