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Everything posted by Lukks

  1. Hello everyone, I want to know why can't we just eat the herbs? Like Goji Berries, Black Sesame Seeds, all of these can be eaten to get the same benefits as a herbal tea or it's not the same? I can't find this information anywhere
  2. broo this book hahaha I bought it like 6 years ago after all those 5star reviews on amazon, tested it a few times but had no result, maybe it can work for you I'm just sharing my experience with it. About your questions, i think it's super safe because I can't see the energy work there, it's more about suggesting yourself to move in a certain way and the tapping shouldn't do you harm, it's actually used in some systems to bring the energy down after QiGong. About the karma thing, if you use it for doing good things for others I don't think it can hurt you, if you do good you will receive a good karma. I've read a book on Taoist Talisman Crafting and there's a part they say that you sould be careful whe helping someone because this energy can backfire to you, their explanation is "the energy is never destroyed it's just redirected so if you help someone and take that energy out this energy needs to go somewhere else". Just giving you another point of view on this subject, this could actually be a whole new thread. Also there's a thread here in TDB where someone asks help for someone else and people have an argument on these lines. But personally I don't buy it, if you do good deeds, you receive good karma, simple as this.
  3. How long does a Tao bum sleep?

    genius move In my own experience, the more energy I have the less I need to sleep There were times when I had to sleep like 10hours to feel revigorated, when i was just wasting my energy all day long, with heavy training in the gym, sexual misconduct, too much worries, in the end of the day I just felt drained. And there were moments in my life when I did more QiGong, conserved my energy and I was sleeping like 7h every night, actually there was so much energy that it was hard to sleep in the first place so I probably slept less than that. What I'm tying to say is that maybe it all depends on how much depleted you are on you energy level, at least that's what happens to me. REMEMBER: This is my experience, not a rule, maybe it's different for you.
  4. change name request

    Hello! I want to change my name to: Luks If it's already taken, change it to: Lukks If it's also already taken, tell me and I'll think of something different haha
  5. TCM Herbs - Why make a tea?

    Hmm got it, thanks, that makes a lot more sense Thanks! I'm still a beginner in this topic
  6. Well, if there's something I learnt since I joined TTB is "Stay away from Mantak Chia if you don't know what your doing" His teachings through a book can lead one to serious damage if done wrong, don't mess with sexual energy.
  7. TCM Herbs - Why make a tea?

    lmao haha I asked because I've read somewhere that alcohol is the best thing for transportation in TCM so I tought you meant something like that when you mentioned "vodka" haha Ok that makes sense, now I understand it, thx everyone Just another question: Once I read here in TTB but I don't remember who wrote it, but it was something like this: "Young people shouldn't use tonic herbs(Panax Ginseng as an example) because since you don't need to tonify Qi when your young you will just be adding more fuel to the fire and burn your Jing faster instead of building more of it" I don't know if I got this right but it doesn't make much sense too me, why would I be burning my jing faster with tonic herbs since they tonify, shouldn't I have EXTRA jing????
  8. TCM Herbs - Why make a tea?

