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About Cleansox

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  1. Sounds logical though. If (my lack of insight in magic is abyssmal) magic is about changing an aspect of reality, forming ones intent with a visualisation to create a thought-form that can be infused with power seems like a good idea.
  2. This also makes you look like an aggressive idiot. Your lack of understanding of the english language, combined with your "mission" stated below, really works against you. Especially since the one looking for students is... you. But maybe the problem lies in the fact that this is a discussion forum, and you will have to cope with the fact that anything you write can and might get disagreed with? If you find that a problem, and you have no other way to cope with that than being rude, you can always choose to stick to your ppd.
  3. Because not everyone are studying Nei Dan Shu? I'm positive that a lot of people can't find the right way, microcosmic orbit or not. Most texts about neidan seems to cover the subject of "most teachers are ignorant of the true way".
  4. I can tell... Actually, I feel great. But thanks for caring šŸ˜
  5. I believe most people who study nei dan shu is aware of that. As far as I can tell, most people who practice beyond a beginner level knows this. And this. Quite a few agree on this as well. Because they are not the same, and one has to release the acquired mind. Most seems to agree about this as well.
  6. Key term being "first stage". Tong rendu, clearing the ren and du mai. And not every method use the acquired mind (Chia-style) to do the job (should really cross-link to the other thread where this came up today. Seing newer posts on the subject, there seems to be some kind of hang-up on this. This can be seen in older threads on the subject, where for example the DaoDe group (WLP and the other lineage they taught) over and over again tried to explain that it was not the main, almighty method used.
  7. Then we share the same problem. šŸ˜ Would have been easier if you translated the titles. That's an idiom, basically meaning that there is a disagreement when it comes to how to practice. And everyone likes his/her method.... Because it is sort of mentioned/alluded to in a classic text or two? "diandao" and "ni" are the terms that the term seems to originate from.
  8. If I get it right, you are lifting the old discussion about what a proper nei dan shu should be. Truth to be told, one persons nei dan shu is the other persons "Bloody stupid practice". While nei dan is based on reversal, which is not natural in the normal sense of the word, some methods are more contrieved than others. But which methods will allow us to Awaken to Reality? And which will not?
  9. I'm sorry to say, that there are so many specific terms in those texts that translate poorly, so the point you are trying to make is thoroughly lost.
  10. Yes, it is an entry point, nothing more.
  11. is it legit?

    Add the material on thedaobuns, and it is flashback-time.
  12. Zhan Zhuang - Grounded or Ungrounded

    That might be depending on terminology. I would not call any approach alchemical until after the replenishing process has started, following the terminology described by Wang Mu. The method is a standing posture not unlike what Damo Mitchell calls wuji, but with more emphasis on the six channels rather than the lower abdominal area. Some of the principles seems to be the same though, so neigong would be an appropriate term. It leads, among other things, to something not unlike what Damo Mitchell describes in the book Heavenly Streams. To muddle the terminology a bit, the principles that are the focus in the method I practice are also used in the beginning of the alchemical process, but the postures are different and by then one has learned to access other aspects of energetics and awareness.
  13. Zhan Zhuang - Grounded or Ungrounded

    In the tradition I practice, we balance the expression of the emotions and regulate the congenital channels before this happens, and it is usually happening within a context where we, by proper positioning and mudras, gently encourage energy to move deeper. The movements are more of a swaying nature, and fade out when the tissues no longer overreacts to the increased flow. Flailing around for two hours would be a sign of incomplete or improper preparation in what I practice. But we are all shaped by the methods we utilize, so it is of no surprise that we do things different.
  14. Zhan Zhuang - Grounded or Ungrounded

    Two consecutive hours of spontaneous movements? That's a..... lot. And one needs a certain amount of space as well? So that one will not hurt oneself, or others? I wonder how well the translation works. The notion that only talanted people can move in to spontaneous movements must be an interesting choice by (Google translate?). As far as I can tell (IME and from other describing it), it can be triggered rather easily if it is the goal of ones practice (and I would say it feels different from when it starts truly on it's own). The question is, when does it progress from spontaneous to habitual movement? That some that does this are taught that they are special, well, that is another matter.
  15. Zhan Zhuang - Grounded or Ungrounded

    You have got some advice already here. IF you want to continue with this line of practice , I can guide you to a website where a group that has this as their main thing discuss the pros and cons with it, including showing what you did that might not have been such a good idea. They have at least one instructor as a member here, although not so active.