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Everything posted by Lukks

  1. Zhan Zhuang - Grounded or Ungrounded

    It's kinda funny how both topics I created people changed subject and had wrangle, maybe I should stop creating topics for the well being of this forum
  2. Zhan Zhuang - Grounded or Ungrounded

    Please, show me the website, I'm not sure if I will continue to practice, but I want to learn more about what I did.
  3. Zhan Zhuang - Grounded or Ungrounded

    Thanks, you are right, now I need to be honest with you guys, I messed it up, I'm so dumb. Yesterday I did Zhan Zhuang for like 15 minutes, then I decided to let my chi flow, doing some Zi Fa Gong, and after that I did 30min of seated meditation. The problem is that after the zi fa gong I started feeling disconfort in my chest and my heart was pulsating very fast, I had insomnia and today the symptom persists, my heart is beating faster, do you guys have any advice? I swear I won't go back to practice without a teacher, just help me I'm so dumb, what should I do?
  4. Zhan Zhuang - Grounded or Ungrounded

    I know, but where I live there is no teacher so I'm trying to find out things for myself and I know it can be dangerous, that's why I'm asking a lot of question hahaha, but thanks for the advice again Is this the same for qigong deviations? If I create a qigong deviation in my chest area(faster heartbeat, discomfort in the chest/heart area, insomnia), should I ground myself to drain this excess energy? By letting the chi flow you mean to just stand still and let the chi flow on it's own, which will create spontneous movement, correct?
  5. Zhan Zhuang - Grounded or Ungrounded

    What about Zi Fa Gong while standing in Zhan Zhuang posture, it can happen?
  6. This time I have a quick question Zhan Zhuang is a Yin practice or a Yang practice? I'm asking because I want to start a routine with a Yin practice and a Yang practice to have balance, but I don't know in which of them Zhan Zhuang stands, because in the outside it is a Yin practice but in the inside it generates movement so this a Yang characteristic. Thanks in advance
  7. Hey guys, I have a question, what exactly is store in the LDT?
  8. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    @freeform thanks! I asked because I read that people could get problems doing this the way I did it.
  9. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    Now that we're talking about anchoring, what about anchoring the breath? I started abdominal breathing something like 5 years ago when I was 17yo, but through the past 2 years I suffered a lot with overthink problems, should I have done the practice ''anchoring the breath'' from Damo before changing my breath forcefully to te belly area? I tried to change it back to chest breathing some time ago but it's so hard, it's like my new breathing point is my belly, can these emotional and overthing problems be related to forceful belly breathing? I mean, it's not forceful now, but when I started I always kept reminding me to breath from my belly and then It become natural to belly breath.
  10. Zhan Zhuang - Yin or Yang?

    yay it's exactly this one, I just got home but you found it first, thanks haha
  11. Zhan Zhuang - Yin or Yang?

    Thanks for the replies! According to what @Taomeow and @dwai posted, I probably misunderstood it from being MORE yin to ONLY yin. I will find the sentence and paste it here๐Ÿ™‚
  12. Zhan Zhuang - Yin or Yang?

    Welp, that's the reason why I didn't delete de post when I found my answer, because maybe there are people with a different opinion. BTW I'm not the one saying ZZ is Yin, as I said above, I just looked for the information and I found it inside one of Damo's books, at least that's what I understood. I'm still learning.
  13. Zhan Zhuang - Yin or Yang?