    What about Goji Berries, do you think ppl get the same benefits eating them? Wait, is this serious? What does it works for?
  9. Hey Xuan , good night! I was able to practice almost everyday last week, some of the things that I felt: - A deep blue light would show sometimes(eyes closed), sometimes it felt like the colour would change but I can't confirm it, maybe it were just different shades of blue but these weren't as visible as the deep blue which I'm sure I saw - Lots of shaking, vibrations and stretches, most of them very strong and it hurt, but it helped my overall flexibility - Sometimes I would sing, one day I sang as if I was in a Opera, I'm glad I was home alone haha - Sometimes I speak in a different language, I have no idea what I was talking, it felt like something more Korean, Chinese or Japanese, I don't know, and I spoke as if I was angry or upset at something Thank you!
  10. I was very into this practice some years ago, never really did the practice but I read a LOT about it, maybe I can be helpful. I never practiced it because, as I'll explain, there are so so so so much variations that the more you read the more questions you have, so I decided not to practice without a master. There are a ton of variations for the sounds, different masters use different sounds, in example, I've seen that for the kidneys some say that "chway" is the right pronunciation while others claim that the correct sound is "Huuuu", so you never know. Some say that for you to get real benefits you should whisper the sound, claiming that this is the original and correct way to practice, others say that you should do the sounds out loud, then one time I read that whispering the sound has some different benefits from saying it out loud and both were correct ways to practice........ ============== The six sounds are depleting, what I mean by this is that they deplete the energy of the organ, so you should NEVER do them alone, that's why some masters, and I can include Mantak Chia here, do the "Inner Smile" after the sound to replenish the energy, It's been some time since I read it so I can't really confirm that the Inner Smile practice replenishes the organ's energy, what I remember was that you should never do the sounds alone, it was something like: DEPLETING, REPLENISHING and TONIFYING, something like this, I can't remember the exact details and order, but it was a complete practice not just do the sounds and leave. Gilles Marin a student of Mantak Chia has a great book on all of this stuff of working with each organ and a complete practice on each organ which includes not only the organ but working with the colors associated with it and the tissues, nervous system, so when you work with the kidneys you work with your ears, liver the eyes and etc... the name of the book is "Five Elements, Six Conditions", but I don't recommend doing the practice from the book without a teacher. ============== Once I read from a guy that you should do 6 repetitions of each organ and when you get to the kidneys you should only do 3 repetitions, because the kidneys are already very depleted daily by sexual misconduct and etc... So doing the kidney sound too much can worsen such problems, if you are already depleted this will only make it worse. There's also a correct order to do the practice and I've seen some discussions about it too, some masters don't say nothing about the order and others say that you should start with your liver, there's a reason for starting with the liver, I can't remember exactly why, but I swear it had a really good explanation based on TCM, I just can't remember to explain it here. So my conclusion was that there was a lot of different opinions on EVERY aspect of this practice from various different people, so I decided not to do it, but it's up to you, just be careful. Lately I found out that the best way to practice the "Six Healing Sounds" is by not practicing it at all... They will happen naturally when you start experiencing Zi Fa Gong(spontaneous movements) in your practice and these will help you to clear out traumas, phobias and etc.. at the right time, no need to force it. This process can also happen by running around, jumping, kneeling, screaming, crawling on the ground... Your body will produce the correct sound or body movement to help you clear such stagnations, it happens to me and it's really good, also weird if someone who doesn't understand the process sees you practicing hahaha (yes, my sister thinks I'm crazy hahaha) Damo Mitchell talks about it in his last book "A Comprehensive guide to Daoist NeiGong" and explains this process of Zi Fa Gong with more detail.
  11. Phone addiction

    Try Dopamine Detox, there's a lot about it on YouTube. There are people who had benefits with it and there are people who claim this doesn't work at all lmao so you need to do your own research. The sad part is that to learn how to get rid of your addiction you'll need to use your... phone...
  12. Hi to all

  13. Honestly I believe that everything is possible(or almost everything lol) Through several testimonies and everything I've read, these things are totally possible. You are looking at it with the wrong point of view. Do you think that these great masters and great yogis need to fake it? They just don't care. They won't show up at the mall and be like: "Hello everyone I'm a great yogi, look at what I can do!" They already dissolved their Ego, they won't read a scientific article and go "OMG HOW CAN THEY NOT BELIEVE SIDDHIS ARE REAL, I NEED TO GO THERE AND SHOW THEM THE TRUTH", because they know people aren't ready, they just won't believe anyways. They know that when YOU are ready to receive the teachings, YOU will find them, it's not the other way around. "When the disciple is ready, the master appears". The master won't knock on a skeptik door and try to convince him that siddhis are real and why he should start his wonderful journey with him lmao
  14. Hi! I did a post earlier asking about the shape of the LDT and showing a different approach I found to it, but no one answered, I assume ppl tought I was trolling LMAO I understood that it would go nowhere, so I edited it to "hehe", just delete that please. It's in "general discussion" Thanks in advance
  15. Good night Xuan! I have some questions about the practice: 1- Do I need to follow any rule like in SFQ, in example the 30min after practice to avoid cold water, going to the bathroom or eating something or I can just do that normally after the meditation? 2- Can I join the meditation late? If I can't join in the beggining, can I join like 5-10minutes late? I did that a few times because I couldn't join before and I feel that I still got a good connection to the practice, but I'm wondering if maybe that's wrong to join late. 3- If I need to leave in the middle of a meditation, can I? I'm asking this because today unfortunately I had an unexpected guest at home and I had to leave with only 20min of practice. 4- If I leave in the middle of the meditation, can I come back again later? Like today, I meditated for 20min and had to leave, would it be wrong if I came back after the guest left? I was thinking about just putting hands in prayer position again, connect to you and practice for the rest of the time left, but I'm not sure if I can do that. Thanks in advance!!
  16. How to build Qi?

