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Everything posted by Cleansox

  1. It would be a pity if the comments to your thread was only critiqal, especially since much of it reflects my experience as well. This is my experience as well. Although I would disagree about this one. Using "semen" here, while possible, tend to raise objections. For example, can't women practice and get result? And, can a beginner reverse manifest semen to qi without actually loosing a lot of energy in the process? Absolutely. Standing and relaxed breathing is enough, or reverse breath. I tried holding and other forceful methods when I started out, it enhances the sensation of Qi, but I felt it took away my chance to develop from what the specific stance had to offer. Yes, but that will happen with natural breathing as well. I used to wrap a towel around me, and I had to wipe the floor after practice. That passed, and was long before the practice did any serious work on the Qi level. The last part not necessary... Absolutely. Yes, the teacher adjust the practice according to the target population. Post heaven refinement, very good for the three mentioned above.
  2. Breath stopping, perhaps, as a natural reaction to practice. Breath hold, probably not. There are lists of things not to do (in the Chinese tradition),I'm sure breath holding is on it. Edit: I just saw that you in the first post called it "qigong alchemy", a term I am not familiar with, so....
  3. Questions on Yangshen

    I recommend avoidance mode 😁
  4. Questions on Yangshen

    Note how I go in to avoidance mode when such a direct question pops up 😁
  5. Questions on Yangshen

    Well, it answered the question 😁 But ok, true yin + true yang +true intention makes marvellous result.
  6. Questions on Yangshen

  7. Sexual Jing: Is It Really Limited (?)

    See it like this, the mind takes damage when we build up an impulse and then inhibit it. That is a major component in the theory that the neuropsychological thread Taomeow started is based on, prediction theory and active inference. Any one might interpret behavioural inhibition as "power" in the beginning, but (relevant to the sexual context) its a fuckup in the end. Point being, one doesn't have to go to a holistic asian system to get the idea that semen retention is a doubtful practice, there are modern neuropsychological theories that support that idea as well. Or, just don't....
  8. There are many methods leading to Nei Dan, and any practitioner tend to have the fault of using ones own practice as a standard when comparing, and so do I. Looking at the fusion practices: Is it a good idea to allow the five to become three to become one? Yes! Would I do that by mentally create bagwas and mentally suck energy to them from the Organs? No. Is it a good idea to work on the Dai Mai? Yes! Would I do that as described by Chia? No. Is it a good idea to work with the energies of the eight trigrams? Yes! Would I circulate them in my MCO at the speed of light by speed chanting the names of the trigrams? No. Would I create an energetic body above my head and try to transfer my consciousness to it? No.
  9. Damo Mitchell? tell me what you think

    I quit following this discussion because I felt it became a dead-end, and then I see that you got right back on track! If we are talking textual support, the Wuzhen Pian (the regulated verses) clearly is the base for what you wrote, and from the view of the southern lineage, post heaven energetics in it self doesn't lead to celestial immortality. So, good post!
  10. I tried in my ppd. I have to leave a dot., can't leave a total blank post, if I tried that, all deleted text was restored by the editor. Is this the same as you are describing @Earl Grey?
  11. Retrograde orgasm (Mature conversation)

    There are a bunch of old nei dan threads on this forum that should have ^ as a final post.
  12. Retrograde orgasm (Mature conversation)

    Yes, the idea of first manifesting energy to a lower level and then trying to get it back is sort of a waste of, well, energy. I'm married, the one doesn't exclude the other. Unless you want to have copious amounts of sex. Naaah. Just keep doing that Chia stuff, it might work better for you than for me.
  13. Retrograde orgasm (Mature conversation)

    No. Because you want to transmute it before it becomes sexual energy. But if you are in to Chia's stuff: Why not? Better than the hot draw. Depends on your goal. Do you want to be able to have huge amounts of sex? Then yes (Chia's version). BTDT. Or, if you refer to the methods that latched on the tantric wave, I don't know. Haven't practiced that. But again, it depends on your goals and which prize you are willing to pay to reach them. Again, BTDT, price tag was higher that what I got out of it.
  14. Retrograde orgasm (Mature conversation)

    Meditation, breathing, movements, static positions. Intent, lack of intent, movements, static positions, spontaneously. Let me count the ways... 😁
  15. Retrograde orgasm (Mature conversation)

    Non-sexual methods. Since the non-ejaculatory methods are based on (forceful) behavioural inhibition, and behavioural inhibition cause blockages,... ... .
  16. Neidan plan

    It helps even if one is just practicing basic qigong. Usually one lay the foundation before doing Nei Dan proper. Depends on the position, the teaching, and the student. But yes, long time standing will open and activate a lot of things. And you can focus on just one position, or have a smorgasbord of them, again depending on teacher and student. This is a hard one. To some, "nei dan" is a generic term for any transformative method. For others, Nei Dan is considered a more specific method of practice. There has been some argument about this in the past. That depends. Again. Some claim that in order to store qi in the LDT, it has do be developed properly. Some say that one circulates qi in the Du + Ren, but if one don’t do that but let them develop naturally, they will accumulate and the difference between them will create an arc discharge, as seen on the Nei Jing Tu. Reading is good.
  17. Retrograde orgasm (Mature conversation)

  18. Neidan plan

    @forestofemptiness is right, if your goal is Nei Dan then starting from within an organisation that claim to teach it will be time efficient. Unfortunately, @Iskotehas a point as well. A long history of Nei Dan has left us with a wide array of practices, leading to different places. I hope you find a practice that leads you to where you want to go!
  19. Retrograde orgasm (Mature conversation)

    I believe that the point of the thread was how to not have a "happy ending". But a happy ending is better than happeh theory 😁
  20. Diagram of Cultivating Perfection (Xiuzhen Tu)

    Poster size? You could always buy a poster.... Or maybe not. I bought a nei jing tu full-size printed on cloth poster from China years ago. A waste of money, one needs a photograph of the original. Don't know if it is the same with the xzt.
  21. Diagram of Cultivating Perfection (Xiuzhen Tu)

    @pitisukha Mikael Ikivesi made a translation in 2009, diagram of cultivating perfection. Try Google that. 47 pages of joy, page three is the entire chart image. There is also a document, "Hsiu-chen Tu" author inknown, that have some nice images in it. Catherine Despeux "Taoism and Self Knowledge", I believe it can be bought as a pdf. Great book! Damo Mitchell's book White moon on the mountain peak also have it.
  22. Neidan plan

    More or less any qigong set.
  23. Some just get stuck in the Void.
  24. Compare common meditative experiences with common dissociative symptoms. Scary, really. But a Xian is a transcendent, and Nei Dan reverses the course of Nature. "Natural" isn't compatible with this.
  25. Well, during the last few millennia, groups of people loosely speaking about the Dao have published a severe amount of books and images containing philosophical and practical guides for posterity. A small amount of that is translated into european languages, and some of the basic elements, like yin and yang, do seem to have made it into a vague common knowledge in western societies as well.