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Everything posted by old3bob

  1. Transcendence vs Integration

    it's a good bet to be more or less be agnostic about some of this material since we know that what is being pointed at can't be nailed down like other stuff. A take that was fortunately verified for me: the unique soul bodies are the countless evolving souls, thus not within that soul but as that soul (from the very young to the ancient golden elders, angels and gods!), while the one Self in all souls could be said to be the "Soul of souls". Further, at the end of a cosmic cycle all souls return...Btw. the historic Buddha per well recognized Buddhist doctrine alluded to Ananda several times that he could stay (which I'd take as in one form or another) for the rest of the cosmic cycle but Ananda did not catch his drift.
  2. Transcendence vs Integration

    no, no, no
  3. The Totally Boring News Thread

    yea it's crazy what some contractors charge. I got a bid for about $6,000.00 to dig an 18" deep ditch for a natural gas line, so I decided to rent a ditch witch machine for a couple hundred bucks and did the job myself, (with some help from my neighbor and sand fill-in help from my wife ) that went great until I hit some boulders and had to rent an electric powered jack hammer to bust them up. I still probably saved $5,500.00 on that part of the job and probably another $2,000+ on labor for the furnace install which I also did. (very carefully) for those that have never used a ditch witch its like a big chain saw but for dirt. Below is a one person backyard machine but they also have huge industrial ones for digging much wider and deeper ditches
  4. The Totally Boring News Thread

    with salmon?
  5. Transcendence vs Integration

    holy cow, contradicting yourself doesn't erase that either....
  6. Transcendence vs Integration

    espousing stuff like the following quote and not realizing it is a hardcore downer is revealing; (and fancy sounding two stepping won't erase that) "Sure. In my opinion paths, practices, models, traditions and religions are entirely conceptual and do not precipitate "awakening". It is very often dropping the methods and practices that creates the opening. Many traditions acknowledge this..." Stirling many traditions don't resort to grandiose or foolish denials or throw the baby out with the bathwater, got it?
  7. Transcendence vs Integration

    yes, btw. the term "God" can be problematic per projections of the mind, while the Self is not of the mind nor bound by realms of the mind. (with "mind" being another one of those terms that needs to be agreed upon as to its meaning for folks to see eye to eye)
  8. The Totally Boring News Thread

    here is a safer place to sit you just have to have good balance and good shoes:
  9. Transcendence vs Integration

    My take: Soul body evolves, Self does not for if it did then it could also devolve and perish. There is only one Self in all souls or selves not quad trillions times whatever number of unique Self's like there are souls, whether they are young or ancient "immortals" in the cosmic cycles, cycles which are very far beyond our earth time. Some schools deny the soul which is throwing the baby out with the bath water to me.
  10. Transcendence vs Integration

    throwing the baby out with the bath water is a downer.
  11. The Totally Boring News Thread

    and lived to tell about it, must have been the omega 3 or is it omega 6 or Alfa and Omega?
  12. The Totally Boring News Thread

    I've been on the edge of my seat waiting for an update on the salmon saga...
  13. Transcendence vs Integration

    you could get off of getting down...
  14. Stranger things

    and thus no walk-in clothes and shoes closets that are bigger and in better shape than many of the homes of 3rd world folks! (with a great many that have no homes) in heaven there are no clothes that's why we wear them here. (although and apparently there are a lot of nice robes)
  15. Transcendence vs Integration

    speaking of karma related things, 5 minutes of adharma could take 5 years or 5 lifetimes to work out or bring back too a clean slate...for there is no free (karma) lunch. (although some cooks will help us clean up what is on our plates)
  16. Stranger things

    or no electricity at all... a lot can be said for these old reliable babies most of which were so called "upgraded" with a small electric motor.
  17. The Totally Boring News Thread

