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Everything posted by Heartbreak

  1. Gay alert doesn’t mean I hate gays. If CT can mess with me can’t I mess with Miroku? Btw every post I reply to you will start off with stalker alert or troll alert from now on. Can’t take a joke?
  2. Gay Alert! I don’t think being a K-pop star gives you the time or energies for sex or wanking.
  3. Women and Buddhahood

    Complete BS there are plenty of royalty politicians rich people who meditate. How much money do you need to become aware enlightened?
  4. Sure Happy Wanking off your precious seed energies to unworthy women.
  5. Since Earl Grey likes to jump the gun so much, I like to add that this gal’s facial features are simply ugly and extremely materialistic from a face-reading point of view. I wouldn’t bed her even if I am paid to do so.
  6. Oh cmon now if you can measure a woman’s enlightenment by her willingness to surrender to dicks I am sure English-Speaking Western Women would be champions of that league.
  7. I thought you should be better than Ralis.
  8. The perfect weapon

    https://mobile.twitter.com/jenniferatntd/status/1242190711732285440?s=19 Hospital refuses to admit #CCPVirus patient as they want to keep "zero new case" record. Upset family starts a fight with staff, on Mar. 23, Not sure which hospital.
  9. Western Males who are truly into Spiritual Cultivations are the stars among the trash.
  10. You think just because western countries like the US have greater level of wealth and income equality, that means there is a higher quantity or higher levels of spiritual masters in that country? If you are a true spiritual cultivator you wouldn’t need even food water or air. All I am saying is if you are trying to become enlightened the last individuals on earth to get close to are English-Speaking Western Females.
  11. Why don’t you figure out what is the real meaning of deviant vs non-deviant acts via the law of vibration. This guy is just a mere 23 years old Western Male and even he has much more spiritual potential and energies than Ralis.
  12. Sure .. any real spiritual practitioners like Dawg have already fled to the East a long time ago.
  13. I am not a western male or female. There are far more powerful male spiritual Teachers in the East than in the West. Those two female Caucasian Teachers are not as powerful as an army of even higher Thai Archans. I am not offering marriage dating advice. I am offering advice on spiritual power cultivation.
  14. How many precepts are more openly breached in the West than in the East? Just look at the level of Sexual Deviancy in the West. How many precepts against Wrongful Sex breached? Just look at how much alcohol and drugs are consumed in the West vs the East. How many precepts against intoxication breached? Just look at the level of violence and the number of guns in the West vs the East. How many precepts against murder breached?
  15. If you want an Enlightened Female Wife, find someone who don’t speak English and/or who is not a Western Female.
  16. What makes you think the Daoists or masters from other traditions do not meddle in earthly affairs? You think they don’t use their power to meddle in the consciousness of this planet and correspondingly the Universe?
  17. The perfect weapon

    https://mobile.twitter.com/lokinhei/status/1241220936906338304 Report by @appledaily_hk , Japanese news outlet interviewed Wuhan doctors, and confirmed Wuhan has stopped testing, that is why new case = 0 there. They release people in quarantine early too.
  18. There are Dark Government Agents in Dao Bums seeking to discredit sincere spiritual practitioners.
  19. I am sure most of the serious spiritual practitioners in this forum have some sorts of spiritual powers attainments which is why you say some humans are protecting me in this forum from becoming another statistic. I most sincerely thank any humans who have been protecting me even giving me hidden insights gut instincts about what’s going on. Let’s just start from one simple question.. how and why would my head explode if I know what is going on? Don’t you know or feel that I have one of the most open minds in this forum so why can’t I accept any crazily astonishing truths about what’s really going on?
  20. The church is the epitome of darkness even though it claims allegiance to God. Why do you think the Church particularly Catholicism more than Christianity denounce meditation yoga occult as demonic? Simply because one of the key orders of darkness and evil exist with the Vatican Catholic Church itself. Any orders of evil darkness would denounce any form of real attainments of real power to be “demonic”.
  21. If the coronavirus is not created by dark energies from negative entities what’s the use of chanting mantras then? You know I know We know that this coronavirus simply all manner of chaos disasters illnesses disease death is created by dark negative entities fighting against the celestial forces. So why can’t we talk about this openly seeing that there are plenty of shamans and sorcerers in this forum?