    Today I was watching this video: by Damo Mitchell, and in the minute 21:18, from what I know, he refers to the Zhan Zhuang(ZZ) posture as not good for building Qi, and I always tought ZZ main purpose was exactly to build Qi in the body, so if it does not, what standing static practices build Qi? Basic Wuji standing? Or what other practices builds Qi? I recommend watching the full video for context, it's 22min total and you will understand better my question.
  17. this is actually a great post, let me ask you, do you have spontaneous movements while practicing SFQ? When I did it it caused me a lot of weird movements/twists in my body and sometimes I even fell to the ground, do you have any of these?
  18. Hello! I've been reading Voidisyinyang(Drew) content and he talks a lot about how does attraction from the opposite sex happens and how girls and also males can drain our jing. I have so many questions on this subject, maybe you guys can help me, so: Thanks in advance!
  19. Hello everyone! I was reading about Five Element Qigong in Spring Forest Qigong but I couldn't find much people talking about it or testimonials, I just want more information on how exactly are the exercises, are they moving forms like the other Wu Xing(five elements) qigong we see out there or are they exercises more focused on visualization? And how does it relates to SFQ level one or the whole SFQ system? And how these exercises work in our body to heal, do they remove past traumatic emotions, trapped emotions, etc..? I know probably there are a few people here who know these answers and they might not even see this post haha it's a very specific question and probably I will have no replies, but I hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance!
  20. Noob Question About Energy

    No question is a noob question! I'm also curious about that, let's see what others say, meanwhile, I can tell you that there are some QiGong forms which you should practice outside or you will have minimum results practicing it indoors, and there are other forms that it just makes no difference, also there are some forms where it's best to be grounded in the earth. I guess it just depends on what your teacher says and what style of qigong you are practicing.
  21. Wim Hof hemorrhoids

    I can answer that Some time ago I made a post here about the LDT, and in the middle of it we started talking about cold exposure, and I think we answered that question pretty well. Here's the link: It's 5 pages of content, we talk about cold exposure in the first page only. But if you are into LDT, Jing and Qi concepts it's full of knowledge there from our fellow bums! A quick spoiler: Don't do it(cold exposure) unless your master/teacher/sifu says so. But I find it helpful for you to read the arguments there, because we also mention the Wim Hof Method a lot. Have a good day!
  22. I can explain this part But first: Wow, I've been away for some days and this publication went to a whole different subject haha At the moment I'm practicing only level 1 and I can say that I felt chi in my hands in the first few days of practice, then the feeling went up to my arms , I feel good practicing it so for me it's working. I had heart palpitations sometimes and pain in my lower back which lasted for months, after starting the practice it all went away in 2 weeks of daily practice. If you think it's a scam that's completely fine as long as we can respect each other, I like to exchange ideas Ok so going back to that part I quoted you: I know a guy here where I live, he also treats people from distance, he is a vajrayana buddhist and also a clairvoyant. He treated a lot of people from mental, emotional and physical problems, and also treated people with cancer, he has medical reports of people who he treated, one of them with the doctor saying "it's a miracle". He has everything he needs to be a "billionaire" as you said, but you know what people think when they see this? They think "Oh, western medicine says that what he does is impossible! Energy blockages? Hungry ghosts? He pays people to give false medical reports, he is a scam!". Unfortunately that's how people look at Master Lin too. That's why they aren't rich, people just don't believe. Let me give you another example, my mom has severe depression and anxiety, I told her about this guy who can treat her, he already treated me from some problems I had in the past and with great results, but when I tell her what he can do, she just don't believe. It's fascinating, It got to the point where it's funny, because it just don't make sense to me, I'm telling her he helped me, I'm telling her "ask for just one session of treatment, if you don't feel nothing I never talk about that guy again" and you know what? She still says no because she just.. don't.. believe. And that's how people are, a medical report or a testimonial isn't enough. People are still blocked by western medicine concepts. I know in the future it will be different, people will start to believe and see that these things are possible, they will realise that you can be treated from cancer without chemotheraphy, you can be treated from your depression without drugs that can cause you more harm than good, you can be healed from your physical pains like magic, but unfortunately, that day is not today. English is not my first language, but I hope it's ok to understand.
  23. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    That's a good idea, thank you!
  24. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Yea I will wait until I can afford both