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Everything posted by old3bob

  1. John Chang - Jesus

    it is inferred that god has to maintain an eternal hell of suffering for the dammed, who else could? (which is not in Satan's power) No doubt Jesus is a great golden soul, but he is not bound by the dictates of human religion. Nor is he interested in being worshiped, what real brother would be?
  2. "Custer died for your sins", but....

    read trumps lips if you are deaf
  3. But trump apparently expects or really has no problem with hundreds of thousands or even millions dying for his sins!!
  4. John Chang - Jesus

    in the Book of Revelations some are blessed and others are eternally dammed; and god is taught as a Being that has the energy to maintain an eternally dammed realm for an untold number of beings to suffer in (aka hell) thus such a god is not a god of final reconciliation or love. Spirit is Spirit and faith and hope are important but it does not need a creation of god in our image.
  5. John Chang - Jesus

    the Bible does not put it that way, the Bible does not accept masters of other traditions as being equal alternates, right? Thus Christians can not have their Bible the way it is presented and also interpret or cherry pick it however they want as individuals or in groups. You mean well but there can be no peace in or from a Bible and its teachings that is based on absolute contradictions
  6. John Chang - Jesus

    Jesus is a lord of his own golden soul...but he does not lord it over anyone. Btw and if you haven't noticed Christianity is deeply riddled and flawed with 2000 years of mankind's meddling and co-opting for worldly and corrupt religious purposes which can easily lead to forms of individual and national madness. (for instance inquisitions, crusades, murders of nature related healers, genocide of millions of native peoples aka "manifest destiny", the horrors between Irish Catholic and English Protestant as just one example among dozens of other bloody rifts which include the dichotomies between various sects - many who dismiss each other as apostate, etc., etc., etc.. Such madness is also on display in the old Testament with a god that plays favorites and orders the slaughter of whole groups various peoples with his hate and wrath; thus there can be no human or spiritual reconciliation with such Abrahamic religious absolutes of contradiction.
  7. Long hair and feeling connected to nature

    long hair can also act as an earth ground path for static electricity caused by modern fabrics, no wonder Crystal Gale used it. I also have some ocean front property in AZ.
  8. Long hair and feeling connected to nature

    I don't miss my long beard except if it's below zero outside, imo a lot of this hair and beard stuff is quirky as us humans sometimes are... (it would be white/gray if I grew it again, btw I get a kick out of seeing how overweight and out of shape guys transform themselves into tough guys by getting their heads shaved and getting various tattoos along with wearing black or bad ass clothes with whatever embroidered or embellished symbols they may add to the mix.
  9. and when she does (along with her helpers and keepers) evil will no longer be able to demonically manipulate and cause suffering here, although still in the hell realms but not here.
  10. dollar & market both down 75% (or even more), not an if but when? It would take a great miracle to mitigate such a coming reality in the US going by all that is actually happening...the "new duck and cover" will probably include kissing your financial ass goodbye thanks to the powers of malice and greed that be. And only God knows how many deaths from the virus and other causes! The good news, Mother Earth wins in the end.
  11. Are the different types of kundalini?

    spiritual laws will kick in concerning what you are saying about navel gazing and abandoning certain dharmas....thus one can only get so far without giving back. Who knows for how many lifetimes or in what measure various masters have given back before they had partly earned and were also given the choice to leave or continue helping in this world...For instance one could say the historic Buddha had that choice after who knows how many lifetimes of dharmic merit he lived when he then decided to finally leave after he had done his part.
  12. Are the different types of kundalini?

    who really wants to give up identification as a particular person and all that that entails, to be unbound spirit beyond everything they know?
  13. Are the different types of kundalini?