    an old favorite (not)
  18. The Totally Boring News Thread

    and they got paid for that ?!
  19. What God Looks Like

    I'll take ineffable
  20. Stranger things

    ok, btw i meant chemical alkaline like soda types... the following could also go in the boring thread although we know how good you are with data; btw. and a warning this might get burned somewhere into your vast memory bank forever if you read it ... "Sodium bicarbonate in dairy rations Edward J. DePeters 0 Alan H. Fredeen 17 Donald L. Bath It’s not needed when rations include alfalfa hay Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO,) has been used in ruminant diets to buffer rumen conditions under situations of dietary or rumen acid stress. For example, sodium bicarbonate has been added to diets of sheep and cattle entering feedlots because of radical (dietary) adjustments from diets of high roughage to high grain, which are associated with rumen acidosis (reduced pH). However, the efficacy of sodium bicarbonate in buffering the rumen environment is variable. Sodium bicarbonate has also been used in dairy cattle diets at the beginning of lactation. At 0.7 to 1.5 percent of the diet dry matter, it has improved feed intake and milk yield in early lactation when added to diets based on corn silage as the forage. In addition, improvement in dietary fiber digestibility has sometimes been observed and has been associated with the maintenance of a more favorable rumen pH (6.6 to 6.8) environment for cellulolytic microorganisms. Consequently, sodium bicarbonate can sometimes be partially effective in maintaining normal milk-fat percentages when high grain, milk-fat-depressing diets are fed. Improving the rumen environment for cellulolytic microorganisms shifts the rumen fermentation towards acetic acid production, which is favorable for milk fat synthesis. There has been little work evaluating sodium bicarbonate in dairy diets based on alfalfa hay as the forage. Alfalfa hay differs from corn silage in at least three aspects that may reduce the need for supplemental buffers: (1) effective fiber level is higher in alfalfa; (2) alfalfa has a higher buffering capacity; and (3) unlike corn silage, alfalfa hap is not acidic when fed. In these experiments, we added sodium bicarbonate to diets based on alfalfa hay as the forage to evaluate its effects on digestibility of dietary fractions and rumen characteristics when fed to dairy cows in early lactation. We conducted two experiments at the dairy facility at University of California, Davis. In experiment 1, four Jersey cows in early lactation were fed complete mixed diets containing 0, 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 percent sodium bicarbonate (table 1) in a Latin square design in which each cow received each diet for 21 days. Diets were 40 percent chopped alfalfa and 60 percent concentrate. Cows were fed and milked twice daily, and feed and fecal samples were collected for estimation of diet digestibility. Feed intake and yields of milk and milk components were recorded. Rumen samples were obtained by stomach tube from each cow two hours after feeding. In experiment 2, four first-calf Holstein cows fitted with permanent rumen fistulas were fed complete mixed diets containing 0, 0.4, 0.8, and 1.2 percent sodium bicarbonate. Diets of 30 percent chopped alfalfa and 70 percent concentrate were fed in a Latin square design. Cows were fed twice daily and milked three times daily. Feed and fecal samples were taken for digestibility determination. Milk samples were collected at each milking. Rumen fluid was sampled at one hour before and at three, six, and nine hours after the morning feeding for each diet and animal. Within each experiment, the addition of sodium bicarbonate to complete mixed diets containing alfalfa hay did not affect feed intake, milk yield, or milk composition (table 2). Feed intake and milk yield were high and normal for cows in early lactation. In both experiments, milk fat was normal and remained unchanged with sodium bicarbonate addition to the diets. Apparent digestibility of dietary components was not affected by sodium bicarbonate in either experiment (table 3). In experiment 1, there were no differences in apparent digestibility of dry matter, crude protein, energy, or fiber fractions. Similarly, in experiment 2, apparent digestibility was not significantly affected, although there were small nonsignificant increases in digestibility of cellulose and acid detergent and neutral detergent fiber at 1.2 percent sodium bicarbonate. Previous reported research has shown either no change or an increase in fiber digestibility with sodium bicarbonate addition to diets with corn silage as the forage ingredient. Molar percentages of rumen fluid volatile fatty acids were not affected by sodium bicarbonate in experiment 1 (table 4). The acetic-to-propionic ratio increased slightly with sodium bicarbonate addition, but all ratios were above the level associated with low milk fat. In experiment 2, molar percentage of acetic acid was markedly elevated and propionic acid was reduced in cows fed the diet containing 0.8 percent sodium bicarbonate when compared with the other diets. As a result, the acetic-to-propionic ratio was also significantly greater for that diet. As in experiment 1, the acetic-to-propionic ratios for all diets were above the level associated with milk fat depression, and milk fat was not affected by sodium bicarbonate addition to diets containing alfalfa. Rumen pH was significantly affected by sodium bicarbonate addition to the diet (fig. 1). Diets containing 0 and 0.4 percent sodium bicarbonate were associated with a rapid decline in rumen pH following feeding for six hours. In contrast, diets containing 0.8 and 1.2 percent sodium bicarbonate showed rapid decreases in rumen pH during the first three"
  21. Stranger things

    there are some alkaline products that can reduce their digestion/gas output
  22. Transcendence vs Integration

    not so for me and algebra, hard to get in and easy to lose. (although i like trig)