    Ok, so I went looking for the answer and found it in the book ''A compreensive guide to Daoist Nei Gong'' by Damo Mitchell, which says Zhan Zhuang is a more yin practice. So instead of deleting the post I will just leave it here since it can help other people with the same question, and the discussion will be open if someone discords on that or if someone wants to add more info.
  14. is it legit?

    just stay away from mopai...
  15. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    Nice, that's thr king of info I was looking for
  16. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    @liminal_luke yea exactly, don't know if we are talking about the same thing, but I got this idea from the nofap community which guys just retain semen expecting girls to jump on them lol So, it is beneficial to have stillness and movement in a system of training, otherwise the practitioner would create imbalances, so I tought about Zhan Zhuang and Tai Chi, which I think would be a great combination, any thoughts on this??
  17. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    Thanks a lot for this answer! So I guess a system which involves Zhan Zhuang and Tai Chi would be great, because I would be doind static meditation and moving meditation, any thoughts on this?
  18. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    And what about Zhan Zhuang in all of this, can someone who is not retaining his seed practice it, or they will be overstressing their bodies because the Jing will be low?
  19. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    Since we are all happy talking about jing, jing here, jing there, I have a very insteresting and maybe controversial question: WHAT IS THE ROLE OF JING IN WOMEN ATTRACTION? I'm asking this because frequently I used to stumble upon a discussion and someone would always say that ''oh I'm 30 days without ejaculating and girls look at me more and they want to date me and etc...'' , is this for real?
  20. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    I have another question, I believe it was said above that Jing also gets consumed when you think of sex all the time and keep getting erections, but what if I get random erections throughout the day without thinking about sex, what does this means? This means that I'm consuming Jing anyways because it turned Yang or it's just a normal process to get random erections?
  21. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    I believe it happens because it's linked to Jing depletion so it directly affects the kidneys which are related to the ears, just trying to make sense on all of this Yep, when the pandemy started(2020), my college started Google Meet classes and so I didn't have the need to wake up early, so I literally changed my routine to being awake until 5 A.M and sleeping until 1 P.M, it really messed with me, I went more than a year in this routine, just a few months ago I realized the damage and started looking for help, otherwise I probably would still be waking up at 1 P.M, daoist knowledge and @freeform who I asked some questions saved me lol Hmm interesting, I read somewhere that when the woman gets pregnant it actually gives her more longevity, but I don't remember where I read it and why it would do so, If I find it I bring it to discussion. Yes, I did cold showers for some time because I started watching all of those ''cold showers benefits'' videos on youtube and I joined the ''HYPE'', luckly daoist knowledge saved me... again About the breathing, that's very interesting, I heard a guy once saying that he practiced breath retention techniques while in the hospital with Covid and he got a lot better, because when you retain the breath it forces your lungs to open.
  22. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    Yea I'm actually asking everyone, I just quoted your post because you mentioned Jing and habits haha, BTW thanks a lot for your answer it was very helpful About the cold stuff, thanks for the info, I read it somewhere(maybe it was here in the Bums) but I can't find that discussion again, but I had this impression ppl were saying to avoid cold.
  23. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    Hmmm interesting, this still a concept hard to grasp for me, but I'm getting it, I just need time for it to make more sense, I really tought that using Jing to turn into Qi would consume that Jing. In example: I was told that Zhan Zhuang is a great way to generate Qi, but I tought that If I did ZZ I would lose Jing to turn a part of it into Qi. There comes my next question and I can relate it to your comment, so now I'm trying to understand something more about Jing formation: 1 - I would like to know if people with bad habits produce a low quality jing or they produce less Jing than a person with healthy habits, the difference is in quantity, quality or in both? 2- And I'm curious about what you guys think about COLD SHOWERS, does it consumes Jing and should be avoided?
  24. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    That was very helpful man, thanks a lot!!! But I want to continue this conversation with another 2 questions and in the end I have a very specific question hehehe, and everyone is welcomed to join this topic, let's share knowledge Now I will make 2 questions to speed up this post: 1- This Jing accumulated can be transformed to Qi, right? And If I transform Jing to Qi, this means I will have less Jing because I have transformed part of it to Qi through a practice that does this process of convertion, correct? 2- Jing is accumulated by a correct diet, celibacy, not overworking or overtraining, proper sleep and avoiding drugs and alcohol, but are there specific techniques to speed up this process, techniques to generate jing? I know these may be dumb questions but I need to understand the basics. Thanks in advance!
  25. Daoist Classes Online

    thank you!