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Everything posted by old3bob

  1. A take along these lines from the Isha Upanishad: 9-11. In dark night live those for whom The world without alone is real; in night Darker still, for whom the world within Alone is real. The first leads to a life Of action, the second to a life of meditation. But those who combine action with meditation Cross the sea of death through action And enter into immortality Through the practice of meditation. So have we heard from the wise. 12-14. In dark night live those for whom the Lord Is transcendent only; in darker still, For whom he is immanent only. But those for whom he is transcendent And immanent cross the sea of death With the immanent and enter into Immortality with the transcendent. So have we heard from the wise.
  2. By Yutang Lin "Teaching of "Non-form" indicates non-attachment to form. Misinterpreted, it is adopted as holding to absence of form. Abiding in no forms at all, one falls into the abyss of void. Only in no grasping to form or non-form lies true liberation". (so its pretty easy to go off the deep end with certain interpretation's)
  3. Anger as Power

    anger can be dealt with, but if not dealt with and it turns into blind rage then harm is done to all...not unlike fear that can be dealt with until it turns into blind panic...
  4. You yourself are your worst enemy

    realization of Om Tat Sat will break the back of being our own worst enemy per a program in our mind...
  5. although I'd say the four-fold negation is a real gem if and when used well.
  6. negation and affirmation both have their uses, so types of negation often found related to Buddhism should be taken with a grain of salt imo. (same goes for getting carried away with affirmation)
  7. hippie

    you can't admit to the sarcasm in the quote you posted, is that some kind of a pattern?
  8. hippie

    just you in print and posted picture
  9. hippie

    ok, just that the previous sarcasm sounded that way...
  10. hippie

    521 Australian's died in Vietnam and 3k were wounded, 58,220 Americans died in Vietnam and 150k were wounded. American and Australian counter cultures and hippies were largely against the Vietnam war and not just slackers! "Make love (or Peace) not war" was what many were hoping for as an option to the daily death counts...
  11. man made stuff

    most of us have gotten smoke in the eyes with fire pits, this could help...
  12. man made stuff

    wow, look at this bridge! How would you like to be one who strung its cables across the canyon? In Yunnan province, China
  13. hippie

  14. "I am just guessing but I believe spiritual immortals simply move into the next life of Brahma when it ends if they don’t evolve to heavenly immortal level. Remember they have free will". by MetaDao There are some big differences on this point in Hinduism depending on which branch, major sect or sub-sect one belongs to. (which btw seems incongruent to me for several reasons which I won't go into, yet the different sects if following foundational precepts of Hinduism respect each other and such differences)
  15. one could spend lifetimes in study along these lines, and become quite the "expert" and historian, but that will never be enough or answer the burning need of soul for spirit...trying to turn over every rock and solving every riddle may be a need for awhile but has its limits....
  16. the Jewish and Muslim religions have their take... Rama Krishna a well know Hindu mystic of the past was said to study all major religions so one could look up his take along such lines...and of course many dozens of others well known to history.
  17. the general idea is found in most religions and mystical teachings
  18. a short note along these lines that can be found on the web... "Immortals are separated into Five Ranks, namely Human Immortals [ren xian人仙], Heavenly Immortals [tian xian天仙] Immortals, Spirit Immortals [shen xian神仙] , Earthly Immortals [di xian地仙] and Ghost Immortals [gui xian鬼仙]."
  19. Right, nobody can prove certain things to another, thus we have to get certain proofs first hand although pointers from others can help.
  20. Also Taoists here could explain more about various types or levels of "immortals"... (per their lineages or schools) but remember any being that identifies as a separate individual and not as eternal Brahman still has their days numbered, meaning such lives could be for hundreds to many thousands of earth years or even much longer if they evolve into an angel or god type of being, but even then the cosmic cycle or wheel still turns and only Brahman remains. Btw. the historic Buddha mentioned to Ananda that he could have remained for the remainder of the cosmic cycle but Ananda missed that import...(per Buddhist scripture)
  21. since your question is in the general forum...from Hindu teachings Brahman (not Brahma the creator or a Brahmin) is the eternal force within all beings that is beyond any death, thus the Brahman that is in a great god being is the same Brahman that is within human beings and all other beings. (although not of equal manifestations) Along this line we know that without food we might survive a month or more, without water maybe a week, without air around 4 minutes, without certain prana maybe a few heartbeats, but and in comparison without Brahman an instant end.
  22. Emotions are the path

    The way I'd put is that emotional energy can be used as fuel for walking the "path", among other things.
  23. The Gods and Magic

    all thoughts on "God" are just that thoughts, (or things) and how incredible when we realize thoughts are not the brass ring.