    Dwai said: "The causal body is essentially the Self, covered in a veil of tamas (inertia). Not knowing this, and in fact, since most people are oblivious to their causal or even their subtle body, they begin to scratch the surface with kundalini practices -- but it usually won't have any effect beyond some "high" experiences. If one doesn't have a map to get to an unknown place, odds are that they can't reach their destination" Hello Dwai, I'm wondering about your use of terms above? A common parallel name usage for the term causal, its realm and related light body forms is the realm of the third world and of god like beings; (aka Brahma loka or Siva loka) but not as the transcendent, and beyond categories Self or Brahman...from which all else "springs" forth from as stated in the Chandogya Upanisad. (as just one definitive example from revealed doctrine) My take is that first springing forth of Prana from the Self is woven into countless light or soul bodies and is how the Self interacts with the 3 worlds yet such is not the Self per se. For what is woven will someday return to the unwoven.
  14. Are the different types of kundalini?

    so we have information about kundalini being the evolutionary factor yet the Self is non evolutionary....thus the Self does not evolve through a process of going up the spine through the chakras that we are often talking about...
  15. Are the different types of kundalini?

    one can get their head blown off but I would not recommend it...
  16. Are the different types of kundalini?

    Hello,simple sincere prayer instead of some type of meditation method may be the way to go until you get a much better handle on what is going on, more so if you do not have a qualified teacher...For some information there is, "Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Man" by Gopi Krishna which I believe is on Amazon. This author has written several books and gives lots of first hand details, that is if you haven't already come across him before. Stay well grounded, taking walks in nature and keeping up work on your normal daily routines and relationships goes hand in hand for balance and should be good general advice to help deal with changes...
  17. we often hear, "darkness is the absence of light", (which is true in basic science) but for a long time I've had another take on that saying in the spiritual sense as: darkness is light that has been twisted into darkness.... so untwist it and what do you get? Another thing that we often hear is, "all is one" which is fine or true from an "absolute, ultimate, beyond the beyond", abstraction that ultimately is not an abstraction.... yet in the meantime what are unknown numbers of souls supposed to do with what to many of them is a pie in the sky platitude that is inapplicable in their lives? The cosmic game of being between a rock and hard place plays on to make us strong? Who wants to take five?
  18. Krishnamurti quotes

    the anti-guru guru gave out some insightful gems, yet he was also a fanatic about his teachings or pov.
  19. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    neither does he have the energy by himself to keep up his shit storm but the demonic host reaching into this world through him and his lackeys and driving them on does, at least for an "x" amount of time via lies, corruption, fear, theft, etc.. So such a conspiracy (so to speak) starts on the other side in the lower astral world and will take down anyone or anything with non-human malice if, when and where it can get away with it !
  20. If karma is not perfect in its operation then we are all SOL... but since karma is perfect in its operation then mathematically or karma wise everything is how it should be, although it sure could be freeer, namely being free of binding karma's. Anyway who trusts that karma operates without error and that it doesn't need our corrections...although we need freedom from it per aligning with dharma's
  21. Perception is not Reality

    the deal is that "True nature" has no doubt of same or itself, for doubt is of duality.
  22. What counts as Idolatry to you?

    Just dropping in briefly: an astral or greater causal realm being (or god level deity) may use and thus temporarily inhabit (so to speak) a so called idol made for them to help link or connect into physical world to a certain degree....the 3 worlds are meant to have connections and exchanges between their Beings, with this being one way for such to take place.
  23. Perception is not Reality

    the energy (which can be great!) caught up in or accumulated in doubt (per-se) may remain so until without a doubt it bursts forth,
  24. Chasing after the brass ring that is projected to be out there somewhere and at some time is problematic to exhausting... We may study, read about and to whatever degree try to grasp for all sorts of wonderful mystical states, realms, Beings, teachings, histories, etc.. yet we'd likely be far better off simply putting one foot in front of the other and taking care of all the little things at whatever level we are actually at instead of trying to force a leap to what somebody else has attained; for someone else's attainment is not ours, and ours must be our own with its own satisfactions..(with some help along the way) Anyway I'm thinking of the sayings in Desiderata listed below. Desiderata Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy. Max Ehrmann, 1948
  25. drumming like a crazy man and listening to great drummers!