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Everything posted by old3bob

  1. to the op: seeking "siddhi's for siddhi's sake is a form of egotism or materialism and more of it!... for siddhis are a secondary benefit of true spiritual unfolding and resulting loss of ego, thus not an attempt to supercharge an ego trip.
  2. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    some kind of eternity exists as demonstrated in the length of this string...
  3. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    anyone offering any kind of remote psychic service over an internet site like this is at least suspect or worse... but anyone offering advice as to where to look for help in person regarding a well known and proven resource with credentials for said help is another story...probably resulting in a good story. (although not always)
  4. repeated for starjumper since he seems to get so much enjoyment being a trumpist and pasting stupid icons on my posts! ....which have been twisted and perverted at trump destructive rallies of hate, violence and cruel mockeries that are touted or chanted by him and his followers! Thus creating a state and arena lacking all spirituality and instead paying homage to and bowing down to an obvious malicious dictator and purveyor of hell mind. ("oh but he has learned his lesson", no we have not learned ours!)
  5. lots of "educated" people and even people who believe they are "spiritual" voted for and still support trump.... which is mind control or an accepted and growing insanity beyond all norms of reason, morality, decency, ethics, and common sense that a democracy can not exist without - such also shows a lack of humanity and related spiritual truths or the dharma's of tolerance, kindness, common ground co-operation, harmony with nature, etc.. which have been twisted and perverted at trump destructive rallies of hate, violence and cruel mockeries that are touted or chanted by him and his followers! Thus creating a state and arena lacking all spirituality and instead paying homage to and bowing down to an obvious malicious dictator and purveyor of hell mind. ("oh but he has learned his lesson", no we have not learned ours!)
  6. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    right, far crazier than the anti trump strings
  7. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    I was gone from the forum for a long time but do remember the strange, know it all vibe i got from Jeff... anyway anybody know what happened to Jones boy?
  8. since when is compassion or Grace logical? Anyway I have not said anything based on speculation, we make our own tea and drink it to.
  9. for our information: without love we don't get a home in the higher realms (although in certain cases a visitors pass is possible) so all the negative ego talk about this and that or calling humans devolved is a no go. (something I'm not innocent of either) Just imagine the Golden one when he said, "forgive them Father for they know not what they do".... "for he sunk beneath our wisdom like a stone" Leonard C.
  10. Are we already dead? Is this actually hell?

    Sounds like more twisted Mr. G crap, Rideforever, which he let go of himself in the end.
  11. Are we already dead? Is this actually hell?

    if you had ever crawled around in the horrors of the hell realms you would know far better, so no this is not a hell realm it is the earth realm. And give thanks for that!
  12. there is that old saying, "be careful what you ask for, you might get it!" so if a person normally runs on 120 volts but is curious what it would be like to touch 4000 volts or higher yet still has areas of resistance in them, which can be translated to mean lack of spiritual purity, then that higher voltage (& amperage ) is going to really rip and because of that something has to give and it won't be the higher voltage! (in Christian context, although not that good of match, at one point Jesus warned not to touch him) Human masters can make a safe connection to others without harm although one can or should expect instant karma to be possible...and lets face it few of us are ready to suddenly deal with our karmas coming on full force which we have wrought over a lifetime! As for many gods, not unlike the sun in the sky, they are of a different orders of beings than us and only certain of them connect safely to humans beings through their wisdom and love. Btw, Intense Guardian beings do not suffer fools gladly! Thus we come to another saying, "the need to know" -- which should never be forced, for who would force their hands (out of curiosity) to touch a 220 volt circuit at 200 amps?
  13. Help with stagnant kundalini

    I'd suggest you shift to only karma yoga until you have a truly qualified teacher to help or guide you, for in your coming to a public internet site probably says you do not have that yet? (and you are not alone in that)
  14. moral, ethical, philosophical, revealed teachings and whatever religious practices one may relate to are always in play otherwise the rocket will crash and burn...
  15. the basics or free teachings (so to speak) with a personal price are yama and niyama, which in the west are often divorced from various yogas since many people don't want to bother with them or don't believe in them and jump right into pranayama, kundalini and other yogas or methods which is foolish and even dangerous to do without said spiritual foundation and a qualified teacher...who imo may need some type of compensation to be reached or understood but not based purely on a money deal if they are worth anything.
  16. another fine reply by a fine man, namely Steve
  17. much of the basic/beginning or pre-teachings are free so to speak... then at some point direct contact with a true teacher is needed; and that cost is commitment and honesty to name just a few things. Anyone who is into money per-se or making a money deal for that which can not be bought or sold should be avoided and if they are not then the price paid could be very high for disappointment. (at least)
  18. why do various Buddhist teachings perpetually misuse the term "mind"? Vedic teachings make it clear what mind is and is not. I guess if people accept the misuse of the term with a different understanding for it then so be it. Btw all teachings come from Om or AUM and that is not hidden if and when it can be seen and heard. Nothing spooky about it....although what goes up can also go down.
  19. You could get information on the web at SRF, the Self Realization Fellowship in southern Calif. founded by Swami Yogananda.
  20. Kaivalya Upanishad

    Not by work, nor by progeny, nor by wealth, but by devotion to him and by indifference to the world, does a man reach immortality. Retire into solitude. Seat yourself on a clean spot and in erect posture, with the head and neck in a straight line. Be indifferent to the world. Control all the sense organs. Bow down in devotion to your Guru. Then enter the lotus of the heart and there meditate on the presence of Brahman—the pure, the infinite, the blissful. Unmanifest to the senses, beyond all thought, infinite in form, is God. The seers meditate on him and reach the source of all beings, the witness of all. He who knows him conquers death. There is no other way to liberation. The mind may be compared to a fire-stick, the syllable OM to another. Rub the two sticks together by repeating the sacred word and meditating on Brahman, and the flame of knowledge will be kindled in your heart and all impurities will be burnt away. He, as the Self, resides in all forms, but is veiled by ignorance. When he is in the state of dream that men call waking, he becomes the individual self… he is happy or miserable because of the creations of his mind. In the three states of consciousness, whatever appears as the enjoyer or the object of enjoyment, I am the witness thereof, separate from all. I am pure consciousness. I am the eternal Shiva. I am the knower…. I was not born; I have neither body, nor senses, nor mind, I, the Supreme Self, dwell in the lotus of the heart. I am pure. I am One without a second. Om Tat Sat Kaivalya Upanishad
  21. Tandav

    information related to this dance: https://www.hindujagruti.org/hinduism/knowledge/article/what-is-the-origin-of-tandav-dance.html
  22. Levitation and possibly flight?

    flying in itself is a very foolish goal...although one could travel across the entire cosmos in the blink of an eye (so to speak) if the spiritual need was very great, true and pure!
  23. Kaivalya Upanishad

    and or.... "Whoever digs a pit for others will fall into it. Whoever tries to roll a boulder down on others will ·be crushed by it [ have it turn back on them]."