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Everything posted by old3bob

  1. if one is fully enlightened they are a living precept so to speak and no longer need reminders (by rote) of situationally and time proven ones in writing, while everyone else can still benefit from or need practice with them... Btw. "crazy" behavior by everyone else could karmically land one in the hell realms.
  2. Awareness is not enough

    per revealed scripture of the Upanisads the Self knows The Self. (for if not all would be the "vanity of vanities")
  3. Awareness is not enough

    reminded of:
  4. Awareness is not enough

    we have our conditioned conscience and a deeper one based on what could be called dharmic conscience (or master if you will), and ideally they are not in too much conflict with each other...
  5. Awareness is not enough

    knowing if and when there is "a need to know" or to hold off if not, could save a lot of trouble...alas we often learn the hard way.
  6. Since ego self can not crack ego, then no in that sense...and with a true external party being found not to be external.
  7. having a major crack occur in one's ego could be a type sign post and better than any power except for those used for dharma by spirit; so sometimes to loose is to gain...
  8. Side effects

    'inductive reactance' (not unlike that used in electrical terms) gives one a warning or indication, thus the purity of zero or near zero resistance is needed along the way.
  9. Visualisation - any good?

    besides this or that "meditation" method... visualization is obviously a tool of the mind to create things that starts with a thought form and then bringing it into manifestation. (a carpenter could not do their job very well without seeing a project in their minds eye)
  10. increases in energy require increases in proper use and grounding...and there is that saying that 'the higher one goes the further they can fall" That is why we hear so much about having a qualified teacher to mitigate or prevent such back-firings which can get really hairy...
  11. This could be the year....

    they are removed... Btw members calling someone a leftie or a commie sounds political? (what else could such be called?)
  12. a warning: and anyone who puts themselves upon an altar is not a "Buddha"...
  13. Types of immortals

    no individual woven being or soul lasts longer than the cosmic cycle, so take the term immortal (of any kind) with a grain of salt. (the eternal Tao is not a separate, particular or individual soul of some kind)
  14. Precepts and Ethical Foundations of Daoism

    an ethical foundation based on dharma/law is paramount, without that a maw opens up and it is not particular about what falls into it.
  15. When the student is ready...

    Chapter 49 T.T.C. The Sage has no interests of his own, But takes the interests of the people as his own. He is kind to the kind; He is also kind to the unkind: For Virtue is kind. He is faithful to the faithful; He is also faithful to the unfaithful: For Virtue is faithful. In the midst of the world, the Sage is shy and self-effacing. For the sake of the world he keeps his heart in its nebulous state. All the people strain their ears and eyes: The Sage only smiles like an amused infant. (some may hope for a teacher like this...others may hope for power to dominate others)
  16. When the student is ready...

    on the other hand, how can a teacher know if a student is qualified...do they have down to earth honesty, common sense, and basic ability to do work, thus some basic virtues to start with. And if they are at the level of private, so to speak, they are then willing to learn from a corporal.
  17. Non-dualistic Shaivite school(s)

    the Himalayan Academy uses this outline for the tattvas, which includes evolution through (most of) them, thus different from some forms or schools of non-dualism.
  18. Change

    the tides of change are not central to our being if we have an anchor in the unchangeable.
  19. Non-dualistic Shaivite school(s)

    or for a non-"fat book": "Tao can be talked about, but not the Eternal Tao"...." Chapter one, sentence one, T.T.C. '
  20. Non-dualistic Shaivite school(s)

    I conclude that the mind of things does not and can not know what it is....so if one wants to pin things down one will have to stick to things...Btw. for pointers to that which can not be pinned down I'd suggest study of the Upanishads. (as a major source)